Networking driver samples
The driver samples in this directory provide a starting point for writing a custom network driver for your device.
Sample | Description |
Bindview | An application that demonstrates how to use INetCfg APIs to enumerate, install, uninstall, bind and unbind network components. |
Fakemodem | Demonstrates a simple controller-less modem driver. |
Hyper-V Extensible Switch Extension Filter | A base library used to implement a Hyper-V Extensible Switch extension filter driver. |
NDIS 6.0 Filter | The sample is a do-nothing pass-through NDIS 6 filter driver demonstrating the basic principles of an NDIS 6.0 Filter driver. |
NDIS MUX Intermediate Driver and Notify Object | An NDIS 6.0 driver that demonstrates the operation of an "N:1" MUX driver. The sample create multiple virtual network devices on top of a single lower adapter. |
Connectionless NDIS 6.0 and 6.3 Protocol Driver | This driver supports sending and receiving raw Ethernet frames using ReadFile/WriteFile calls from user-mode. As an NDIS protocol driver, it illustrates how to establish and tear down bindings to Ethernet adapters. |
Connectionless NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver | This driver supports sending and receiving raw Ethernet frames using ReadFile/WriteFile calls from user-mode. As an NDIS protocol driver, it illustrates how to establish and tear down bindings to Ethernet adapters. |
NDIS Virtual Miniport Driver | Demonstrates the functionality of an NDIS miniport driver without requiring a physical network adapter. |
Radio Manager | Demonstrates how to structure a Radio Manager for use with the Windows Radio Management APIs. |
WDI Sample | This sample demonstrates use of the WLAN WDI. |
WFP Packet Modification | Demonstrates the packet modification capabilities of the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). |
WFP Traffic Inspection | Demonstrates the traffic inspection capabilities of the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). |
WFP MSN Messenger Monitor | A sample application and driver demonstrating the stream inspection capabilities of the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). |
WFP Stream Edit | Demonstrates replacing a string pattern for a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection using the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). |
Windows Filtering Platform | This is a sample firewall. It has a command-line interface which allows adding filters at various WFP layers under various conditions. Additionally, it exposes callouts for injection, basic action, proxying, and stream inspection. |
Native Wi-Fi IHV Service | Demonstrates IHV extensibility for native Wi-Fi. |
WSK TCP Echo Server | This sample driver is a minimal driver meant to demonstrate the usage of the Winsock Kernel (WSK) programming interface. |