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Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Creates an article and adds it to a publication. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.
Transact-SQL syntax conventions
[ @publication = ] N'publication'
, [ @article = ] N'article'
[ , [ @source_table = ] N'source_table' ]
[ , [ @destination_table = ] N'destination_table' ]
[ , [ @vertical_partition = ] N'vertical_partition' ]
[ , [ @type = ] N'type' ]
[ , [ @filter = ] N'filter' ]
[ , [ @sync_object = ] N'sync_object' ]
[ , [ @ins_cmd = ] N'ins_cmd' ]
[ , [ @del_cmd = ] N'del_cmd' ]
[ , [ @upd_cmd = ] N'upd_cmd' ]
[ , [ @creation_script = ] N'creation_script' ]
[ , [ @description = ] N'description' ]
[ , [ @pre_creation_cmd = ] N'pre_creation_cmd' ]
[ , [ @filter_clause = ] N'filter_clause' ]
[ , [ @schema_option = ] schema_option ]
[ , [ @destination_owner = ] N'destination_owner' ]
[ , [ @status = ] status ]
[ , [ @source_owner = ] N'source_owner' ]
[ , [ @sync_object_owner = ] N'sync_object_owner' ]
[ , [ @filter_owner = ] N'filter_owner' ]
[ , [ @source_object = ] N'source_object' ]
[ , [ @artid = ] artid OUTPUT ]
[ , [ @auto_identity_range = ] N'auto_identity_range' ]
[ , [ @pub_identity_range = ] pub_identity_range ]
[ , [ @identity_range = ] identity_range ]
[ , [ @threshold = ] threshold ]
[ , [ @force_invalidate_snapshot = ] force_invalidate_snapshot ]
[ , [ @use_default_datatypes = ] use_default_datatypes ]
[ , [ @identityrangemanagementoption = ] N'identityrangemanagementoption' ]
[ , [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
[ , [ @fire_triggers_on_snapshot = ] N'fire_triggers_on_snapshot' ]
[ ; ]
The name of the publication that contains the article. The name must be unique in the database. @publication is sysname, with no default.
The name of the article. The name must be unique within the publication. @article is sysname, with no default.
This parameter has been deprecated; use @source_object instead. @source_table is nvarchar(386), with a default of NULL
. @source_table isn't supported for Oracle Publishers.
The name of the destination (subscription) table, if different from @source_table or the stored procedure. @destination_table is sysname, with a default of NULL
. If set to NULL
, this means that @source_table equals @destination_table.
Enables and disables column filtering on a table article. @vertical_partition is nchar(5), with a default of false
indicates there's no vertical filtering and publishes all columns.
clears all columns except the declared primary key, nullable columns with no default, and unique key columns. Columns are added using sp_articlecolumn.
The type of article. @type is sysname, with a default of NULL
, and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
aggregate schema only |
Aggregate function with schema only. |
func schema only |
Function with schema only. |
indexed view logbased |
Log-based indexed view article. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. For this type of article, the base table doesn't need to be published separately. |
indexed view logbased manualboth |
Log-based indexed view article with manual filter and manual view. This option requires that you specify both @sync_object and @filter parameters. For this type of article, the base table doesn't need to be published separately. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
indexed view logbased manualfilter |
Log-based indexed view article with manual filter. This option requires that you specify both @sync_object and @filter parameters. For this type of article, the base table doesn't need to be published separately. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
indexed view logbased manualview |
Log-based indexed view article with manual view. This option requires that you specify the @sync_object parameter. For this type of article, the base table doesn't need to be published separately. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
indexed view schema only |
Indexed view with schema only. For this type of article, the base table must also be published. |
logbased (default) |
Log-based article. |
logbased manualboth |
Log-based article with manual filter and manual view. This option requires that you specify both @sync_object and @filter parameters. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
logbased manualfilter |
Log-based article with manual filter. This option requires that you specify both @sync_object and @filter parameters. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
logbased manualview |
Log-based article with manual view. This option requires that you specify the @sync_object parameter. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
proc exec |
Replicates the execution of the stored procedure to all Subscribers of the article. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. We recommend that you use the option serializable proc exec instead of proc exec. For more information, see the section "Types of Stored Procedure Execution" in Publishing Stored Procedure Execution in Transactional Replication. Not available when change data capture is enabled. |
proc schema only |
Procedure with schema only. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. |
serializable proc exec |
Replicates the execution of the stored procedure only if it's executed within the context of a serializable transaction. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. The procedure also must be executed inside an explicit transaction for the procedure execution to be replicated. |
view schema only |
View with schema only. Not supported for Oracle Publishers. When using this option, you must also publish the base table. |
The stored procedure (created with FOR REPLICATION) used to filter the table horizontally. @filter is nvarchar(386), with a default of NULL
. You must run sp_articleview and sp_articlefilter manually to create the view and filter stored procedure. If not NULL
, the filter procedure isn't created (assumes the stored procedure is created manually).
