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Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices Namespace


Class Description
AccessDeniedException The exception that is thrown when the password extension fails to set the password in the connected directory.
AnchorAttribute Represents an anchor attribute associated with a CSEntryChange object.
Attrib Represents an attribute that is associated with a CSEntry object or an MVEntry object. You can create an instance of this abstract class only in a derived class.
AttributeChange Represents an attribute associated with a CSEntryChange object. It has a property of its modification type.
AttributeDescription Represents an attribute description object.
AttributeDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of AttributeDescription objects.
AttributeDescriptionEnumerator Enumerates the descriptions of attributes in an object. To retrieve an instance of the AttributeNameEnumerator class, call the CSEntry method or the MVEntry method.
AttributeNameEnumerator Enumerates the names of attributes in an object. To retrieve an instance of the AttributeNameEnumerator class, call the CSEntry method or the MVEntry method.
AttributeNotDefinedAsSourceException The exception that is thrown in either the MapAttributesForImport method or the MapAttributesForJoin method when a rules extension accesses an attribute that is not defined as a source attribute for the current flow. For information about defining source attributes, see “Select attributes” in the Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 (FIM) Help.
AttributeNotInInclusionListException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension requests an attribute that Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) does not select for use.
AttributeNotPresentException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension accesses an attribute that is not present on an object.
BadServerCredentialsException The exception that is thrown by a connected data source extension when the credentials that are used to connect to the connected directory are not valid.
ChangeTypeDescription Represents the change type attribute on an object. The attribute is used to determine the type of operation that will occur when an object is imported or exported to the metaverse using the Enterprise Connectivity management agent. The attribute values are set in the Advanced dialog box of Create Management Agent for the Enterprise Connectivity management agent.
CloseExportConnectionRunStep Call-based export information passed into the CloseExportConnection method.
CloseImportConnectionResults Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service during CloseImportConnection.
CloseImportConnectionRunStep Call-based import information passed into the CloseImportConnection method.
ClosePasswordConnectionException Thrown by a password extension to indicate an error while ending the connection to the server.
ConfigParameter Represents a configuration parameter that is used to create an extensible management agent.
ConfigParameterCollection Represents a collection of configuration parameters. Each configuration parameter is represented by a ConfigParameter object.
ConfigParameterDefinition Represents a ConfigParameterDefinition object.
ConfigParameterEnumerator Enumerates a collection of configuration parameters. Each configuration parameter is represented by a ConfigParameter object. To retrieve an instance of the class, call the ConfigParameterCollection method.
ConfigParameterKeyedCollection Represents a ConfigParameterKeyedCollection object.
ConnectedMA Represents a management agent that contains connectors to a metaverse object.
ConnectedMACollection Represents a collection of ConnectedMA objects.
ConnectedMACollectionEnumerator Enumerates a collection of ConnectedMA objects. To retrieve an instance of the ConnectedMACollectionEnumerator class, call the ConnectedMACollection method.
ConnectorCollection Represents a collection of connector objects. Each connector object is represented by a CSEntry object. The collection object is retrieved from the Connectors property.
ConnectorCollectionByDN Represents a collection of connector objects that can be indexed by distinguished name. Each connector object is represented by a CSEntry object.
ConnectorCollectionByIndex Represents a collection of connector objects that can be indexed numerically. Each connector object is represented by a CSEntry object.
ConnectorCollectionEnumerator Enumerates a collection of connectors. Each connector is represented by a CSEntry object. To retrieve an instance of the ConnectorCollectionEnumerator class, call the ConnectorCollection method.
CSEntry Represents an entry in the connector space.
CSEntryChange Represents an entry in the connector space.
CSEntryChangeResult Represents the changed result for an entry in the connector space.
DeclineMappingException The exception that is thrown when the method cannot produce a mapping. In some cases, if another mapping is available, that mapping is executed. In those cases, this exception is thrown to allow attributes from a management agent with a lower precedence to flow to the metaverse. For more information, see the Remarks section.
DroppedConnectionException Thrown by an extensible extension when the connection between the management agent and the connected directory no longer exists.
EndConnectionException The exception that is thrown when the EndConnectionToServer method in a password extension fails.
EntryExportException The exception that is thrown by a connected directory extension when an entry cannot be exported.
EntryPointNotImplementedException The exception that is thrown by an extension when Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) calls an entry point that is not implemented by the extension.
ExchangeUtils Provides a set of utility methods that you can use to create new objects. You can call the static methods of the ExchangeUtils class only within a rules extension inside the Provision method.
ExportRunStep Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service during export.
ExtensibleExtensionException The exception that is thrown by a connected directory extension when an unexpected error occurs in the extension.
ExtensionException The base class for exceptions that are defined specifically for Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) rules extensions.
FailedConnectionException Thrown by an extensible extension when the connection between the management agent and the connected directory has failed for a reason other than authentication.
FailedSearchException Thrown by an extensible extension when a container or table search fails.
FatalEntryExportException The exception that is thrown by a connected directory extension when an entry cannot be exported, and the export run should stop.
GetImportEntriesResults Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service during GetImportEntries.
