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User Experiences: Site-Centric Browsing on Windows

Dean shared earlier today that the IE9 beta is available for download at www.BeautyOfTheWeb.com! Through continuous releases of the IE9 platform preview we’ve shown how the platform uses the whole power of the PC to deliver HTML5 experiences that feel like Windows applications. Sites can create amazing experiences through hardware-accelerated SVG, canvas, video and audio that use the same markup across HTML5 browsers. We anticipate a new class of sites for this era of modern browsers. Our objective with IE9 is to create a user experience that complements these immersive sites and make them shine.

IE9 on Windows 7

Today, sites are contained in the context of the browser, and the way to launch, consume, and interact with them is through the box of the browser.  This is different from how people interact with Windows applications – each application has its own representation on the Taskbar, with the fundamental conveniences of launching, switching and jumping to a specific task.  We found that people fully utilize these capabilities on the PC. For example, 86% of people who use Windows 7 launch applications from the Taskbar.

People spend about half their time in the browser and the other half in Windows applications. Today, only the Windows application experience is represented on the Taskbar.

A typical setup of the Windows 7 Taskbar – Windows 7 customer data

Shouldn’t all the things you do on the PC be at your fingertips? If people spend a significant time on the PC reading news, shopping, socializing and watching videos, shouldn’t the Taskbar look more like this?

The Windows 7 Taskbar with sites through IE9

We focused on an experience for sites in the context of the entire PC instead of the browser. We were inspired by having sites on the Taskbar, and further explored how sites could be the primary focus. These explorations, research, and discussions led us to the user experience goals for IE9.

We want IE9 to be great at three things – helping sites shine, being a natural extension of Windows 7, and delivering the fundamentals of a fast, safe, and reliable experience.

A natural extension of Windows 7

We start by looking at the environment in which sites live in – the PC. Our approach is that your favorite sites should be a natural part of the PC experience. By building on what you know and enjoy with Windows 7, it not only makes tasks on the web easier to do, it increases your confidence in the overall experience of the PC. Your sites are now an integrated part of the whole system.

Your Sites on the Taskbar

The Taskbar is the most used piece of user interface of Windows 7. With IE9, you can pin your sites on the Taskbar. This is much more than just a “shortcut” – these are sites that can fully take advantage of the Taskbar capabilities you already know how to use; Jump Lists for common tasks and destinations, Thumbnail Toolbars to interact with sites directly, and icon overlays for site notifications. 

Facebook Jump List tasks and new content notification Jango with audio Thumbnail Toolbars

By simply dragging a tab to the Taskbar, the site is pinned there for immediate access. Your Taskbar can now be personalized to how you use your PC.

You can pin any site to your Taskbar, and in a future blog post we’ll describe how site developers can create Jump Lists, Thumbnail Toolbars, and more ways to make sites flow into the Windows 7 experience.

Tab Aero Snap

Tabs are a way to organize lots of sites in one window, and it’s a great way to queue up search results, news articles, or whatever you want to get to later. In addition to queuing up pages, people want to view pages side-by-side – for instance watching a video while reading an article or comparing two product reviews on separate sites. We want to make this task easier for you to do.

We learned that 40% of sessions have two or more windows visible at the same time. This was the main motivation to design Aero Snap to swiftly arrange two windows for a side-by-side view. For IE9, we wanted to extend that ability to tabs in the way that people understand today. With IE9’s integration with Windows 7, a tab behaves like a window where you can snap it to the side of a screen for a side-by-side view of web content.

The experience as you drag a tab is smooth and the rendering is continuous throughout the entire motion – for instance if the webpage has an active video, you can watch the video play as you drag the tab.

Sites shine in the browser

When designing the interface itself, we took a step back and thought about the browser design exclusively from the perspective of the sites. Traditionally browsers approach the interface in a browser-centric way, where the focus is about the capabilities of the browser and not the site.

We asked ourselves what can we do to help sites shine?.. We began by looking at the ways people use the browser. We instrumented over 700+ of the commands and controls in IE8 and analyzed the ways in which people use these commands and controls. It was clear that there were some that were used a lot more often than others.

Browser Command and Controls Usage Graph

We took the top 90% of controls used and broke them down by task: interact with the site content, navigate to other sites, or change the settings on the browser. From there, we mapped out how often these controls are used within a browsing session.

Occurences of top 90% of controls. 64% are Site experiences, 36% are navigation related and 0.4% are browser settings related

The majority of browser usage is within the sites’ content (like clicking on hyperlinks and copying content on a page) followed by navigating to sites and switching between sites through the Address Bar and tabs. A distant last is modifying the browser settings (like deleting browsing history and rearranging links on the Favorites Bar). Comparing the use of the IE-specific commands and controls with the use of Windows 7 controls like the Taskbar, we had the opportunity to make what’s easy and familiar on Windows available for websites and the people who browse them.

A Site-Centric Design

First, we optimized IE9 to integrate well into Windows 7 through the things that you know and use already - Taskbar and Aero Snap. Within the browser, we prioritized the site content first, followed by the navigation controls with a natural way to get to browser settings.