The name of the table or view used for producing the data file used to represent the snapshot for this article. @sync_object is nvarchar(386), with a default of NULL
, sp_articleview is called to automatically create the view used to generate the output file. This occurs after adding any columns with sp_articlecolumn. If not NULL
, a view isn't created (assumes the view is manually created).
The replication command type used when replicating inserts for this article. @ins_cmd is nvarchar(255), and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
No action is taken. |
CALL sp_MSins_<table> (default)-or- CALL custom_stored_procedure_name |
Calls a stored procedure to be executed at the Subscriber. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. <custom_stored_procedure> is the name of a user-created stored procedure. sp_MSins_<table> contains the name of the destination table in place of the _table part of the parameter. When @destination_owner is specified, it's prepended to the destination table name. For example, for the ProductCategory table owned by the Production schema at the Subscriber, the parameter would be CALL sp_MSins_ProductionProductCategory . For an article in a peer-to-peer replication topology, <table> is appended with a GUID value. Specifying <custom_stored_procedure> isn't supported for updating subscribers. |
Replicates an INSERT statement. The INSERT statement provides values for all columns published in the article. This command is replicated on inserts:INSERT INTO <table name> VALUES (c1value, c2value, c3value, ..., cnvalue) |
For more information, see Transactional Articles - Specify How Changes Are Propagated.
The replication command type used when replicating deletes for this article. @del_cmd is nvarchar(255), and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
No action is taken. |
CALLsp_MSdel_<table> (default)-or- CALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure to be executed at the Subscriber. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. <custom_stored_procedure> is the name of a user-created stored procedure. sp_MSdel_<table> contains the name of the destination table in place of the _table part of the parameter. When @destination_owner is specified, it's prepended to the destination table name. For example, for the ProductCategory table owned by the Production schema at the Subscriber, the parameter would be CALL sp_MSdel_ProductionProductCategory . For an article in a peer-to-peer replication topology, <table> is appended with a GUID value. Specifying <custom_stored_procedure> isn't supported for updating subscribers. |
XCALL sp_MSdel_<table> -or- XCALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure taking XCALL style parameters. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. Specifying a user-created stored procedure isn't allowed for updating subscribers. |
Replicates a DELETE statement. The DELETE statement is provided all primary key column values. This command is replicated on deletes:DELETE FROM <table name> WHERE pkc1 = pkc1value AND pkc2 = pkc2value AND pkcn = pkcnvalue |
For more information, see Transactional Articles - Specify How Changes Are Propagated.
