KB4577775 - Cumulatieve update 15 voor SQL Server 2016 SP2
Releasedatum: 28 september 2020
Versie: 13.0.5850.14
In dit artikel wordt het cumulatieve updatepakket 15 (CU15) (buildnummer: 13.0.5850.14) voor Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2 (SP2) beschreven. Deze update bevat oplossingen die zijn uitgebracht na de eerste release van SQL Server 2016 SP2.
Bekende problemen in deze update
Er is een bekend probleem met het SQL Writer-onderdeel in SQL Server 2016 SP2 CU15. De SQL Writer-service wordt gedeeld in alle exemplaren van SQL Server die op dezelfde server worden uitgevoerd, ongeacht de versie. Als u deze cumulatieve update hebt geïnstalleerd op een server waarop ook oudere versies van SQL Server worden uitgevoerd, zoals SQL Server 2014 of SQL Server 2012, mislukken VSS-back-ups tegen deze oudere exemplaren. Als u SQL Server 2016 naast oudere versies van SQL Server uitvoert, raden we u aan deze cumulatieve update niet te installeren. Dit probleem wordt opgelost in de volgende cumulatieve updaterelease.
Verbeteringen en oplossingen die zijn opgenomen in deze update
Foutverwijzing | Beschrijving | Opgelost gebied | Platform |
13663199 | Onregelmatige fout 6552 treedt op bij het uitvoeren van ruimtelijke query met TOP <param> or OFFSET <param1> ROWS FETCH NEXT <param2> ROWS ONLY component en parallel plan. |
SQL-engine | Alle |
13671166 | Schaalbaarheidsverbetering van Query Store voor ad-hocworkloads. Query Store legt nu interne limieten op voor de hoeveelheid geheugen, deze kan de bewerkingsmodus gebruiken en automatisch wijzigen in ALLEEN-LEZEN totdat er voldoende geheugen is geretourneerd naar de database-engine, waardoor prestatieproblemen worden voorkomen. | SQL-engine | Alle |
13703158 | FIX: Corrigeer onjuiste geheugenpaginaboekhouding die onvoldoende geheugenfouten veroorzaakt in SQL Server (KB4536005) | SQL-engine | Alle |
12833050 | FIX: Onjuiste resultaten treden op wanneer u INSERT INTO SELECT-instructie uitvoert op tabelvariabelen die zijn geoptimaliseerd voor geheugen in SQL Server 2016 (KB4580397) | In-Memory OLTP | Windows |
13398580 | Lost een probleem op waarbij de sessie wordt gedood wanneer u wordt uitgevoerd DBCC CHECKTABLE PHYSICAL_ONLY vanwege de schijf vol. De sessie blijft in KILLED \ROLLBACK de status en threads wachten op CHECK_TABLES_THREAD_BARRIER wachttype met een toenemende wachttijd. |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13446509 | Kan geen verbinding maken met de primaire databasereplica na een failover van de beschikbaarheidsgroep in SQL Server 2016. | Hoge beschikbaarheid | Windows |
13527337 | Wanneer u FileTables in SQL Server gebruikt, ziet u mogelijk dat er regelmatig dumps worden gegenereerd die een assertie in functie FFtFileObject::ProcessPostCreate bevatten. In sommige omgevingen kunnen deze dumps een failover activeren. FFtFileObject::P rocessPostCreate file = FileName line = LineNumber expression = FALSE |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13562643 | FIX: Onjuiste resultaten kunnen optreden wanneer u een gekoppelde serverquery uitvoert met aggregaties of joins in een tabel met gefilterde index op een externe server in SQL Server 2016 en 2017 (KB4575689) | SQL-prestaties | Windows |
13607958 | Wanneer u een RESTORE HEADERONLY back-up van SQL Server 2016 uitvoert, ziet u mogelijk fout 3285 , zelfs als de juiste blokken zijn opgegeven. Als de fout zich blijft voordoen na het toepassen van deze oplossing, kunt u de juiste blokken opgeven of contact opnemen met Microsoft Ondersteuning voor hulp. |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13615273 | Wanneer u probeert een gecomprimeerde of versleutelde back-up te herstellen via een bestaande TDE-database, merkt u mogelijk dat de herstelbewerking langer duurt dan verwacht. | SQL-engine | Windows |
13622766 | FIX: Er wordt geen back-up gemaakt van de database wanneer sql Agent-systeemtaken worden gewijzigd in een andere naam dan sa in SQL Server 2016 en 2017 (KB4578008) | SQL-engine | Windows |
