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This topic is the first in a series describing how you can port the source code in your C++/CX project to its equivalent in C++/WinRT.
If your project is also using Windows Runtime C++ Template Library (WRL) types, then see Move to C++/WinRT from WRL.
It's worth knowing that porting from C++/CX to C++/WinRT is generally straightforward, with the one exception of moving from Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) tasks to coroutines. The models are different. There isn't a natural one-to-one mapping from PPL tasks to coroutines, and there's no simple way to mechanically port the code that works for all cases. For help with this specific aspect of porting, and your options for interoperating between the two models, see Asynchrony, and interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX.
Development teams routinely report that once they're over the hurdle of porting their asynchronous code, the remainder of the porting work is largely mechanical.
If you're in a position to be able to port your entire project in one pass, then you'll need only this topic for the info you need (and you won't need the interop topics that follow this one). We recommend that you begin by creating a new project in Visual Studio using one of the C++/WinRT project templates (see Visual Studio support for C++/WinRT). Then move your source code files over into that new project, and port all of the C++/CX source code to C++/WinRT as you do so.
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to do the porting work in your existing C++/CX project, then you'll need to add C++/WinRT support to it. The steps that you follow to do that are described in Taking a C++/CX project and adding C++/WinRT support. By the time you're done porting, you'll have turned what was a pure C++/CX project into a pure C++/WinRT project.
If you have a Windows Runtime component project, then porting in one pass is your only option. A Windows Runtime component project written in C++ must contain either all C++/CX source code, or all C++/WinRT source code. They can't coexist in this project type.
With the exception of Windows Runtime component projects, as mentioned in the previous section, if the size or complexity of your codebase makes it necessary to port your project gradually, then you'll need a porting process in which for a time C++/CX and C++/WinRT code exists side by side in the same project. In addition to reading this topic, also see Interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX and Asynchrony, and interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX. Those topics provide info and code examples showing how to interoperate between the two language projections.
To get a project ready for a gradual porting process, one option is to add C++/WinRT support to your C++/CX project. The steps that you follow to do that are described in Taking a C++/CX project and adding C++/WinRT support. You can then port gradually from there.
Another option is to create a new project in Visual Studio using one of the C++/WinRT project templates (see Visual Studio support for C++/WinRT). And then add C++/CX support to that project. The steps that you follow to do that are described in Taking a C++/WinRT project and adding C++/CX support. You can then start moving your source code over into that, and porting some of the C++/CX source code to C++/WinRT as you do so.
In either case, you'll interoperate (both ways) between your C++/WinRT code and any C++/CX code that you haven't yet ported.
Both C++/CX and the Windows SDK declare types in the root namespace Windows. A Windows type projected into C++/WinRT has the same fully-qualified name as the Windows type, but it's placed in the C++ winrt namespace. These distinct namespaces let you port from C++/CX to C++/WinRT at your own pace.
For a project that uses XAML, at any given time all of your XAML page types need to be either entirely C++/CX or entirely C++/WinRT. You can still mix C++/CX and C++/WinRT outside of XAML page types within the same project (in your models and viewmodels, and elsewhere).
For this scenario, the workflow that we recommend is to create a new C++/WinRT project and copy source code and markup over from the C++/CX project. As long as all of your XAML page types are C++/WinRT, then you can add new XAML pages with Project > Add New Item... > Visual C++ > Blank Page (C++/WinRT).
Alternatively, you can use a Windows Runtime component (WRC) to factor code out of the XAML C++/CX project as you port it.
No matter what your porting strategy will be (porting in one pass, or porting gradually), your first step is to prepare your project for porting. Here's a recap of what we described in Strategies for porting in terms of the kind of project you'll be starting with, and how to set it up.
The rest of this topic applies no matter which porting strategy you choose. It contains a catalog of technical details involved in porting source code from C++/CX to C++/WinRT. If you're porting gradually, then you'll likely also want to see Interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX and Asynchrony, and interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX.
