Xamarin Docs What's New (June 2020)
Welcome to what's new in Xamarin docs for June 2020. Listed below are some of the recent docs we've published.
Xamarin.Forms 4.7 was released in June, and includes the following new and updated content:
- Shapes
- Multi-Bindings
- Grid: Simplify row and column definitions
- Switch: Visual states
- Maps: Show traffic data
- Respond to system theme changes
- DependencyService.RegisterSingleton method
The following content is new:
The following content has been refreshed:
We'd like to recognize the following people, who've contributed to Xamarin docs since our last release notes:
- AndreiMisiukevich - Andrei (1)
- artur309 - Artur Quaresma (1)
- gentilijuanmanuel - Juan Manuel Gentili (1)
- hot33331 - Tobias Hoppenthaler (1)
- jedieaston - Easton Pillay (1)
- lsaudon - lsaudon (1)
- mrlacey - Matt Lacey (1)
- Simon3FourStudios - Simon Browne (1)
- theyo - Jimmie Houts (1)
Thank you! You can learn how to contribute by reading the Contributor guide.