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Converts an existing Remote Installation Preparation (RIPrep) image to Windows Image (.wim) format.


wdsutil [Options] /Convert-RIPrepImage /FilePath:<Filepath and name> /DestinationImage /FilePath:<Filepath and name> [/Name:<Name>] [/Description:<Description>] [/InPlace] [/Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append}]


Parameter Description
/FilePath:<Filepath and name> Specifies the full filepath and name of the .sif file that corresponds to the RIPrep image. This file is typically called Riprep.sif and is found in the \Templates subfolder of the folder that contains the RIPrep image.
/DestinationImage Specifies the settings for the destination image. Uses the following options;
  • /FilePath:<Filepath and name> - Sets the full file path for the new file. For example: C:\Temp\convert.wim
  • [/Name:<Name>] - Sets the display name of the image. If no display name is specified, the display name of the source image is used.
  • [/Description:<Description>] - Sets the description of the image.
  • [/InPlace] - Specifies that the conversion should take place on the original RIPrep image and not on a copy of the original image, which is the default behavior.
  • [/Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append} - Sets whether this image should overwrite or append any existing files.


To convert the specified RIPrep.sif image to RIPREP.wim, type:

wdsutil /Convert-RiPrepImage /FilePath:R:\RemoteInstall\Setup\English \Images\Win2k3.SP1\i386\Templates\riprep.sif /DestinationImage /FilePath:C:\Temp\RIPREP.wim

To convert the specified RIPrep.sif image to RIPREP.wim with the specified name and description, and overwrite it with the new file if a file already exists, type:

wdsutil /Verbose /Progress /Convert-RiPrepImage /FilePath:\\Server \RemInst\Setup\English\Images\WinXP.SP2\i386\Templates\riprep.sif /DestinationImage /FilePath:\\Server\Share\RIPREP.wim /Name:WindowsXP image /Description:Converted RIPREP image of WindowsXP /Overwrite:Append