File origin | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Developer XAML files | MyPage.xaml MyPage.xaml.h MyPage.xaml.cpp |
MyPage.xaml MyPage.h MyPage.cpp MyPage.idl (see below) |
Generated XAML files | MyPage.xaml.g.h MyPage.xaml.g.hpp |
MyPage.xaml.g.h MyPage.xaml.g.hpp MyPage.g.h |
Notice that C++/WinRT removes the .xaml
from the *.h
and *.cpp
file names.
C++/WinRT adds an additional developer file, the Midl file (.idl). C++/CX autogenerates this file internally, adding to it every public and protected member. In C++/WinRT, you add and author the file yourself. For more details, code examples, and a walkthrough of authoring IDL, see XAML controls; bind to a C++/WinRT property.
Also see Factoring runtime classes into Midl files (.idl)
C++/CX doesn't impose restrictions on the names of your header files; it's common to put multiple runtime class definitions into a single header file, especially for small classes. But C++/WinRT requires that each runtime class has its own header file named after the class name.
C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Common.href class A { ... } ref class B { ... } |
Common.idlruntimeclass A { ... } runtimeclass B { ... } |
A.hnamespace implements { struct A { ... }; } |
B.hnamespace implements { struct B { ... }; } |
Less common (but still legal) in C++/CX is to use differently-named header files for XAML custom controls. You'll need to rename these header file to match the class name.
C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
A.xaml<Page x:Class="LongNameForA" ...> |
A.xaml<Page x:Class="LongNameForA" ...> |
A.hpartial ref class LongNameForA { ... } |
LongNameForA.hnamespace implements { struct LongNameForA { ... }; } |
C++/CX doesn't require you to include any special header files, because it internally autogenerates header files from .winmd
files. It's common in C++/CX to use using
directives for namespaces that you consume by name.
using namespace Windows::Media::Playback;
String^ NameOfFirstVideoTrack(MediaPlaybackItem^ item)
return item->VideoTracks->GetAt(0)->Name;
The using namespace Windows::Media::Playback
directive lets us write MediaPlaybackItem
without a namespace prefix. We also touched the Windows.Media.Core
namespace, because item->VideoTracks->GetAt(0)
returns a Windows.Media.Core.VideoTrack. But we didn't have to type the name VideoTrack anywhere, so we didn't need a using Windows.Media.Core
But C++/WinRT requires you to include a header file corresponding to each namespace that you consume, even if you don't name it.
#include <winrt/Windows.Media.Playback.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Media.Core.h> // !!This is important!!
using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Media::Playback;
winrt::hstring NameOfFirstVideoTrack(MediaPlaybackItem const& item)
return item.VideoTracks().GetAt(0).Name();
On the other hand, even though the MediaPlaybackItem.AudioTracksChanged event is of type TypedEventHandler<MediaPlaybackItem, Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorChangedEventArgs>, we don't need to include winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h
because we didn't use that event.
C++/WinRT also requires you to include header files for namespaces that are consumed by XAML markup.
<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<Rectangle Height="400"/>
Using the Rectangle class means that you have to add this include.
// MainPage.h
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.h>
If you forget a header file, then everything will compile okay but you'll get linker errors because the consume_
classes are missing.
When writing C++/CX source code, you pass C++/CX types as function parameters as hat (^) references.
void LogPresenceRecord(PresenceRecord^ record);
In C++/WinRT, for synchronous functions, you should use const&
parameters by default. That will avoid copies and interlocked overhead. But your coroutines should use pass-by-value to ensure that they capture by value and avoid lifetime issues (for more details, see Concurrency and asynchronous operations with C++/WinRT).
void LogPresenceRecord(PresenceRecord const& record);
IASyncAction LogPresenceRecordAsync(PresenceRecord const record);
A C++/WinRT object is fundamentally a value that holds an interface pointer to the backing Windows Runtime object. When you copy a C++/WinRT object, the compiler copies the encapsulated interface pointer, incrementing its reference count. Eventual destruction of the copy involves decrementing the reference count. So, only incur the overhead of a copy when necessary.
When writing C++/CX source code, you use hat (^) variables to reference Windows Runtime objects, and the arrow (->) operator to dereference a hat variable.
IVectorView<User^>^ userList = User::Users;
if (userList != nullptr)
for (UINT32 iUser = 0; iUser < userList->Size; ++iUser)
When porting to the equivalent C++/WinRT code, you can get a long way by removing the hats, and changing the arrow operator (->) to the dot operator (.). C++/WinRT projected types are values, and not pointers.
