Enable/disable device health monitoring on devices.
DeviceHealthMonitoring is an opt-in health monitoring connection between the device and Microsoft. You should enable this policy only if your organization is using a Microsoft device monitoring service that requires it.
Description framework properties:
Property name
Property value
Access Type
Add, Delete, Get, Replace
Default Value
Allowed values:
The DeviceHealthMonitoring connection is enabled.
0 (Default)
The DeviceHealthMonitoring connection is disabled.
Applicable OS
✅ Device ❌ User
✅ Pro ✅ Enterprise ✅ Education ✅ Windows SE ✅ IoT Enterprise / IoT Enterprise LTSC
If the device isn't opted-in to the DeviceHealthMonitoring service via the AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring then this policy has no meaning. For devices which are opted in, the value of this policy modifies which types of events are monitored.
This policy is applicable only if the AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring policy has been set to 1 (Enabled) on the device. This policy modifies which health events are sent to Microsoft on the DeviceHealthMonitoring connection. IT Pros don't need to set this policy. Instead, Microsoft Intune is expected to dynamically manage this value in coordination with the Microsoft device health monitoring service.
If the device isn't opted-in to the DeviceHealthMonitoring service via the AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring then this policy has no meaning. For devices which are opted in, the value of this policy modifies which service instance to which events are to be uploaded.
If the device isn't opted-in to the DeviceHealthMonitoring service via the AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring then this policy has no meaning. For devices which are opted in, the value of this policy modifies which destinations are in-scope for monitored events to be uploaded.
This policy is applicable only if the AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring policy has been set to 1 (Enabled) on the device.
The value of this policy constrains the DeviceHealthMonitoring connection to certain destinations in order to support regional and sovereign cloud scenarios.
In most cases, an IT Pro doesn't need to define this policy. Instead, it's expected that this value is dynamically managed by Microsoft Intune to align with the region or cloud to which the device's tenant is already linked.
Configure this policy manually only when explicitly instructed to do so by a Microsoft device monitoring service.
Plan en voer een strategie voor eindpuntimplementatie uit met behulp van essentiële elementen van moderne beheer- en co-beheermethoden en Microsoft Intune-integratie.
Voeg een Windows Health Monitoring-profiel toe om eindpuntanalyse- en software-updategebeurtenissen te verzamelen op Windows 10/11-apparaten in Microsoft Intune. Gebruik deze gegevens om software aan te bevelen, opstartprestaties te controleren en ondersteuningsproblemen op te lossen.
Gebruik de app- en stuurprogrammacompatibiliteitsrapporten voor Windows 10 en Windows 11 apparaten voordat u Intune beleid implementeert voor functie-updates of updateringen.