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Feedback Wanted: Links to C# Tech Info

A couple of us are working on finding a way to surface key links to information in the MSDN library. Perhaps later we will also link to information found throughout the community websites. If we can find the right approach, we might canonize these categorize and links on the Learn page of the C# Dev Center.

Below you will see a work in progress outlining one possible way to start to surface this information, along with a proposed set of initial links to information about that the various proposed categorize. Hopefully you will find this information interesting in and of itself. However, I would before I work too hard on it, I would like to get feedback from you on the structure of this data and the tentative links included here. If you have any comments on what you see here, please take a moment to reply to this post with your thoughts.

I think the categories laid out here are fairly self explanatory. I would only point out that the work shown below merges two different approaches to categorizing the information on MSDN:

  • The first five big bullets categorize data by scenario. For instance, the work with scenarios such as: I want to “Work with data,” “Get Started,”  “Learn about C#,” “Learn the Tools”, “Learn about Web Development.”
  • The final category drops the scenario approach and simply lists the technologies that Microsoft spends so much time publicizing.

It is my thought that some developers will think in scenarios, and some in technologies, and some will think in one way or the other depending on the circumstances. The categorization shown below is to designed to accommodate developers from both schools of thought. But I don’t mean to prejudice you by talking about what I’ve tried to do here. Just tell me what you think, if you have any impulse at all to provide feedback. At this stage, I’m not wedded to any of this, I’m just interested in hearing what you think. Thanks for whatever thoughts you might have on this subject.




The Links


Working with Data

Microsoft White Papers.url

MSDN SQL Server Dev Center.url

SQL Server Books Online.url

TechNet SQL Server Dev Center.url

What's New (SQL Server 2008).url


.NET Framework Data Providers (ADO.NET).url

ADO.NET Code Examples.url

ADO.NET DataSets.url

ADO.NET Overview.url

LINQ and ADO.NET.url

Entity Framework

ADO.NET Entity Framework.url

Quickstart (Entity Framework).url

Working with Entity Data.url

Getting Started with Data

Creating Data Applications by Using Visual Studio.url

How to Create a Data Connection to the Northwind Database.url

Northwind Sample Database.url

Recommendations for Data Access Strategies.url

Table Basics.url

Walkthrough Creating a Simple Data Application.url


Frequently Asked Questions (LINQ to SQL).url

LINQ to SQL.url

SqlMetal.exe (Code Generation Tool).url


Installing SQL Server CE.url

SQL Reference for SQL Server CE.url

SQL Server CE Overview.url

SQL Server

SQL Server Books Online.url

Transact SQL





Transact-SQL Reference.url


Working with XML Data.url

XML Tools in Visual Studio.url

Getting Started

New to C#

Creating Your First C# Application.URL

Getting Started with Visual C#.URL

How Do I in C#.URL

Introduction to the C# Programming Language.URL

New To Development

Development for Beginners Tools, Lessons, Resources on MSDN.url

Kid's Corner Learning Computers and Development on MSDN.url

Windows Development for Beginners.url

The C# Language

How Do I in C#

Language Basics and Specification

C# Keywords.url

C# Language Features (C#).url

C# Operators.url

C# Preprocessor Directives (C#).url

The C# Language Specification.url

Samples and Walkthroughs

C# Tutorials (C#).url

Visual C# Sample Applications.url

Visual C# Walkthroughs.url

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 Walkthroughs.url

Microsoft Technologies


ClickOnce Deployment for Windows Forms Applications.url

ClickOnce Deployment Overview.url

ClickOnce Deployment Walkthroughs.url


Anders Hejlsberg on Language Integrated Query.URL

Enumerable Members (System.Linq).URL

IQueryProvider Members (System.Linq).URL

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).URL

LINQ Home Page.URL

Queryable Members (System.Linq).URL

Standard Query Operators Overview.URL

System.Linq Namespace ().URL

System.Linq.Expressions Namespace ().URL


Excel Developer Center.url

How-to Center.url

Interactive Developer Map.url

Microsoft Office Development.url

Office Business Applications.url

Understanding Office Development.url

Welcome to the Microsoft Office Word 2007 Developer Reference [Word 2007 Developer Reference].url


Learn Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, developer, SDK, tutorials, videos, articles, books.url

Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies.url

SharePoint Developer Center 2010, 3.0, 2.0, downloads, tools, SDK.url

SharePoint Products and Technologies (2010).url

Welcome to the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 SDK.url

Windows Communication Foundation

Basic WCF Programming.url

Getting Started Tutorial.url

Guide to the Documentation.url

Windows Communication Foundation.url

Windows Forms

ClickOnce Deployment for Windows Forms Applications.url

Enhancing Windows Forms Applications.url

Getting Started with Windows Forms.url

What's New in Windows Forms for the .NET Framework 3.5.url

Windows Forms Reference.url

Windows Presentation Foundation

Application Development.url

Getting Started (WPF).url

Graphics and Multimedia.url

Windows Presentation Foundation.url

WPF Fundamentals.url

Windows Workflow

Services Overview.url

System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting Namespace ().url

Windows Workflow Foundation Overview.url

Windows Workflow Foundation Tutorials.url

Windows Workflow Foundation.url


Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.URL

Visual Studio Software Development Kit (SDK).url

Visual Studio.url

Command Line Compiler

C# Compiler Options Listed by Category (C#).url

Command-Line Building.url

How to Set Environment Variables.url


Building, Debugging, and Testing.url

Debugging in Visual Studio.url

Debugging LINQ.url

Debugging Managed Code.url

Visual Studio Editor

Editing Code and Resource Files.url

How to Add Application Configuration Files to C# Projects.url

Metadata as Source.url

Refactoring (C#).url

XML Editor.url

Visual Studio Project and Tool Windows

How to Arrange and Dock Windows.url

How to Navigate Within the Integrated Development Environment.url

Managing Solutions, Projects, and Files.url

Quick Tour of the Integrated Development Environment.url

Web Development

Web Development.url


ASP.NET Overview.url

ASP.NET Walkthroughs by Scenario.url

The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site.url

Visual Web Developer.url



HTML and DHTML Overviews and Tutorials.url

HTML and DHTML Reference.url

Quick Reference Guides.url

Internet Information Services

Deploying Web Sites on IIS 7.0 The Official Microsoft IIS Site.url

Developing on IIS 7.0 The Official Microsoft IIS Site.url

Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0 Development Tools Developing on IIS 7.0 The Official Microsoft IIS Site.url


Getting Started with Silverlight.url

Silverlight 3.url

Silverlight 4.0.url

Silverlight Overview.url

The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site.url


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