IVectorView<User> userList = User::Users();
if (userList != nullptr)
for (UINT32 iUser = 0; iUser < userList.Size(); ++iUser)
The default constructor for a C++/CX hat reference initializes it to null. Here's a C++/CX code example in which we create a variable/field of the correct type, but one that's uninitialized. In other words, it doesn't initially refer to a TextBlock; we intend to assign a reference later.
TextBlock^ textBlock;
class MyClass
TextBlock^ textBlock;
For the equivalent in C++/WinRT, see Delayed initialization.
The C++/CX language extensions include the concept of properties. When writing C++/CX source code, you can access a property as if it were a field. Standard C++ does not have the concept of a property so, in C++/WinRT, you call get and set functions.
In the examples that follow, XboxUserId, UserState, PresenceDeviceRecords, and Size are all properties.
Here's how you get a property value in C++/CX.
void Sample::LogPresenceRecord(PresenceRecord^ record)
auto id = record->XboxUserId;
auto state = record->UserState;
auto size = record->PresenceDeviceRecords->Size;
The equivalent C++/WinRT source code calls a function with the same name as the property, but with no parameters.
void Sample::LogPresenceRecord(PresenceRecord const& record)
auto id = record.XboxUserId();
auto state = record.UserState();
auto size = record.PresenceDeviceRecords().Size();
Note that the PresenceDeviceRecords function returns a Windows Runtime object that itself has a Size function. As the returned object is also a C++/WinRT projected type, we dereference using the dot operator to call Size.
Setting a property to a new value follows a similar pattern. First, in C++/CX.
record->UserState = newValue;
To do the equivalent in C++/WinRT, you call a function with the same name as the property, and pass an argument.
You work with a C++/CX object via a handle to it, commonly known as a hat (^) reference. You create a new object via the ref new
keyword, which in turn calls RoActivateInstance to activate a new instance of the runtime class.
using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams;
class Sample
Buffer^ m_gamerPicBuffer = ref new Buffer(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE);
A C++/WinRT object is a value; so you can allocate it on the stack, or as a field of an object. You never use ref new
(nor new
) to allocate a C++/WinRT object. Behind the scenes, RoActivateInstance is still being called.
using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage::Streams;
struct Sample
Buffer m_gamerPicBuffer{ MAX_IMAGE_SIZE };
If a resource is expensive to initialize, then it's common to delay initialization of it until it's actually needed. As already mentioned, the default constructor for a C++/CX hat reference initializes it to null.
using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams;
class Sample
void DelayedInit()
// Allocate the actual buffer.
m_gamerPicBuffer = ref new Buffer(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE);
Buffer^ m_gamerPicBuffer;
The same code ported to C++/WinRT. Note the use of the std::nullptr_t constructor. For more info about that constructor, see Delayed initialization.
using namespace winrt::Windows::Storage::Streams;
struct Sample
void DelayedInit()
// Allocate the actual buffer.
m_gamerPicBuffer = Buffer(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE);
Buffer m_gamerPicBuffer{ nullptr };
C++ collection types use the default constructor, which can result in unintended object construction.
Scenario | C++/CX | C++/WinRT (incorrect) | C++/WinRT (correct) |
Local variable, initially empty | TextBox^ textBox; |
TextBox textBox; // Creates a TextBox! |
TextBox textBox{ nullptr }; |
Member variable, initially empty | class C { TextBox^ textBox; }; |
class C { TextBox textBox; // Creates a TextBox! }; |
class C { TextBox textbox{ nullptr }; }; |
Global variable, initially empty | TextBox^ g_textBox; |
TextBox g_textBox; // Creates a TextBox! |
TextBox g_textBox{ nullptr }; |
Vector of empty references | std::vector<TextBox^> boxes(10); |
// Creates 10 TextBox objects! std::vector<TextBox> boxes(10); |
std::vector<TextBox> boxes(10, nullptr); |
Set a value in a map | std::map<int, TextBox^> boxes; boxes[2] = value; |
std::map<int, TextBox> boxes; // Creates a TextBox at 2, // then overwrites it! boxes[2] = value; |
std::map<int, TextBox> boxes; boxes.insert_or_assign(2, value); |
Array of empty references | TextBox^ boxes[2]; |
// Creates 2 TextBox objects! TextBox boxes[2]; |
TextBox boxes[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }; |
Pair | std::pair<TextBox^, String^> p; |
// Creates a TextBox! std::pair<TextBox, String> p; |
std::pair<TextBox, String> p{ nullptr, nullptr }; |
Whenever you have a Platform::Array^ (see Port Platform::Array^) in C++/CX, you have the choice to port that to a std::vector in C++/WinRT (in fact, any contiguous container) rather than leave it as an array. There are advantages to choosing std::vector.