GetImportEntriesRunStep Call-based import information passed into the GetImportEntries method.
HierarchyNode Represents a hierarchy node.
ImportResults Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service from OpenImportConnection and CloseImportConnection method.
ImportRunStep Represents some values passed to the Management Agent during import.
InvalidDNException The exception that is thrown when an invalid distinguished name is passed to a method.
MACapabilities Represents a management agent capabilities object.
ManagementAgent Represents a management agent.
ManagementAgentCollection Represents a collection of ManagementAgent objects.
ManagementAgentEnumerator Enumerates ManagementAgent objects and returns the name of the current management agent as a string. This class is obtained by calling the ManagementAgentCollection object.
MAUtils Provides a property that you can use in connected data source and password extensions. This class can only be instantiated by a Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) server.
MetadirectoryServicesException The base class for all Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service)–specific exceptions that are thrown by FIM Synchronization Service objects.
MissingParentObjectException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension tries to add a connector that has a nonexistent parent object.
MVEntry Represents an entry in the metaverse.
NoCompatiblePartitionFoundException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension tries to add a connector in which a distinguished name component is not compatible with the structure of any partitions of the management agent.
NoSuchAttributeException The exception that is thrown when an attribute that is requested is not in the schema.
NoSuchAttributeInObjectTypeException The exception that is thrown when an attribute that is requested is not a member of the specified object type.
NoSuchClassException The exception that is thrown when a class that is referenced is not in the schema.
NoSuchManagementAgentException The exception that is thrown when a nonexistent management agent is requested.
NoSuchObjectException The exception that is thrown when a nonexistent object is requested.
NoSuchObjectTypeException The exception that is thrown when an object type that is referenced is not in the schema.
NoSuchParameterException The exception that is thrown when a requested parameter is not in the schema.
ObjectAlreadyExistsException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension tries to add a connector where a connector that has a specified distinguished name already exists.
ObjectNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when the requested object is not in the schema.
ObjectTypeNotSupportedException The exception that is thrown when the object type does not support setting or changing passwords.
OldPasswordIncorrectException The exception that is thrown when the ChangePassword method supplies an old password that is incorrect.
OpenExportConnectionRunStep Call-based export information passed into the OpenExportConnection method.
OpenImportConnectionResults Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service during OpenImportConnection.
OpenImportConnectionRunStep Call-based import information passed into the OpenImportConnection class.
ParameterValidationResult Implemented by a Forefront Identity Manager Extensible extension to indicate the result of parameter validation.
Partition Represents a management agent’s partition object.
PasswordExtensionException The exception that is thrown when the password extension throws an unknown exception.
PasswordIllFormedException The exception that is thrown when the password that is supplied contains extended characters or characters that are not valid.
PasswordPolicyViolationException The exception that is thrown by a password extension when the password does not comply with the password policy. Examples of policy violations include a password that is too long or too short; a password that does not contain a symbol, number, or uppercase letter; or a password that was recently used.
PutExportEntriesResults Represents values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service from PutExportEntries method.
ReadExportFileRunStep File-based export information passed into ReadExportFile method.
ReadOnlySchemaAttributeKeyedCollection A read-only KeyCollection containing schema attributes.
ReadOnlySchemaTypeKeyedCollection A read-only KeyCollection containing schema types.
ReferenceValue Represents an attribute value that is a distinguished name.
Schema Represents the schema for a connected directory
SchemaAttribute Represents an attribute schema definition.
SchemaAttributeKeyedCollection A KeyCollection containing schema attributes.
SchemaType Represents an object type definition within the schema.
SchemaTypeKeyedCollection A read-only KeyCollection containing schema types.
ServerDownException The exception that is thrown by a connected directory extension when the extension cannot establish a connection to the connected directory.
TerminateRunException The exception that is thrown when a rules extension must explicitly stop the management agent run.
TooManyValuesException The exception that is thrown when more than one value is added to a single-valued attribute.
TransactionPropertyCollection Represents a collection of named properties that can be shared between different methods of an extension and between separate extensions for a specific transaction. An instance of this class is obtained from the TransactionProperties property. The properties in the collection exist for the lifetime of the current transaction.
TypeDescription Represents a description of a Type class that contains a collection of attribute descriptions. The Type represents type declarations: class types, interface types, array types, value types, and enumeration types.
TypeDescriptionEnumerator Enumerates TypeDescription objects. The class is obtained by calling the TypeDescriptionCollection object.
UnexpectedDataException The UnexpectedDataException exception is thrown by an extension when unexpected data is encountered.
Value The Value class represents the value of a connector space or metaverse object. An instance of this abstract class can be created only in a derived class.
ValueChange Represents a ValueChange object.
ValueCollection The ValueCollection class represents a collection of Value objects that all have the same data type.
ValueCollectionEnumerator The ValueCollectionEnumerator class enumerates a collection of Value objects. An instance of the ValueCollectionEnumerator class is obtained by calling ValueCollection.
WarningNoWatermarkException Thrown by a extensible extension when the management agent cannot read the watermark when doing a full import.
WriteImportFileResults Represents some values passed back to the FIM Synchronization Service during WriteImportFile.
WriteImportFileRunStep File-based import information passed into WriteImportFile method.


