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VisualElement Elevation on Android

This Android platform-specific is used to control the elevation, or Z-order, of visual elements on applications that target API 21 or greater. The elevation of a visual element determines its drawing order, with visual elements with higher Z values occluding visual elements with lower Z values. It's consumed in XAML by setting the VisualElement.Elevation attached property to a boolean value:

<ContentPage ...
            <Button Text="Button Beneath BoxView" />
            <BoxView Color="Red" Opacity="0.2" HeightRequest="50" />
        <Grid Margin="0,20,0,0">
            <Button Text="Button Above BoxView - Click Me" android:VisualElement.Elevation="10"/>
            <BoxView Color="Red" Opacity="0.2" HeightRequest="50" />

Alternatively, it can be consumed from C# using the fluent API:

using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific;

public class AndroidElevationPageCS : ContentPage
    public AndroidElevationPageCS()
        var aboveButton = new Button { Text = "Button Above BoxView - Click Me" };

        Content = new StackLayout
            Children =
                new Grid
                    Children =
                        new Button { Text = "Button Beneath BoxView" },
                        new BoxView { Color = Color.Red, Opacity = 0.2, HeightRequest = 50 }
                new Grid
                    Margin = new Thickness(0,20,0,0),
                    Children =
                        new BoxView { Color = Color.Red, Opacity = 0.2, HeightRequest = 50 }

The Button.On<Android> method specifies that this platform-specific will only run on Android. The VisualElement.SetElevation method, in the Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific namespace, is used to set the elevation of the visual element to a nullable float. In addition, the VisualElement.GetElevation method can be used to retrieve the elevation value of a visual element.

The result is that the elevation of visual elements can be controlled so that visual elements with higher Z values occlude visual elements with lower Z values. Therefore, in this example the second Button is rendered above the BoxView because it has a higher elevation value:

VisualElement elevation screenshot