The replication command type used when replicating updates for this article. @upd_cmd is nvarchar(255), and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
No action is taken. |
CALL sp_MSupd_<table> -or- CALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure to be executed at the Subscriber. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. |
MCALL sp_MSupd_<table> -or- MCALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure taking MCALL style parameters. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. <custom_stored_procedure> is the name of a user-created stored procedure. sp_MSupd_<table> contains the name of the destination table in place of the <table> part of the parameter. When @destination_owner is specified, it's prepended to the destination table name. For example, for the ProductCategory table owned by the Production schema at the Subscriber, the parameter would be MCALL sp_MSupd_ProductionProductCategory . For an article in a peer-to-peer replication topology, <table> is appended with a GUID value. Specifying a user-created stored procedure isn't allowed for updating subscribers. |
SCALL sp_MSupd_<table> (default)-or- SCALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure taking SCALL style parameters. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. <custom_stored_procedure> is the name of a user-created stored procedure. sp_MSupd_<table> contains the name of the destination table in place of the _table part of the parameter. When @destination_owner is specified, it's prepended to the destination table name. For example, for the ProductCategory table owned by the Production schema at the Subscriber, the parameter would be SCALL sp_MSupd_ProductionProductCategory . For an article in a peer-to-peer replication topology, _table is appended with a GUID value. Specifying a user-created stored procedure isn't allowed for updating subscribers. |
XCALL sp_MSupd_<table> -or- XCALL <custom_stored_procedure_name> |
Calls a stored procedure taking XCALL style parameters. To use this method of replication, use @schema_option to specify automatic creation of the stored procedure, or create the specified stored procedure in the destination database of each Subscriber of the article. Specifying a user-created stored procedure isn't allowed for updating subscribers. |
Replicates an UPDATE statement. The UPDATE statement is provided on all column values and the primary key column values. This command is replicated on updates:UPDATE <table name> SET c1 = c1value, SET c2 = c2value, SET cn = cnvalue WHERE pkc1 = pkc1value AND pkc2 = pkc2value AND pkcn = pkcnvalue |
The syntax for CALL
, and XCALL
vary the amount of data propagated to the subscriber. The CALL
syntax passes all values for all inserted and deleted columns. The SCALL
syntax passes values only for affected columns. The XCALL
syntax passes values for all columns, whether changed or not, including the previous value of the column. For more information, see Transactional Articles - Specify How Changes Are Propagated.
The path and name of an optional article schema script used to create the article in the subscription database. @creation_script is nvarchar(255), with a default of NULL
A descriptive entry for the article. @description is nvarchar(255), with a default of NULL
Specifies what the system should do if it detects an existing object of the same name at the subscriber when applying the snapshot for this article. @pre_creation_cmd is nvarchar(10), and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
none |
Doesn't use a command. |
delete |
Deletes data from the destination table before applying the snapshot. When the article is horizontally filtered, only data in columns specified by the filter clause is deleted. Not supported for Oracle Publishers when a horizontal filter is defined. |
drop (default) |
Drops the destination table. |
truncate |
Truncates the destination table. Isn't valid for ODBC or OLE DB Subscribers. |
A restriction (WHERE) clause that defines a horizontal filter. When entering the restriction clause, omit the keyword WHERE. @filter_clause is nvarchar(max), with a default of NULL
. For more information, see Filter Published Data.
A bitmask of the schema generation option for the given article. @schema_option is varbinary(8), with a default of NULL
, and can be the | (Bitwise OR) product of one or more of these values:
If this value is NULL
, the system auto-generates a valid schema option for the article depending on other article properties. The Default schema options shows the value that will be chosen based upon the combination of the article type and the replication type.
