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Contains information about the codecs and formats that were used to encode the content in an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. This attribute corresponds to the Codec List Object in the ASF header, defined in the ASF specification.

Data type

Byte array


This attribute applies to presentation descriptors for ASF content.

The IMFASFContentInfo::GeneratePresentationDescriptor method creates the presentation descriptor and generates this attribute from the Codec List Object in the ASF header. An application that uses the ASF Media Source can get this attribute by calling IMFMediaSource::CreatePresentationDescriptor and then getting the attribute from the presentation descriptor.

The following table shows the layout of the attribute blob.

Codec List Object field Data type Size Description
Codec Entries Count DWORD 4 bytes Number of codecs
Codec Entries BYTE[] Varies Array of codec information structures


The Code Entries field is an array of structures. The following table shows the format of each entry:

Codec List Object field Data type Size Description
Type DWORD 4 bytes Codec type. This can be one of the following values:
  • 0x0001: Audio codec
  • 0x0002: Video codec
  • 0xFFFF: Unknown
Codec Name Length DWORD 4 bytes Size of the Codec Name string, in bytes, including the NULL character.
Codec Name WCHAR[] Varies Null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the codec, such as "Windows Media Video 9".
Codec Description Length DWORD 4 bytes Size of the Codec Description string, in bytes, including the NULL character.
Codec Description WCHAR[] Varies A null-terminated Unicode string that contains a description of the codec.
Codec Information Length DWORD 4 bytes Size of the Codec Information field, in bytes.
Codec Information BYTE[] Varies Codec data. The meaning of this data depends on the codec. Typically, this data indicates the format.



The layout of the attribute blob does not exactly match the layout of the Codec List Object in the ASF header. In particular, string lengths are given in bytes and include the size of the NULL terminator.



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]

See also

Alphabetical List of Media Foundation Attributes




Presentation Descriptor Attributes

ASF Header Object

Presentation Descriptors