The frame layout surfaces only the most essential controls for navigation. The linear layout of the controls makes efficient use of the growing horizontal dimension that we see with wide screen laptops and desktops. This gives even more space to sites.

IE9 on Windows 7

The IE9 site-centric frame brings focus to the site content, especially when the site is pinned to the Taskbar:

Amazon frame when pinned to the Taskbar CNN frame when pinned to the Taskbar

Through the use of a glass frame, monochrome treatment of controls, and the back and forward buttons that take on the branding of the site icon, the browser visually recedes to the background. Even though settings are rarely used, they are important when you need them. The way to get to the settings needs to be predictable, which is why we put them all in one location in the new tools button in the upper right corner of the frame.

By removing distractions in the frame of the browser and integrating with the Taskbar, the focus of IE9 is shifted from the browser to the site content and getting you where you want to go quickly.

A Quieter Notification Model

The browser needs to communicate with the user to provide a safe and reliable experience, for example to notify when a site is trying to pop-up a window or to indicate browser history deletion. To minimize interruptions and keep the focus on your sites, we looked at all the different forms and occurrences of notifications that browsers use today – dialogs, balloons, gleams, sounds, and information bars.

We discovered that we could create a quieter notification experience so that people can see, hear, and experience the site, not the browser. The new notification bar delivers suggestions in a consistent and clear manner that is decoupled from the site. For instance, through the notification bar you can choose to accept file downloads, save passwords, or choose to ignore these entirely. This keeps you browsing, and you have the choice to interact with the suggestions you care about.

Notification bar at the bottom of the page asking if the user wants to save their password.

Fast, Safe and Reliable Features

The experience isn’t complete without fast, safe and reliable browsing.  Each feature is designed with the whole system in mind, so that in combination browsing is fast and fluid. Here’s a quick glimpse at the features we’ll share in greater detail in future blog posts:

  • An integrated navigate and search experience that respects your privacy with One Box.

  • A new tab page to quickly get you to your popular sites with a design that helps you easily recognize the sites you visit often.

  • A smooth file download experience with built-in safety through the SmartScreen Application Reputation service.

  • A new Add-ons Performance Advisor that gives you performance information to help you decide which add-ons you want use. You’re in control of your browsing experience and which add-ons you use.

  • An improved hang recovery experience that isolates site issues from the rest of the browser.

The IE9 platform and user experience have a combined mission to provide the best experience for your sites, using the full power of your Windows PC. With the IE9 beta your web sites shine.

Install the IE9 beta at www.BeautyOfTheWeb.com and browse around with the new frame, Aero Snap with a tab, and pin your favorite sites to the Taskbar. Some fun ones to try are Facebook, WSJ Magazine, CNN, Discovery Channel, IMDb, Amazon, Jango, PhotoBucket and more from beautyoftheweb.com). We are eager to share more detail about the design and process in the coming weeks and look forward to your feedback (from the tools menu)!

Send Feedback option in the Tools menu

Jane Kim
Program Manager Lead of User Experience


  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Keep in mind that only 4.4% of the users spent time adding stuff to the favorites bar because it was a PITA to use. Organizing them with the "organize favorites" dialog was like trying to re-organize marbles with boxing gloves on. In XP (not sure about Vista/7) deleting a favorite from you toolbar could take up to 30 seconds while IE contacted the moon to determine if the phase was right to allow the deletion that should take 1/2 a millisecond. IE didn't handle bookmarklets well (constant warnings that it might curve your spine if you tried to change ANY aspect of one) and you couldn't drag them to your toolbar... and they couldn't be longer than 504 characters or you might cause the flux capacitor to melt - oh noes! which of course made handy development tools for IE almost useless. Packing up bookmarks to pass around was next to impossible and the more useful bookmarks you had the slower IE gets. Quick tabs was of course never used because it kept disapearing every time you looked at something else and users were wasting enough of their time trying to open new tabs.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    OMG and that notice bar at the bottom is SOOOOOOOOOOOO overlooked its not funny! Users are not looking there for info, please make an option for it to be at the top again.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I have 16 tabs open in IE8; one of which is reading this blog. I don't see how I can use IE9 with its UI model for tabs as it is. There must be an option for a separate row of tabs, above or below (one or either) the address bar.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    For some reason "Send Feedback" is not working (through IE9), but I found a bug: I have two homepages set in Internet Options. If I pin a site and open it in site mode, and the click the favicon (which replaces the "Home" button), it opens my second homepage in a second tab. It seems the correct behavior would be to disregard ALL homepages and just used the pinned site as "home".

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Installed, using it, loving it!! Websites as apps are around for quite some time now, but it never felt so natural before. Can we pin a tab-group to the taskbar the way we can pin a single site? If we could, that would redefine awesome for me!! Great job, IE team!!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The notification thing looks spoofable, not better than the bar. You should do something similar to Firefox 4's "doorhangers".