Value | Description |
0x00 |
Disables scripting by the Snapshot Agent and uses @creation_script. |
0x01 |
Generates the object creation script (CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, and so on). This value is the default for stored procedure articles. |
0x02 |
Generates the stored procedures that propagate changes for the article, if defined. |
0x04 |
Identity columns are scripted using the IDENTITY property. |
0x08 |
Replicate timestamp columns. If not set, timestamp columns are replicated as binary. |
0x10 |
Generates a corresponding clustered index. Even if this option isn't set, indexes related to primary keys and unique constraints are generated if they are already defined on a published table. |
0x20 1 |
Converts user-defined data types (UDT) to base data types at the Subscriber. This option can't be used when there's a CHECK or DEFAULT constraint on a UDT column, if a UDT column is part of the primary key, or if a computed column references a UDT column. |
0x40 |
Generates corresponding nonclustered indexes. Even if this option isn't set, indexes related to primary keys and unique constraints are generated if they are already defined on a published table. |
0x80 |
Replicates primary key constraints. Any indexes related to the constraint are also replicated, even if options 0x10 and 0x40 aren't enabled. |
0x100 1 |
Replicates user triggers on a table article, if defined. |
0x200 1 |
Replicates foreign key constraints. If the referenced table isn't part of a publication, all foreign key constraints on a published table aren't replicated. |
0x400 1 |
Replicates check constraints. |
0x800 1 |
Replicates defaults. |
0x1000 |
Replicates column-level collation. Note: This option should be set for Oracle Publishers to enable case-sensitive comparisons. |
0x2000 1 |
Replicates extended properties associated with the published article source object. |
0x4000 |
Replicates UNIQUE constraints. Any indexes related to the constraint are also replicated, even if options 0x10 and 0x40 aren't enabled. |
0x8000 |
This option isn't valid for SQL Server 2005 (9.x) Publishers. |
0x10000 |
Replicates CHECK constraints as NOT FOR REPLICATION so that the constraints aren't enforced during synchronization. |
0x20000 |
Replicates FOREIGN KEY constraints as NOT FOR REPLICATION so that the constraints aren't enforced during synchronization. |
0x40000 |
Replicates filegroups associated with a partitioned table or index. |
0x80000 |
Replicates the partition scheme for a partitioned table. |
0x100000 |
Replicates the partition scheme for a partitioned index. |
0x200000 |
Replicates table statistics. |
0x400000 |
Default bindings. |
0x800000 |
Rule bindings. |
0x1000000 |
Full-text index. |
0x2000000 |
XML schema collections bound to xml columns aren't replicated. |
0x4000000 |
Replicates indexes on xml columns. |
0x8000000 |
Create any schemas not already present on the subscriber. |
0x10000000 |
Converts xml columns to ntext on the Subscriber. |
0x20000000 |
Converts large object data types (nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max)) introduced in SQL Server 2005 (9.x) to data types that are supported on SQL Server 2000 (8.x). |
0x40000000 |
Replicate permissions. |
0x80000000 |
Attempt to drop dependencies to any objects that aren't part of the publication. |
0x100000000 |
Use this option to replicate the FILESTREAM attribute if it's specified on varbinary(max) columns. Don't specify this option if you're replicating tables to SQL Server 2005 (9.x) Subscribers. Replicating tables that have FILESTREAM columns to SQL Server 2000 (8.x) Subscribers isn't supported, regardless of how this schema option is set. See related option 0x800000000. |
0x200000000 |
Converts date and time data types (date, time, datetimeoffset, and datetime2) introduced in SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) to data types that are supported on earlier versions of SQL Server. |
0x400000000 |
Replicates the compression option for data and indexes. For more information, see Data compression. |
0x800000000 |
Set this option to store FILESTREAM data on its own filegroup at the Subscriber. If this option isn't set, FILESTREAM data is stored on the default filegroup. Replication doesn't create filegroups; therefore, if you set this option, you must create the filegroup before you apply the snapshot at the Subscriber. For more information about how to create objects before you apply the snapshot, see Execute Scripts Before and After the Snapshot Is Applied. See related option 0x100000000. |
0x1000000000 |
Converts common language runtime (CLR) user-defined types (UDTs) that are larger than 8000 bytes to varbinary(max) so that columns of type UDT can be replicated to Subscribers that are running SQL Server 2005 (9.x). |
0x2000000000 |
Converts the hierarchyid data type to varbinary(max) so that columns of type hierarchyid can be replicated to Subscribers that are running SQL Server 2005 (9.x). For more information about how to use hierarchyid columns in replicated tables, see hierarchyid. |
0x4000000000 |
Replicates any filtered indexes on the table. For more information about filtered indexes, see Create filtered indexes. |
0x8000000000 |
Converts the geography and geometry data types to varbinary(max) so that columns of these types can be replicated to Subscribers that are running SQL Server 2005 (9.x). |
0x10000000000 |
Replicates indexes on columns of type geography and geometry. |
0x20000000000 |
Replicates the SPARSE attribute for columns. For more information about this attribute, see Use sparse columns. |
0x40000000000 |
Enable scripting by the snapshot agent to create memory-optimized table on the subscriber. |
0x80000000000 |
Converts clustered index to nonclustered index for memory-optimized articles. |
0x400000000000 |
Replicates any nonclustered columnstore indexes on the table(s) |
0x800000000000 |
Replicates any filtered nonclustered columnstore indexes on the table(s). |
Replication automatically sets @schema_option to a default value, the value of which depends on other article properties. The "Default Schema Options" table in the Remarks section shows the default schema options based on article type and replication type. The default for non-SQL Server publications is 0x050D3 . |