Interface Description
IMAExtensible2CallExport This interface allows for call-based export. It should not be implemented for import-only management agents.
IMAExtensible2CallImport This interface allows for call-based import.
IMAExtensible2FileExport This interface allows for file-based export.
IMAExtensible2FileImport This interface allows for file-based import.
IMAExtensible2GetCapabilities This interface allows for defining management agent capabilities.
IMAExtensible2GetHierarchy Provides a method for returning the hierarchy of objects in a connected system.
IMAExtensible2GetParameters This interface allows for defining configuration parameter definitions.
IMAExtensible2GetPartitions Provides a method to retrieve partitions in a connected system.
IMAExtensible2GetSchema Contains a method to retrieve the schema of a connected system.
IMAExtensible2Password Provides the ability to set and change the password for an MA.
IMAExtensibleCallExport Important: With the release of ECMA 2.0, this feature has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. You should use the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference for Connector development going forward.

Implemented by all types of call-based connected data source extensions to export data from the connector space to a call-based data source.
IMAExtensibleFileExport Important: With the release of ECMA 2.0, this feature has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. You should use the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference for Connector development going forward.

Implemented by a connected directory extension to export data from the connector space to a connected directory that requires an intermediate file to process any changes to the data source.
IMAExtensibleFileImport Important: With the release of ECMA 2.0, this feature has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. You should use the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference for Connector development going forward.

Implemented by a connected data source extension to import data from a data source to the connector space.
IMAPasswordManagement Important: With the release of ECMA 2.0, this feature has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. You should use the Extensible Connectivity 2.0 Management Agent Reference for Connector development going forward.

Implemented by a password management extension to set or change passwords for a management agent.
IMASynchronization Implemented by a Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) rules extension to provide rules extension functionality for a management agent.
IMVSynchronization Implemented by a Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIM Synchronization Service) rules extension to provide rules extension functionality for the metaverse.


Enumeration Description
AttribFlags Used to identify the flag of an attribute.
AttributeModificationType Used to identify the modification type of an attribute.
AttributeOperation A enumeration of the allowed operations for a specific attribute.
AttributeType Used to identify the type of data that an attribute contains. The DataType property contains one of the values of this enumeration.
CloseReason Used to identify the reasoning code closing passed to the ECMA 2.0 from the FIM Synchronization Service.
ConfigParameterPage Used to identify the page for a configuration parameter definition.
ConfigParameterType Used to identify the type of a configuration parameter definition.
ConnectionSecurityLevel Identifies the security level of the network connection.
ConnectionState Identifies the state of a connector space object. The ConnectionState property contains one of the values of this enumeration.
DeprovisionAction Identifies the action that is taken by the Deprovision method.
MADistinguishedNameStyle Used to identify the distinguished name style supported by a management agent.
MAExportError Used to identify the errors used during export of an ECMA 2.0.
MAExportType Used to identify the Export type supported by a management agent.
MAImportError Used to identify the errors used during import of the ECMA 2.0.
MANormalizations Used to identify the normalization modes supported by a management agent.
MAObjectConfirmation Used to identify the object confirmation type supported by a management agent.
ModificationType Identifies the type of operation that is used on the object in the ExportEntry method.
ObjectModificationType Used to identify the modification type of an object.
OperationType Represents import or export type.
ParameterValidationResultCode Represents the result code for parameter validation.
PasswordOptions Represents a management agent capabilities object.
RuleType An enumeration that is used to identify a rule type.
ValueModificationType Used to identify the modification type of an attribute value.