For example, while there is shorthand for creating a fixed-sized vector of empty references (see table above), there's no such shorthand for creating an array of empty references. You have to repeat nullptr
for each element in an array. If you have too few, then the extras will be default-constructed.
For a vector, you can fill it with empty references at initialization (as in the table above), or you can fill it with empty references post-initialization with code such as this.
std::vector<TextBox> boxes(10); // 10 default-constructed TextBoxes.
boxes.resize(10, nullptr); // 10 empty references.
The []
subscript operator for std::map behaves like this.
In other words, the []
operator always creates an entry in the map. This is different from C#, Java, and JavaScript.
It's common to have a reference-to-base that you know refers to an object of a derived type. In C++/CX, you use dynamic_cast
to cast the reference-to-base into a reference-to-derived. The dynamic_cast
is really just a hidden call to QueryInterface. Here's a typical example—you're handling a dependency property changed event, and you want to cast from DependencyObject back to the actual type that owns the dependency property.
void BgLabelControl::OnLabelChanged(Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyObject^ d, Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs^ e)
BgLabelControl^ theControl{ dynamic_cast<BgLabelControl^>(d) };
if (theControl != nullptr)
// succeeded ...
The equivalent C++/WinRT code replaces the dynamic_cast
with a call to the IUnknown::try_as function, which encapsulates QueryInterface. You also have the option to call IUnknown::as, instead, which throws an exception if querying for the required interface (the default interface of the type you're requesting) is not returned. Here's a C++/WinRT code example.
void BgLabelControl::OnLabelChanged(Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyObject const& d, Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs const& e)
if (BgLabelControlApp::BgLabelControl theControl{ d.try_as<BgLabelControlApp::BgLabelControl>() })
// succeeded ...
BgLabelControlApp::BgLabelControl theControl{<BgLabelControlApp::BgLabelControl>() };
// succeeded ...
catch (winrt::hresult_no_interface const&)
// failed ...
In order to derive from a runtime class, the base class must be composable. C++/CX doesn't require that you take any special steps to make your classes composable, but C++/WinRT does. You use the unsealed keyword to indicate that you want your class to be usable as a base class.
unsealed runtimeclass BasePage : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page
runtimeclass DerivedPage : BasePage
In your implementation header class, you must include the base class header file before you include the autogenerated header for the derived class. Otherwise you'll get errors such as "Illegal use of this type as an expression".
// DerivedPage.h
#include "BasePage.h" // This comes first.
#include "DerivedPage.g.h" // Otherwise this header file will produce an error.
namespace winrt::MyNamespace::implementation
struct DerivedPage : DerivedPageT<DerivedPage>
Here's a typical example of handling an event in C++/CX, using a lambda function as a delegate in this case.
auto token = myButton->Click += ref new RoutedEventHandler([=](Platform::Object^ sender, RoutedEventArgs^ args)
// Handle the event.
// Note: locals are captured by value, not reference, since this handler is delayed.
This is the equivalent in C++/WinRT.
auto token = myButton().Click([=](IInspectable const& sender, RoutedEventArgs const& args)
// Handle the event.
// Note: locals are captured by value, not reference, since this handler is delayed.
Instead of a lambda function, you can choose to implement your delegate as a free function, or as a pointer-to-member-function. For more info, see Handle events by using delegates in C++/WinRT.
If you're porting from a C++/CX codebase where events and delegates are used internally (not across binaries), then winrt::delegate will help you to replicate that pattern in C++/WinRT. Also see Parameterized delegates, simple signals, and callbacks within a project.
