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Manage Preprod Submissions

Use the following methods in Microsoft Hardware APIs to manage preprod submissions and for getting your driver packages signed by Microsoft for preproduction testing use. For an introduction to Microsoft Hardware APIs, including prerequisites for using the API, see Hardware dashboard API.

Methods for managing product submissions

Method URI Description
PUT Submit a package for preprod signing
GET{packageId} Get package metadata for a preprod submission
GET{packageId}/assets Get available assets for a preprod submission
GET{packageId}/assets/{assetId} Get asset metadata for a single asset
GET{packageId}/assets/{assetId}/download Download an asset for a given preprod submission

Package Metadata Resource

ID Unique identifier of the package
  • NotStarted
  • Processing
  • Succeeded
  • Failed
Error Errors encountered during package processing

Asset Metadata Resource

ID Unique identifier of the asset
packageID Identifier of the package that this asset belongs to
assetType The type of asset available for download. Possible values are:
  • “SignedFilesZip”: package signed by Microsoft.
contentHash SHA-256 hash of the content

Create and submit a product for signing

  1. If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Hardware APIs.

  2. Obtain a Microsoft Entra ID access token. You must pass this access token to the methods in the Microsoft Store submission API. After you obtain an access token, you have 60 minutes to use it before it expires. After the token expires, you can obtain a new one.

  3. Create a new submission by executing the following method in the Microsoft Hardware API. The request body should contain your package stream as "application/octet-stream". This will creates a new in-progress preprod submission with HDC. Ensure that the package is signed in the same way you would for attestation submissions before uploading.


    The response body contains the id of the package which will be the packageId for subsequent steps.

        "id": "string",
        "etag": "string",
        "lastModified": "2022-03-28T23:31:17.014Z",
        "signingStatus": "NotStarted",
            "message": "string"
  4. Check on the status by executing the following method to get the package metadata.


    To confirm the package status, review the signingStatus value in the response body. This value should change from Processing to Succeeded if the submission succeeds, or to Failed if there are errors in the request. If there are errors, the error field contains further details about the error.

    If the signingStatus is Succeeded a signed package should be available in the assets field.

    "id": "string",
    "etag": "string",
    "lastModified": "2022-03-28T23:45:25.501Z",
    "signingStatus": "NotStarted",
    "error": {
        "message": "string"
    "assets": [
        "id": "string",
        "packageId": "string",
        "assetType": "string",
        "createdDate": "2022-03-28T23:45:25.501Z",
        "contentHash": "string"
    "assetsContinuationToken": "string"
  5. Download your preprod signed package by using the following method to download an asset once signingStatus is Succeeded. Use the id for the signed asset from the metadata retrieved in step 4 as your assetId in the request. The downloaded package will include the signed driver files as a zip.


Example Submit Package for Preprod Signing Code

    var httpClient = new HttpClient();
    httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(;
        new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("*/*"));

    httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);

    var driverPackage = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\");
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.PutAsync("preprod/packages", new ByteArrayContent(driverPackage));
    var jsonResponse = response.Result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<object>().Result as JsonElement?;
    var packageId = jsonResponse?.GetProperty("id").ToString();