1 Not supported for Oracle Publishers.
Not all @schema_option values are valid for every type of replication and article type. The Valid Schema Options table in the Remarks section shows the valid schema options that can be chosen based upon the combination of the article type and the replication type.
The name of the owner of the destination object. @destination_owner is sysname, with a default of NULL
. When @destination_owner isn't specified, the owner is specified automatically based on the following rules:
Condition | Destination object owner |
Publication uses native-mode bulk copy to generate the initial snapshot, which only supports SQL Server Subscribers. | Defaults to the value of @source_owner. |
Published from a non-SQL Server Publisher. | Defaults to the owner of the destination database. |
Publication uses character-mode bulk copy to generate the initial snapshot, which supports non-SQL Server Subscribers. | Not assigned. |
To support non-SQL Server Subscribers, @destination_owner must be NULL
Specifies if the article is active and additional options for how changes are propagated. @status is tinyint, and can be the | (Bitwise OR) product of one or more of these values.
Value | Description |
1 |
Article is active. |
8 |
Includes the column name in INSERT statements. |
16 (default) |
Uses parameterized statements. |
24 |
Includes the column name in INSERT statements and uses parameterized statements. |
64 |
Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. |
For example, an active article using parameterized statements would have a value of 17
in this column. A value of 0
means that the article is inactive and no additional properties are defined.
The owner of the source object. @source_owner is sysname, with a default of NULL
. @source_owner must be specified for Oracle Publishers.
The owner of the view that defines the published article. @sync_object_owner is sysname, with a default of NULL
The owner of the filter. @filter_owner is sysname, with a default of NULL
The database object to be published. @source_object is sysname, with a default of NULL
. If @source_table is NULL
, @source_object can't be NULL
. @source_object should be used instead of @source_table. For more information about the types of objects that can be published using snapshot or transactional replication, see Publish Data and Database Objects.
The article ID of the new article. @artid is an OUTPUT parameter of type int.
Enables and disables automatic identity range handling on a publication at the time it's created. @auto_identity_range is nvarchar(5), and can be one of the following values:
Value | Description |
true |
Enables automatic identity range handling |
false |
Disables automatic identity range handling |
NULL (default) |
Identity range handling is set by @identityrangemanagementoption. |
@auto_identity_range is deprecated, and is provided for backward compatibility only. You should use @identityrangemanagementoption for specifying identity range management options. For more information, see Replicate Identity Columns.
Controls the range size at the Publisher if the article has @identityrangemanagementoption set to auto or @auto_identity_range set to true. @pub_identity_range is bigint, with a default of NULL
. @pub_identity_range isn't supported for Oracle Publishers.
Controls the range size at the Subscriber if the article has @identityrangemanagementoption set to auto or @auto_identity_range set to true. @identity_range is bigint, with a default of NULL
. Used when @auto_identity_range is set to true. @identity_range isn't supported for Oracle Publishers.
The percentage value that controls when the Distribution Agent assigns a new identity range. When the percentage of values specified in @threshold is used, the Distribution Agent creates a new identity range. @threshold is int, with a default of NULL
. Used when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to auto or @auto_identity_range is set to true. @threshold isn't supported for Oracle Publishers.
Acknowledges that the action taken by this stored procedure can invalidate an existing snapshot. @force_invalidate_snapshot is bit, with a default of 0
specifies that adding an article doesn't cause the snapshot to be invalid. If the stored procedure detects that the change requires a new snapshot, an error occurs and no changes are made.
specifies that adding an article can cause the snapshot to be invalid, and if subscriptions exist that would require a new snapshot, gives permission for the existing snapshot to be marked as obsolete and a new snapshot to be generated.
