Analyze survey reports


You’ve carefully crafted and then distributed surveys to your customers. After the first invitations have been sent, and when the feedback is submitted, you’ll use these responses to review and interpret the survey details.

The four main areas to review reports or analytics are:

  • Survey distribution overview

  • Survey response report

  • Satisfaction metrics

  • Alerts

Survey distribution overview

You can access the survey distribution overview from the Send tab on a survey. It's only available after an email has been sent or when invitations have been generated by using Power Automate. Cards will show the total number of invitations sent, the amount of survey responses received, and the number of invitations that weren't sent due to delays or failures. The flow chart in the lower part of the overview will summarize the invitations to show the path taken from being in progress, failed or sent through, to invites that haven't been responded to yet, have been opened or not, and finally to invites that have been responded to.

Screen image showing information cards for a survey, including total number of invitations, number of responses, and number of invitations not sent.

Screen image shows a flow chart to track invitations. The flow includes the number In progress, Sent, Not responded, Queued, Opened, and Responded.

  • Total invites - Displays the total number of survey invitations that were sent.

  • Responded - Displays the total number of recipients who responded to the survey invitations.

  • Not responded - Displays the total number of recipients who haven't responded to the survey invitations. A pie chart shows the distribution of survey invitations by status:

    • Unread - The survey invitation email wasn't read.

    • Read - The survey invitation email was read or opened.

    • Opened - The survey was opened but hasn't been completed yet.

  • Unsubscribed - Displays the total number of recipients who have unsubscribed from receiving survey-related emails.

  • Failed - Displays the total number of survey invitations that weren't delivered to recipients due to an incorrect email address or other error.

Survey response report

When you create a survey, a corresponding report will be created automatically. The report contains data after a survey response record has been created. It provides a graphical representation of each question on the survey, including averages or number of responses for each option, depending on the types of questions asked.

You can filter responses to show all of them, responses from the last seven, 28, or 90 days, or responses in a custom date range. Additionally, you can export the responses to a Microsoft Excel workbook for further analysis. Selecting the Respondents menu on the report will display a list of all responses that have been received. Double-clicking one of the responses from the list will open details in a pop-up window. This feature allows you to scroll through the provided answers. You'll also be able to review the personalized data, which will contain the variables that were collected through the invitation and then stored against the survey response. If needed, you can delete survey responses from the individual records.

Screen image shows a report for a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. Report includes question responses shown as a graphical representation.

Satisfaction metrics

If satisfaction metrics have been added to any survey that exists in a project, and at least one survey response has been received, the satisfaction metrics report will display valuable data. You can review data for the same time frames as the survey responses in the survey response report. Because a project can have multiple surveys, some that might not have satisfaction metrics set up, you can review a satisfaction metric report for the entire project and for individual surveys. To do so, select the survey dropdown menu that defaults to All surveys.

You can set up satisfaction metrics in four different ways, which results in four different possible charts that can display on the report.

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) - A meter chart that shows the score for the metric. The area chart toward the right of the meter chart shows the trend of Net Promoter Score for the selected time period.

  • Sentiment - A pie chart that shows the distribution of positive, neutral, and negative sentiments for the metric. The stacked column chart toward the right of the pie chart shows the distribution of positive, neutral, and negative sentiment for the selected time period.

  • CSAT - A meter chart that shows the score for the metric. The area chart toward the right of the meter chart shows the trend of CSAT scores for the selected time period.

  • Custom score - A meter chart that shows the score for the metric. The area chart toward the right of the meter chart shows the trend of custom scores for the selected time period.

Select the View satisfaction metrics option in the upper-left corner of the report to review satisfaction metrics. However, you need to add new metrics directly from a survey from the Customization menu on the Design tab.

Screen image showing the satisfaction metrics report for a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. Report shows CSAT, Customer Service Score, and Sentiment NPS charts.


Another area in the Reports section is Alerts. By adding alerts, you can create triggers to indicate a specific way that a question was responded to. For example, creating an alert when a Net Promoter Score is responded to with a 6 or below indicates a Detractor. Creating an alert that can be assigned to a member of your customer services team to follow up with the customer can help resolve issues before they become too serious. You can view existing alert rules and create new alert rules from the report area as well.

The Alerts section has a filter option that allows you to filter to show all alerts that are assigned to you, or everyone, and also to filter by alert name, specific satisfaction metric, and from a specific survey. Additionally, you can filter alerts by various date options and by alerts that are triggered by a specific customer.

Screen image showing an overview of alerts that are generated for surveys within a project in Customer Voice.