The PNP_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x000000CA. This indicates that the Plug and Play Manager encountered a severe error, probably as a result of a problematic Plug and Play driver.
This article is for programmers. If you're a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.
Parameter 1 identifies the type of violation.
Parameter 1 | Parameter 2 | Parameter 3 | Parameter 4 | Cause of Error |
0x1 |
Address of newly-reported PDO |
Address of older PDO which has been duplicated |
Reserved |
Duplicate PDO: A specific instance of a driver has enumerated multiple PDOs with identical device ID and unique IDs. |
0x2 |
Address of purported PDO |
Address of driver object |
Reserved |
Invalid PDO: An API which requires a PDO has been called with random memory, or with an FDO, or with a PDO which hasn't been initialized. (An uninitialized PDO is one that has not been returned to Plug and Play by QueryDeviceRelation or QueryBusRelations.) |
0x3 |
Address of PDO whose IDs were queried |
Address of ID buffer |
1: DeviceID 2: UniqueID 3: HardwareIDs 4: CompatibleIDs |
Invalid ID: An enumerator has returned an ID which contains illegal characters or isn't properly terminated. (IDs must contain only characters in the ranges 0x20 - 0x2B and 0x2D - 0x7F.) |
0x4 |
Address of PDO with DOE_DELETE_PENDING set |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Invalid enumeration of deleted PDO: An enumerator has returned a PDO which it had previously deleted using IoDeleteDevice. |
0x5 |
Address of PDO |
Reserved |
Reserved |
PDO freed while linked in devnode tree: The object manager reference count on a PDO dropped to zero while the devnode was still linked in the tree. (This usually indicates that the driver is not adding a reference when returning the PDO in a query IRP.) |
0x8 |
Address of PDO whose stack returned the invalid bus relation |
Total number of PDOs returned as bus relations |
The index (zero-based) at which the first NULL PDO was found |
NULL pointer returned as a bus relation: One or more of the devices present on the bus is a NULL PDO. |
0x9 |
Connection type that was passed |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Invalid connection type passed to IoDisconnectInterruptEx: A driver has passed an invalid connection type to IoDisconnectInterruptEx. The connection type passed to this routine must match the one returned by a corresponding successful call to IoConnectInterruptEx. |
0xA |
Driver object |
IRQL after returning from driver callback |
Combined APC disable count after returning from driver callback |
Incorrect notify callback behavior: A driver failed to preserve IRQL or combined APC disable count across a Plug 'n' Play notification. |
0xB |
Related PDO |
Removal relations |
Reserved |
Deleted PDO reported as relation: One of the removal relations for the device being removed has already been deleted. |