Purchase order statuses with vendor collaboration


The four statuses of a purchase order that are typically used in vendor collaboration are:

  • Approved - When you're working with a vendor, a status of Approved typically means that the purchase order has been created and that you're ready to send it to the vendor for confirmation and acceptance.
  • In external review - When you're working with a vendor, the status will change to In external review when you send the purchase order to the vendor. It will also stay in that status after the vendor accepts the purchase order if the system is not set up to automatically accept or if automatic acceptance is blocked for some reason. The purchase order status will also remain as In external review if the vendor rejects the order or accepts the order with changes.
  • Confirmed - When you're working with a vendor, the purchase order status is set as Confirmed if the vendor accepts the order and the system is set up for automatic confirmation.
  • Canceled - When you're working with a vendor, the purchase order status is set as Canceled after you cancel a purchase order and the vendor confirms the cancellation.

If change management is enabled for purchase orders, the purchase order goes through an approval workflow to reach the Approved status, after which the standard statuses apply. The change management process isn't visible to the vendor.

The two statuses that are relevant to the change management process are:

  • Draft - When you're working with a vendor, the purchase order status is set to Draft in a few situations. It will be set to Draft when the initial purchase order is created. It will be changed to Draft if you make changes to the purchase order that are requested by the vendor.
  • In review - The purchase order status is set to In review during the approval process after the Draft status. A purchase order must have the status of Approved to be sent to a vendor.