13624298 | CHECKDB rapporteert geen fouten, maar gebruikers zien mogelijk fouten 602 en 608 vanwege inconsistente metagegevens voor volledige tekst. |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13634007 | Wanneer u een back-up probeert te maken van een alleen-lezen database die geoptimaliseerde bestandsgroepen en bestanden of filestream-objecten bevat, mislukt de back-up met fouten 3013 en 3906. | SQL-engine | Windows |
13636611 | Wanneer een VSS-back-up probeert een back-up te maken van SQL Server-databases die worden gehost op de doorstuurserverreplica van een gedistribueerde beschikbaarheidsgroep, mislukt de back-upbewerking. Deze opdracht BACKUP of RESTORE wordt niet ondersteund op een databasespiegel of secundaire replica. BACKUP DATABASE wordt abnormaal beëindigd. In het foutenlogboek ziet u mogelijk de volgende fout: < DateTime-fout> : 3041, Ernst: 16, Status: 1. <DateTime> BACKUP kan de opdracht BACKUP DATABASE DatabaseName niet voltooien. Controleer het logboek van de back-uptoepassing op gedetailleerde berichten. |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13641664 | VERIFY_CLONEDB hiermee wordt het bericht 'Verificatie van de kloondatabase is mislukt' afgedrukt voor de database als de databasenaam begint met een getal. |
SQL-engine | Windows |
13647266 | Wanneer een rolgebruiker met rolfilter in SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services (SSAS 2016) Direct Query uitvoert, wordt er mogelijk een fout weergegeven: er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden (bestand 'FileName', lineNumber><, functie 'FunctionNameQueryFragment_Source::BuildSourceFragment'). |
Analysis Services | Windows |
13647774 | FIX: Er treedt een assertiefout op wanneer de beschikbaarheidsgroep handmatig naar een andere replica in SQL Server 2016 (KB4587239) wordt uitgevoerd | SQL-engine | Windows |
13658146 | De Scheduler-fout die niet oplevert, kan optreden wanneer queryopslag probeert de geheugenstructuur te vergroten tijdens een zware werkbelasting. | SQL-engine | Windows |
13671014 | Wanneer u een rapport exporteert met een punt (.) in de rapportnaam, wordt de geëxporteerde bestandsnaam afgekapt. | Reporting Services | Windows |
13708141 | SSAS 2016 tabellaire proces 'calculate' kan 2-4 keer langer duren na een upgrade naar de meest recente cumulatieve update (CU) voor SQL Server 2016 SP2. Na de upgrade was de toegenomen tijd in de verwerking van de kenmerkhiërarchie tijdens het proces berekenen. | Analysis Services | Windows |
Dit cumulatieve updatepakket verkrijgen
De volgende update is beschikbaar via het Microsoft Downloadcentrum:
Download nu het meest recente cumulatieve updatepakket voor SQL Server 2016 SP2
Als de downloadpagina niet wordt weergegeven, neemt u contact op met de klantenservice en de ondersteuning van Microsoft om het cumulatieve updatepakket te verkrijgen.
Nadat toekomstige cumulatieve updates zijn uitgebracht voor SQL Server 2016, kan deze CU worden gevonden en gedownload uit de Microsoft Windows Update-catalogus. U wordt echter aangeraden de meest recente cumulatieve update te installeren die beschikbaar is.
Opmerkingen voor deze update
Cumulatieve update
Cumulatieve updates (CU) zijn nu beschikbaar in het Microsoft Downloadcentrum.
Alleen de meest recente CU die is uitgebracht voor SQL Server 2016 SP2, is beschikbaar in het Downloadcentrum. Elke nieuwe CU bevat alle fixes die zijn opgenomen in de vorige CU voor de geïnstalleerde versie of het servicepack van SQL Server. Zie het volgende artikel voor een lijst met de meest recente cumulatieve updates voor SQL Server:
Buildversies van SQL Server 2016
Microsoft raadt doorlopende, proactieve installatie van CA's aan zodra deze beschikbaar komen:
- SQL Server-CA's zijn gecertificeerd voor dezelfde niveaus als Service Packs en moeten op hetzelfde betrouwbaarheidsniveau worden geïnstalleerd.
- Historische gegevens tonen aan dat een aanzienlijk aantal ondersteuningsaanvragen betrekking heeft op een probleem dat al is opgelost in een uitgebrachte CU.
- CU's kunnen boven en boven hotfixes toegevoegde waarde bevatten. Dit omvat ondersteunings-, beheerbaarheid- en betrouwbaarheidsupdates.