In C++/CX you use the -=
operator to revoke a prior event registration.
myButton->Click -= token;
This is the equivalent in C++/WinRT.
For more info and options, see Revoke a registered delegate.
C++/CX automatically boxes scalars into objects. C++/WinRT requires you to call the winrt::box_value function explicitly. Both languages require you to unbox explicitly. See Boxing and unboxing with C++/WinRT.
In the tables that follows, we'll use these definitions.
C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
int i; |
int i; |
String^ s; |
winrt::hstring s; |
Object^ o; |
IInspectable o; |
Operation | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Boxing | o = 1; o = "string"; |
o = box_value(1); o = box_value(L"string"); |
Unboxing | i = (int)o; s = (String^)o; |
i = unbox_value<int>(o); s = unbox_value<winrt::hstring>(o); |
C++/CX and C# raise exceptions if you try to unbox a null pointer to a value type. C++/WinRT considers this a programming error, and it crashes. In C++/WinRT, use the winrt::unbox_value_or function if you want to handle the case where the object is not of the type that you thought it was.
Scenario | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Unbox a known integer | i = (int)o; |
i = unbox_value<int>(o); |
If o is null | Platform::NullReferenceException |
Crash |
If o is not a boxed int | Platform::InvalidCastException |
Crash |
Unbox int, use fallback if null; crash if anything else | i = o ? (int)o : fallback; |
i = o ? unbox_value<int>(o) : fallback; |
Unbox int if possible; use fallback for anything else | auto box = dynamic_cast<IBox<int>^>(o); i = box ? box->Value : fallback; |
i = unbox_value_or<int>(o, fallback); |
A string is in some ways a value type, and in other ways a reference type. C++/CX and C++/WinRT treat strings differently.
The ABI type HSTRING is a pointer to a reference-counted string. But it doesn't derive from IInspectable, so it's not technically an object. Furthermore, a null HSTRING represents the empty string. Boxing of things not derived from IInspectable is done by wrapping them inside an IReference<T>, and the Windows Runtime provides a standard implementation in the form of the PropertyValue object (custom types are reported as PropertyType::OtherType).
C++/CX represents a Windows Runtime string as a reference type; while C++/WinRT projects a string as a value type. This means that a boxed null string can have different representations depending how you got there.
Furthermore, C++/CX allows you to dereference a null String^, in which case it behaves like the string ""
Behavior | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Declarations | Object^ o; String^ s; |
IInspectable o; hstring s; |
String type category | Reference type | Value type |
null HSTRING projects as | (String^)nullptr |
hstring{} |
Are null and "" identical? |
Yes | Yes |
Validity of null | s = nullptr; s->Length == 0 (valid) |
s = hstring{}; s.size() == 0 (valid) |
If you assign null string to object | o = (String^)nullptr; o == nullptr |
o = box_value(hstring{}); o != nullptr |
If you assign "" to object |
o = ""; o == nullptr |
o = box_value(hstring{L""}); o != nullptr |
Basic boxing and unboxing.
Operation | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Box a string | o = s; Empty string becomes nullptr. |
o = box_value(s); Empty string becomes non-null object. |
Unbox a known string | s = (String^)o; Null object becomes empty string. InvalidCastException if not a string. |
s = unbox_value<hstring>(o); Null object crashes. Crash if not a string. |
Unbox a possible string | s = dynamic_cast<String^>(o); Null object or non-string becomes empty string. |
s = unbox_value_or<hstring>(o, fallback); Null or non-string becomes fallback. Empty string preserved. |
The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) (concurrency::task, for example) was updated to support C++/CX hat references.
For C++/WinRT, you should use coroutines and co_await
instead. For more info, and code examples, see Concurrency and asynchronous operations with C++/WinRT.
In a C++/CX project, you can consume private members and named elements from XAML markup. But in C++/WinRT, all entities consumed by using the XAML {x:Bind} markup extension must be exposed publicly in IDL.
Also, binding to a Boolean displays true
or false
in C++/CX, but it shows Windows.Foundation.IReference`1<Boolean> in C++/WinRT.
