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Understanding the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard script

Van toepassing op: Windows SBS 2003

Each time the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard is run, a Visual Basic® script (VBscript) is automatically generated. The script is named Config.vbs and is in the following location by default: \Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\Icw\Config.vbs

The file name of the script changes (for example, Config.vbs, Config1.vbs, Config2.vbs, and so on) each time the wizard is run in order to preserve the previous settings.

Use the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard script with its current settings to restore the network, firewall, secure Web site, and e-mail settings of the computer from which the script was generated. You can also customize the script and use it to configure another computer running Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server 2003 or use it to reconfigure the computer from which the script was generated using new settings.

For detailed instructions about how to run the script, see Use the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard script. For more information about standards and conventions of a VBscript, search the Microsoft MSDN Web site (

Script requirements

Using the script file requires the following:

  • You must run the script on a computer running Windows Small Business Server 2003.

  • You must run the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard to create the Config.vbs file.

  • You must be logged on as a member of the Domain Admins security group.

  • If you have a password for your dial-up or broadband connection or for sending and receiving SMTP e-mail, you must specify the password when you run the script. For security reasons, passwords are not stored in the script. For more information, see the section "Script passwords" later in this topic.


  • The script does not configure mailbox accounts for the Microsoft Connector for POP3 Mailboxes. For more information about configuring mailbox accounts, see Add or remove a POP3 mailbox.

Script sections

The script contains two sections: a modifiable section and a non-modifiable section.

  • The modifiable section is divided into the four areas that correspond to sections in the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard: networking, firewall, secure Web site, and e-mail.

  • The non-modifiable section of the script contains the configuration information necessary for the script to run properly. Do not make any changes to this section of the script—only the modifiable section contains information that you can customize.


  • The non-modifiable section of the script is identified by a row of asterisks followed by the comment End of modifiable Sections. Do not make changes to this section of the script or you may have unexpected behavior.

Script values

Each of the modifiable sections for networking, firewall, secure Web site, and e-mail correspond to pages in the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard. The properties in each modifiable section then correspond to fields on the respective wizard page, for which the value can be a string, Boolean, or constant value. The value is defined after the property name, following the equal sign (=).

Value Indicated by Description


Property names for string values start with s.

Type the value for the string following the equal sign, and enclose it in quotation marks. The opening and closing quotation marks around the value must be used when entering string values in the script, for example, sModemIPAddress = "".


Property names for Boolean values start with b.

Boolean values can be a TRUE or FALSE value, for example, bDHCP = TRUE.


Property names for constant values start with an i.

Values must be chosen from the list of possible values provided for each property, for example, iHardwareSelection = HARDWARE_SELECTION_BROADBAND.

For specific details on each of the script properties, see Use the Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard script.

Script passwords

For security purposes, the script does not store any passwords. You can enter passwords as a command-line argument or by removing the comment (') from the script property and then typing the password. Passwords are case sensitive. If a password is required and you do not provide the password when running the script, the script displays an error and no components are configured.

The following properties have passwords that can be entered using command-line arguments:

Property Purpose


Use this argument to provide your dial-up connection password.


Use this argument to provide your broadband connection (PPPoE) password.


Use this argument to provide your SMTP e-mail password (TURN after Authentication).

For example, to pass in both your dial-up connection password and your SMTP e-mail password, you would type the following:

Config1.vbs -MODEMPWD yourpassword1 -SMTPPWD yourpassword2