Net als voor SQL Server-servicepacks raden we u aan CU's te testen voordat u ze implementeert in productieomgevingen.
U wordt aangeraden uw SQL Server-installatie bij te werken naar het nieuwste SQL Server 2016-servicepack.
Implementatie van hybride omgevingen
Wanneer u de hotfixes implementeert in een hybride omgeving (zoals AlwaysOn, replicatie, cluster en spiegeling), raden we u aan de volgende artikelen te raadplegen voordat u de hotfixes implementeert:
Failovercluster-exemplaar upraden
Als u het rolling updateproces niet wilt gebruiken, volgt u deze stappen om een update toe te passen:
1. Installeer het servicepack op het passieve knooppunt.
2. Installeer de update op het actieve knooppunt (hiervoor moet de service opnieuw worden opgestart).Replica's van beschikbaarheidsgroepen upgraden
Als u AlwaysOn hebt ingeschakeld met de SSISDB-catalogus, raadpleegt u de informatie over SSIS met AlwaysOn voor meer informatie over het toepassen van een update in deze omgevingen.
Een hotfix toepassen voor SQL Server in een transactionele replicatie en databasespiegelingtopologie
Een hotfix toepassen voor SQL Server in een replicatietopologie
Cumulatieve SQL Server-updates zijn momenteel meertalige. Daarom is dit cumulatieve updatepakket niet specifiek voor één taal. Deze is van toepassing op alle ondersteunde talen.
Onderdelen (functies) bijgewerkt
Eén cumulatief updatepakket bevat alle beschikbare updates voor ALLE SQL Server 2016-onderdelen (functies). Het cumulatieve updatepakket werkt echter alleen de onderdelen bij die momenteel zijn geïnstalleerd op het SQL Server-exemplaar dat u selecteert om te worden onderhouden. Als een SQL Server-functie (bijvoorbeeld Analysis Services) wordt toegevoegd aan het exemplaar nadat deze CU is toegepast, moet u deze CU opnieuw toepassen om de nieuwe functie bij te werken op deze CU.
Ondersteuning voor deze update
Als er andere problemen optreden of als er probleemoplossing is vereist, moet u mogelijk een afzonderlijke serviceaanvraag maken. De gebruikelijke ondersteuningskosten zijn van toepassing op aanvullende ondersteuningsvragen en op problemen die niet in aanmerking komen voor dit specifieke cumulatieve updatepakket. Ga naar de microsoft-ondersteuningswebsite voor een volledige lijst met telefoonnummers voor klantenservice en ondersteuning van Microsoft of om een afzonderlijke serviceaanvraag te maken.
Deze update verwijderen
Hiervoor volgt u deze stappen:
Selecteer in Configuratiescherm geïnstalleerde updates weergeven onder Programma's en onderdelen.
Zoek de vermelding die overeenkomt met dit cumulatieve updatepakket onder Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
Houd de vermelding ingedrukt (of klik er met de rechtermuisknop op) en selecteer Verwijderen.
Informatie over cumulatieve updatepakketten
Als u dit cumulatieve updatepakket wilt toepassen, moet u SQL Server 2016 SP2 uitvoeren.
Gegevens opnieuw opstarten
Mogelijk moet u de computer opnieuw opstarten nadat u dit cumulatieve updatepakket hebt toegepast.
Als u een van de hotfixes in dit pakket wilt gebruiken, hoeft u geen wijzigingen aan te brengen in het register.
Informatie over het cumulatieve updatepakketbestand
De Engelse versie van dit pakket heeft de bestandskenmerken (of latere bestandskenmerken) die worden vermeld in de volgende tabel. De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden vermeld in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Wanneer u de bestandsgegevens bekijkt, wordt deze geconverteerd naar lokale tijd. Als u het verschil tussen UTC en lokale tijd wilt vinden, gebruikt u het tabblad Tijdzone in het item Datum en tijd in Configuratiescherm.
SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1341840 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 983440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 983448 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x86 |
Msmdctr.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 33176 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 56245144 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 37127064 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 56790936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 6502280 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 7502744 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 8636312 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 7003544 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 303512 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 280472 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 179608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 249240 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 103816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 123288 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Tmapi.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 4339096 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Tmcachemgr.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2819480 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Tmpersistence.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1064344 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Tmtransactions.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1345432 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 312216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 252808 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 220568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 184720 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 24041872 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 32720784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Common Core
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 153480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Instapi150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Instapi150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 46488 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 22408 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1020824 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1020824 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1020824 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1020824 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1341848 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 695704 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 758664 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.json.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 513944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 705432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 705416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 68504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 562568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 562584 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:18 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 29080 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 24984 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 53136 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 103816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 123288 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 44936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 39832 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 399240 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:49 | x64 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 358808 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 30600 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 28048 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 60824 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 53640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_dreplay_client
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Dreplayclient.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 114056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x86 |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 683928 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:07 | x86 |
Dreplayutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 303000 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Instapi150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_dreplay_controller
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 683928 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:07 | x86 |
Dreplaycontroller.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 343448 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dreplayprocess.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 164760 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Instapi150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Core Instance
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Backuptourl.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 34200 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:12 | x64 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Datacollectorcontroller.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 218520 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dcexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 67480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Fssres.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 74640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Hadrres.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 170904 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Hkcompile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1291152 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Hkengine.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 5596056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:10 | x64 |
Hkruntime.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 151960 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x64 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.autobackupagent.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 227736 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 385936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 58264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 143256 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 151952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 265104 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.targets.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 67984 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Odsole70.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 85912 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Opends60.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 26008 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Qds.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 889752 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Rsfxft.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 27544 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x64 |
Sqagtres.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 57736 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlaamss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 73624 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 456088 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Sqlagent.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 559512 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 44944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 37264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Sqlagentlog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 26008 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlagentmail.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 40856 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 179608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 249240 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Sqlcmdss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 53128 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2589592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqldtsss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 90512 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sqliosim.com | 2015.131.5850.14 | 300936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqliosim.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3007384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Sqllang.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 39545736 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlmin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 37950872 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:48 | x64 |
Sqlolapss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 91024 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 19352 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlpowershellss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 51600 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlrepss.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 48008 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23944 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23960 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 20888 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 5804952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 725912 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlservr.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 385944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 145304 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 8916888 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqsrvres.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 244120 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 312216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 220568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Xpadsi.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 72080 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:20 | x64 |
Xplog70.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 58768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xpsqlbot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 26520 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x64 |
Xpstar.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 415640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x64 |
Gedeelde SQL Server 2016 Database Services Core
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 153480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Bcp.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 113040 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:07 | x64 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 242056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Datacollectorenumerators.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 108936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Datacollectortasks.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 181144 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Distrib.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 184208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 102800 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 81816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 130440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:12 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3139480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 470408 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 485768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 79768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 113560 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtsmsg150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 538504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1272208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 41368 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 80792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 127896 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 256392 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 278424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 159640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 382360 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 394648 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 89480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Hkengperfctrs.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 52120 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Logread.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619928 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1307032 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 385432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1644440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 562584 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:18 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 143256 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 151952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 94616 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Msxmlsql.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1487768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 257424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 284056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Osql.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 68504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 202632 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 189848 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Rdistcom.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 900504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 180120 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Repldp.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 274824 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Replmerg.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 511880 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x64 |
Replprov.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 805264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Replrec.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1012112 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 242584 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqldiag.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1250712 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Sqllogship.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 97688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23944 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21896 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23960 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 45976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 145304 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 120208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlwep130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 98696 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209296 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Tablediff.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 79768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x64 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 357784 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 165784 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txdatacollector.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 360856 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 289688 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 600984 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 525208 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 223640 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 271768 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 121232 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 119704 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 252312 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 593816 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 175000 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 312216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_extensibility
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Launchpad.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1008520 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sql_extensibility_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlsatellite.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 831384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Full Text Engine
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Fd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 653208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Fdhost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 98200 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Fdlauncher.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 44440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlft130ph.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 51088 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_inst_mr
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Imrdll.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 16776 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Sql_inst_mr_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Integration Services