For more info, and code examples, see Consuming objects from markup.
C++/CX provides several data types in the Platform namespace. These types are not standard C++, so you can only use them when you enable Windows Runtime language extensions (Visual Studio project property C/C++ > General > Consume Windows Runtime Extension > Yes (/ZW)). The table below helps you port from Platform types to their equivalents in C++/WinRT. Once you've done that, since C++/WinRT is standard C++, you can turn off the /ZW
C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Platform::Agile^ | winrt::agile_ref |
Platform::Array^ | See Port Platform::Array^ |
Platform::Exception^ | winrt::hresult_error |
Platform::InvalidArgumentException^ | winrt::hresult_invalid_argument |
Platform::Object^ | winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable |
Platform::String^ | winrt::hstring |
The Platform::Agile^ type in C++/CX represents a Windows Runtime class that can be accessed from any thread. The C++/WinRT equivalent is winrt::agile_ref.
In C++/CX.
Platform::Agile<Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow> m_window;
In C++/WinRT.
winrt::agile_ref<Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow> m_window;
In cases where C++/CX requires you to use an array, C++/WinRT allows you to use any contiguous container. See How the default constructor affects collections for a reason why std::vector is a good choice.
So, whenever you have a Platform::Array^ in C++/CX, your porting options include using an initializer list, a std::array, or a std::vector. For more info, and code examples, see Standard initializer lists and Standard arrays and vectors.
The Platform::Exception^ type is produced in C++/CX when a Windows Runtime API returns a non S_OK HRESULT. The C++/WinRT equivalent is winrt::hresult_error.
To port to C++/WinRT, change all code that uses Platform::Exception^ to use winrt::hresult_error.
In C++/CX.
catch (Platform::Exception^ ex)
In C++/WinRT.
catch (winrt::hresult_error const& ex)
C++/WinRT provides these exception classes.
Exception type | Base class | HRESULT |
winrt::hresult_error | call hresult_error::to_abi | |
winrt::hresult_access_denied | winrt::hresult_error | E_ACCESSDENIED |
winrt::hresult_canceled | winrt::hresult_error | ERROR_CANCELLED |
winrt::hresult_changed_state | winrt::hresult_error | E_CHANGED_STATE |
winrt::hresult_class_not_available | winrt::hresult_error | CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE |
winrt::hresult_illegal_delegate_assignment | winrt::hresult_error | E_ILLEGAL_DELEGATE_ASSIGNMENT |
winrt::hresult_illegal_method_call | winrt::hresult_error | E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL |
winrt::hresult_illegal_state_change | winrt::hresult_error | E_ILLEGAL_STATE_CHANGE |
winrt::hresult_invalid_argument | winrt::hresult_error | E_INVALIDARG |
winrt::hresult_no_interface | winrt::hresult_error | E_NOINTERFACE |
winrt::hresult_not_implemented | winrt::hresult_error | E_NOTIMPL |
winrt::hresult_out_of_bounds | winrt::hresult_error | E_BOUNDS |
winrt::hresult_wrong_thread | winrt::hresult_error | RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD |
Note that each class (via the hresult_error base class) provides a to_abi function, which returns the HRESULT of the error, and a message function, which returns the string representation of that HRESULT.
Here's an example of throwing an exception in C++/CX.
throw ref new Platform::InvalidArgumentException(L"A valid User is required");
And the equivalent in C++/WinRT.
throw winrt::hresult_invalid_argument{ L"A valid User is required" };
Like all C++/WinRT types, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable is a value type. Here's how you initialize a variable of that type to null.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable var{ nullptr };
Platform::String^ is equivalent to the Windows Runtime HSTRING ABI type. For C++/WinRT, the equivalent is winrt::hstring. But with C++/WinRT, you can call Windows Runtime APIs using C++ Standard Library wide string types such as std::wstring, and/or wide string literals. For more details, and code examples, see String handling in C++/WinRT.
With C++/CX, you can access the Platform::String::Data property to retrieve the string as a C-style const wchar_t* array (for example, to pass it to std::wcout).
auto var{ titleRecord->TitleName->Data() };
To do the same with C++/WinRT, you can use the hstring::c_str function to get a null-terminated C-style string version, just as you can from std::wstring.
auto var{ titleRecord.TitleName().c_str() };
When it comes to implementing APIs that take or return strings, you typically change any C++/CX code that uses Platform::String^ to use winrt::hstring instead.