Whether the default column data type mappings are used when publishing an article from an Oracle Publisher. @use_default_datatypes is bit, with a default of 1
= the default article column mappings are used. The default data type mappings can be displayed by executing sp_getdefaultdatatypemapping.
= custom article column mappings are defined, and therefore sp_articleview isn't called by sp_addarticle
When @use_default_datatypes is set to 0
, you must execute sp_changearticlecolumndatatype once for each column mapping being changed from the default. After all custom column mappings have been defined, you must execute sp_articleview.
This parameter should only be used for Oracle Publishers. Setting @use_default_datatypes to 0
for a SQL Server Publisher generates an error.
Specifies how identity range management is handled for the article. @identityrangemanagementoption is nvarchar(10), and can be one of the following values.
Value | Description |
none |
Replication does no explicit identity range management. This option is recommended only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of SQL Server. Not allowed for peer replication. |
manual |
Marks the identity column using NOT FOR REPLICATION to enable manual identity range handling. |
auto |
Specifies automatic management of identity ranges. |
NULL (default) |
Defaults to none when the value of @auto_identity_range isn't true . Defaults to manual in a peer-to-peer topology default (@auto_identity_range is ignored). |
For backward compatibility, when the value of @identityrangemanagementoption is NULL
, the value of @auto_identity_range is checked. However, when the value of @identityrangemanagementoption isn't NULL
, then the value of @auto_identity_range is ignored.
For more information, see Replicate Identity Columns.
Specifies a non-SQL Server Publisher. @publisher is sysname, with a default of NULL
@publisher shouldn't be used when adding an article to a SQL Server Publisher.
If replicated user triggers are executed when the initial snapshot is applied. @fire_triggers_on_snapshot is nvarchar(5), with a default of false
. true
means that user triggers on a replicated table are executed when the snapshot is applied. In order for triggers to be replicated, the bitmask value of @schema_option must include the value 0x100
(success) or 1
is used in snapshot replication or transactional replication.
By default, replication doesn't publish any columns in the source table when the column data type isn't supported by replication. If you need to publish such a column, you must execute sp_articlecolumn to add the column.
When adding an article to a publication that supports peer-to-peer transactional replication, the following restrictions apply:
Parameterized statements must be specified for all logbased articles. You must include 16
in the @status value.
Name and owner of the destination table must match the source table.
The article can't be filtered horizontally or vertically.
Automatic identity range management isn't supported. You must specify a value of manual for @identityrangemanagementoption.
If a timestamp column exists in the table, you must include 0x08 in @schema_option to replicate the column as timestamp.
A value of SQL
can't be specified for @ins_cmd, @upd_cmd, and @del_cmd.
For more information, see Peer-to-Peer - Transactional Replication.
When you publish objects, their definitions are copied to Subscribers. If you're publishing a database object that depends on one or more other objects, you must publish all referenced objects. For example, if you publish a view that depends on a table, you must publish the table also.
If @vertical_partition is set to true, sp_addarticle
defers the creation of the view until sp_articleview is called (after the last sp_articlecolumn is added).
If the publication allows updating subscriptions and the published table doesn't have a uniqueidentifier column, sp_addarticle
adds a uniqueidentifier column to the table automatically.
When replicating to a subscriber that isn't an instance of SQL Server (heterogeneous replication), only Transact-SQL statements are supported for INSERT
, and DELETE
When the log reader agent is running, adding an article to a peer-to-peer publication can cause a deadlock between the log reader agent and the process that adds the article. To avoid this issue, before adding an article to a peer-to-peer publication use the Replication Monitor to stop the log reader agent on the node where you're adding the article. Restart the log reader agent after adding the article.
When setting @del_cmd to NONE
or @ins_cmd to NONE
, the propagation of UPDATE
commands might also be affected by not sending those commands when a bounded update occurs. (A bounded update is type of UPDATE
statement from the publisher that replicates as a DELETE
pair on the subscriber.)
This table describes the default value set by replication if @schema_options isn't specified by the user, where this value depends on the replication type (shown across the top) and the article type (shown down the first column).