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 18-aug-2020 | 00:31 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 08-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 18-aug-2020 | 00:31 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 08-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 18-aug-2020 | 00:31 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 08-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 195984 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 242056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 92568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 102800 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 81816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 76688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 108936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 130440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 59784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:12 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2625928 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3139480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 412056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 470408 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 385432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 485768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 86936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 102808 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 69528 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 79768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 96136 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 113560 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtsmsg150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 534424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtsmsg150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 538504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1052560 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1272208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 35216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 41368 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 73112 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 80792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 108432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 127896 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 256392 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 225688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 278424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 128408 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 159640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 327576 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 382360 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 338312 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 394648 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 73608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 89480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1307032 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1307032 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 66448 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:12 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 105360 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 100232 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 478608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:11 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 478600 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:18 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 75672 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 75672 | 18-sep-2020 | 1:02 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 385432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 143256 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 131976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 151952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 137624 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:18 | x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 210312 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 94616 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 83352 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 257424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 284056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 228760 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 202632 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 161688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 189848 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 148376 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 180120 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 144792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5850.14 | 249240 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 256904 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 208792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 144264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209296 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 169880 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 357784 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 297872 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 165784 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 130952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 604568 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 489352 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 176536 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 141208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 283032 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 243608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 176024 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 140696 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 289688 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 248208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 600984 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 512392 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 194968 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 156056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 192920 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 154008 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 284048 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 224664 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 130968 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 102792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 525208 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 442760 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 223640 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 169880 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 271768 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 216984 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 121232 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 95128 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 221080 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 175000 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 119704 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 94616 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 165272 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 127888 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 213392 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 162712 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 252312 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 204176 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 593816 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 506264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 8671112 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 8608656 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 4151704 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 4099992 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 175000 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 131976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 194960 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 155528 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 551816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_polybase_core_inst
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Dms.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 483624 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Dmsnative.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 75560 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Dwengineservice.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 45864 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.backup.backupmetadata.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 74536 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.catalog.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 202024 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.common.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2347304 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.configuration.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 102184 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.common.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 378664 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.manager.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 185640 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagetypes.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 127272 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagingprotocol.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 63272 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.diagnostics.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 52520 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.distributor.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 87336 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 721704 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.statsstream.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 87336 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.eventing.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 78120 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.appliance.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 41768 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.interface.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 36648 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.polybase.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 47912 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.xdbinterface.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 27432 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.failover.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 33064 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.hadoop.hadoopbridge.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119080 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadercommon.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 94504 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadmanager.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 108328 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 256808 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 102184 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 116008 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119080 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 116008 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 125736 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 118056 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 113448 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 145704 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 100136 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 114984 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nodes.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 69416 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nulltransaction.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 28456 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.parallelizer.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 43816 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.resourcemanagement.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 82216 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.setup.componentupgradelibrary.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 137000 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2155816 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 3818792 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 107816 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 120104 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 124712 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 121128 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 133408 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 121128 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 118568 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 152360 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 105280 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119592 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sqldistributor.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 66856 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.transactsql.scriptdom.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2756392 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.utilities.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 752424 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Mpdwinterop.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 387992 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:11 | x64 |
Mpdwsvc.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 6611864 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:20 | x64 |
Sharedmemory.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 47400 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2533272 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 123288 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:21 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1434512 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3749784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3080584 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3751320 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3654552 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2002840 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1948568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3436936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3448712 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1384344 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3623816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlncli13e.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2223512 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 19352 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlsortpdw.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 4348200 | 09-mei-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 9085832 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_shared_mr
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Smrdll.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 16784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:10 | x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_tools_extensions
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
As_msmdlocal_dll.32 | 2015.131.5850.14 | 37127064 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
As_msmdlocal_dll.64 | 2015.131.5850.14 | 56245144 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Autoadmin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1304968 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Ddsshapeslib.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 128904 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtaengine.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 160152 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 92568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 102800 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 81816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 76688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 108936 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 130440 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 59784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 65944 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:12 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2625928 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 3139480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 412056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 470408 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 385432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 485768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 69528 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:01 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 79768 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 96136 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 113560 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtsmsg150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 534424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtsmsg150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 538504 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1052560 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 1272208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:06 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 35216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf150.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 41368 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 73112 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 80792 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 108432 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 127896 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 256392 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 225688 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 278424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 327576 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 382360 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 338312 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 394648 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 73608 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 89480 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclientui.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 85392 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 1307032 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 2016664 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.projectui.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 35216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:17 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 66448 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 428952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 428952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 2037640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.5850.14 | 2037640 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 143256 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 131976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:19 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 151952 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 137624 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:18 | x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 94616 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 83352 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 6502280 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 7502744 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:08 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 8636312 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 7003544 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 303512 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 280472 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 257424 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 209816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 284056 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 228760 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Profiler.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 797592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Sql_tools_extensions_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 93592 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 103816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:00:00 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5850.14 | 123288 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:05 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23944 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21896 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 23960 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 21384 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 54168 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 45976 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:14 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 145304 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 120208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 173976 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 144264 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:13 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 289688 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:46 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 248208 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 619416 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 551816 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:04 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 312216 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:02 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 252808 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:15 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 220568 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:03 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 184720 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 24041872 | 18-sep-2020 | 09:47 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5850.14 | 32720784 | 18-sep-2020 | 10:16 | x86 |