Here's an example of a C++/CX API that takes a string.
void LogWrapLine(Platform::String^ str);
For C++/WinRT you could declare that API in MIDL 3.0 like this.
// LogType.idl
void LogWrapLine(String str);
The C++/WinRT toolchain will then generate source code for you that looks like this.
void LogWrapLine(winrt::hstring const& str);
C++/CX types provide the Object::ToString method.
int i{ 2 };
auto s{ i.ToString() }; // s is a Platform::String^ with value L"2".
C++/WinRT doesn't directly provide this facility, but you can turn to alternatives.
int i{ 2 };
auto s{ std::to_wstring(i) }; // s is a std::wstring with value L"2".
C++/WinRT also supports winrt::to_hstring for a limited number of types. You'll need to add overloads for any additional types you want to stringify.
Language | Stringify int | Stringify enum |
C++/CX | String^ result = "hello, " + intValue.ToString(); |
String^ result = "status: " + status.ToString(); |
C++/WinRT | hstring result = L"hello, " + to_hstring(intValue); |
// must define overload (see below) hstring result = L"status: " + to_hstring(status); |
In the case of stringifying an enum, you will need to provide the implementation of winrt::to_hstring.
namespace winrt
hstring to_hstring(StatusEnum status)
switch (status)
case StatusEnum::Success: return L"Success";
case StatusEnum::AccessDenied: return L"AccessDenied";
case StatusEnum::DisabledByPolicy: return L"DisabledByPolicy";
default: return to_hstring(static_cast<int>(status));
These stringifications are often consumed implicitly by data binding.
You have <Run Text="{Binding FlowerCount}"/> flowers.
Most recent status is <Run Text="{x:Bind LatestOperation.Status}"/>.
These bindings will perform winrt::to_hstring of the bound property. In the case of the second example (the StatusEnum), you must provide your own overload of winrt::to_hstring, otherwise you'll get a compiler error.
C++/CX and C++/WinRT defer to the standard std::wstringstream for string building.
Operation | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Append string, preserving nulls | stream.print(s->Data(), s->Length); |
stream << std::wstring_view{ s }; |
Append string, stop on first null | stream << s->Data(); |
stream << s.c_str(); |
Extract result | ws = stream.str(); |
ws = stream.str(); |
In the examples below, ws is a variable of type std::wstring. Also, while C++/CX can construct a Platform::String from an 8-bit string, C++/WinRT doesn't do that.
Operation | C++/CX | C++/WinRT |
Construct string from literal | String^ s = "hello"; String^ s = L"hello"; |
// winrt::hstring s{ "hello" }; // Doesn't compile winrt::hstring s{ L"hello" }; |
Convert from std::wstring, preserving nulls | String^ s = ref new String(ws.c_str(), (uint32_t)ws.size()); |
winrt::hstring s{ ws }; s = winrt::hstring(ws); // s = ws; // Doesn't compile |
Convert from std::wstring, stop on first null | String^ s = ref new String(ws.c_str()); |
winrt::hstring s{ ws.c_str() }; s = winrt::hstring(ws.c_str()); // s = ws.c_str(); // Doesn't compile |
Convert to std::wstring, preserving nulls | std::wstring ws{ s->Data(), s->Length }; ws = std::wstring(s>Data(), s->Length); |
std::wstring ws{ s }; ws = s; |
Convert to std::wstring, stop on first null | std::wstring ws{ s->Data() }; ws = s->Data(); |
std::wstring ws{ s.c_str() }; ws = s.c_str(); |
Pass literal to method | Method("hello"); Method(L"hello"); |
// Method("hello"); // Doesn't compile Method(L"hello"); |
Pass std::wstring to method | Method(ref new String(ws.c_str(), (uint32_t)ws.size()); // Stops on first null |
Method(ws); // param::winrt::hstring accepts std::wstring_view |
Null-veiligheid in C# - Training
Leer hoe u codeert om te voorkomen dat NullReferenceException voorkomt.