Article type | Transactional replication | Snapshot replication |
aggregate schema only | 0x01 |
0x01 |
func schema only | 0x01 |
0x01 |
indexed view schema only | 0x01 |
0x01 |
indexed view logbased | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
indexed view logbase manualboth | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
indexed view logbased manualfilter | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
indexed view logbased manualview | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
logbased | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
logbased manualfilter | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
logbased manualview | 0x30F3 |
0x3071 |
proc exec | 0x01 |
0x01 |
proc schema only | 0x01 |
0x01 |
serializable proc exec | 0x01 |
0x01 |
view schema only | 0x01 |
0x01 |
If a publication is enabled for queued updating, a @schema_option value of 0x80
is added to the default value shown in the table. The default @schema_option for a non-SQL Server publication is 0x050D3
This table describes the allowable values of @schema_option based upon the replication type (shown across the top) and the article type (shown down the first column).
Article type | Transactional replication | Snapshot replication |
logbased | All options | All options but 0x02 |
logbased manualfilter | All options | All options but 0x02 |
logbased manualview | All options | All options but 0x02 |
indexed view logbased | All options | All options but 0x02 |
indexed view logbased manualfilter | All options | All options but 0x02 |
indexed view logbased manualview | All options | All options but 0x02 |
indexed view logbase manualboth | All options | All options but 0x02 |
proc exec | 0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
serializable proc exec | 0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
proc schema only | 0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
view schema only | 0x01 , 0x010 , 0x020 , 0x040 , 0x0100 , 0x2000 , 0x40000 , 0x100000 , 0x200000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x010 , 0x020 , 0x040 , 0x0100 , 0x2000 , 0x40000 , 0x100000 , 0x200000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
func schema only | 0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x20 , 0x2000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
indexed view schema only | 0x01 , 0x010 , 0x020 , 0x040 , 0x0100 , 0x2000 , 0x40000 , 0x100000 , 0x200000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
0x01 , 0x010 , 0x020 , 0x040 , 0x0100 , 0x2000 , 0x40000 , 0x100000 , 0x200000 , 0x400000 , 0x800000 , 0x2000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x40000000 , and 0x80000000 |
For queued updating publications, the @schema_option values of 0x8000
and 0x80
must be enabled. The supported @schema_option values for non-SQL Server publications are: 0x01
, 0x02
, 0x10
, 0x40
, 0x80
, 0x1000
, 0x4000
and 0X8000
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @table AS sysname;
DECLARE @filterclause AS nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @filtername AS nvarchar(386);
DECLARE @schemaowner AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksProductTran';
SET @table = N'Product';
SET @filterclause = N'[DiscontinuedDate] IS NULL';
SET @filtername = N'filter_out_discontinued';
SET @schemaowner = N'Production';
-- Add a horizontally and vertically filtered article for the Product table.
-- Manually set @schema_option to ensure that the Production schema
-- is generated at the Subscriber (0x8000000).
EXEC sp_addarticle
@publication = @publication,
@article = @table,
@source_object = @table,
@source_owner = @schemaowner,
@schema_option = 0x80030F3,
@vertical_partition = N'true',
@type = N'logbased',
@filter_clause = @filterclause;
-- (Optional) Manually call the stored procedure to create the
-- horizontal filtering stored procedure. Since the type is
-- 'logbased', this stored procedures is executed automatically.
EXEC sp_articlefilter
@publication = @publication,
@article = @table,
@filter_clause = @filterclause,
@filter_name = @filtername;
-- Add all columns to the article.
EXEC sp_articlecolumn
@publication = @publication,
@article = @table;
-- Remove the DaysToManufacture column from the article
EXEC sp_articlecolumn
@publication = @publication,
@article = @table,
@column = N'DaysToManufacture',
@operation = N'drop';
-- (Optional) Manually call the stored procedure to create the
-- vertical filtering view. Since the type is 'logbased',
-- this stored procedures is executed automatically.
EXEC sp_articleview
@publication = @publication,
@article = @table,
@filter_clause = @filterclause;
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_addarticle
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