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Great work, guys! However, when opening a website that's pinned to the task bar, all toolbars (add-ons) are disabled on this browser window. Is this by design? I have a toolbar that helps translating Web pages. I use it several times each hour when visiting my Top 5 sites (i.e. the sites I'd likely pin to the taskbar). If the toolbar is not usable in this scenario, this would be a major drawback and surely confuse users (where's my toolbar gone?).

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The notification thing looks spoofable, not better than the bar. You should do something similar to Firefox 4's "doorhangers".

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    BTW, it's nice to see you finally do screenshots as PNGs instead of artifact-ridden JPEGs, but please don't use nearest neighbor for resizing, it looks awful…

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @Mitze: Yes, the notification is spoofable, as was the old information bar. The notifications are designed such that dangerous actions are blocked. @Roland: Yes, it is a feature of the "Pinned Sites" that browser extensions like toolbars and BHOs do not run. (This is similar to InPrivate Browsing's default behavior, although there's a checkbox in INETCPL to turn add-ons back on for InPrivate).  It sounds like this is something that you should file a bug on Connect for to collect votes. @KeepInMind: Bookmarklets only have a performance impact when clicked. Otherwise, they do not impact performance.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw: So what should my grandma do if the notification thingie tells her to download and install ThisAintMalware.exe or the PC will explode?

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The experience of IE9 is rather natural; however, the tab arrangement is quite annoying. I usually have 6-10 tabs open. It find it extremely annoying having to resize the address bar so I can see all of my tabs. I agree with Davis, there should be away to have the tabs appear at the bottom or top if prefered. IE9 is really snappy. I type a page into the address bar, and bam, the page is loaded. I also like the website pinning feature. It's pretty cool that you can access common website tasks fast. Overall, I think IE9 will change how people use the web. If you guys can keep improving IE and stay ahead of the competition, IE will start gaining some ground in the browser market, again. Keep up the awesome work!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Goooooooooooooooooooood JOB!!! This is the best I've ever met from MS^^ Keep going on!!! I'll love IE9 MORE if its little bugs are taken care of, no, I LOVE IT as it is, though. Cheers from Seoul!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @Mitze: If your grandma is one of the 99.99% of web users who are unable to differentiate between browser UI and attacker-controlled webpages, then she'll be happy to know that IE's SmartScreen Filter feature is absurdly effective at squashing scareware attacks, having blocked over a billion malicious downloads so far. Stay tuned for further discussion of the improvements in this feature in IE9.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @Eric: Thanks for the clarification! However, I think it was a wrong decision you made when disabling all add-ons on "pinned sites". In fact, this will not only confuse users, and users will blame IE about the inconsistent behavior: "Sometimes my toolbar is working, and sometimes it's not there." Once this is more widely known, developers will lose interest in writing add-ons for IE. We would have the strange situation where all other browser vendors are extending their add-on capabilities (first Firefox, then Chrome, now Safari) - while IE would limit it in IE9. Another scenario: My aunt feels safe in the browser when the Norton Antivirus toolbar is visible. Now, after adding ebay.com to the taskbar, she would no longer see the toolbar after opening the window, and she would feel unprotected. A third scenario: My wife uses the Windows Live toolbar to access all her Windows Live services (Hotmail, Space etc.) and she wants this to be available in simply every browser window. It's great that users are now more in control of their add-ons in IE9. The warning about slow add-ons is simply brilliant. Then why take control away of them by simply disabling all add-ons in "pinned sites"? I'm afraid that this would not get many votes on Connect as just more experienced users will be voting there.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I am happy with the IE9's overall performance. It's not just the website, but the the browser interface that is snappy. I also appreciate the new minimalistic interface of IE9. That said, I am very very unhappy with the way tabs are handle; when using a small screen or opening a lot of tabs, the tabs become almost unusable. I would love to see the tabs move to the now empty space above the address bar.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Is there any way to enable feed discovery again (or is it enabled and I just can't find it)? That was actually a very useful feature.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    IE9 crashes on me every time i start it,even without add-ons Anyone knows a solution? i HHave Windows 7 service pack 1 with the latest drivers

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    My tab area has a black background. Even in no addons mode. The "control icons", that is "minimize, maximize, and close" dont work half the time. :(

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    They only problem I really have is with feed and search engine discovery not being there.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Why did the Find on this page bar have to ape Firefox? It:was moved to the bottom like Firefox and "Find whole word only" was REMOVED!!! I am very angry and disappointed with the IE9 beta? You guys can only copy other browsers. BRING BACK THE ABILITY TO MOVE THE FIND BAR ON TOP AND BRING BACK THE FIND WHOLE WORD ONLY OPTION.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I had tried to install IE9 Beta on my computer. My OS is Winodws 7 English version and Chinese language pack, so it doesn't allow me to install the Chinese version of IE9 Beta. I can only use English IE now. Could someone tell me how to make my IE9 beta display Chinese interface?

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw: I second Roland's point. I have some add-ons in IE I simply rely on, for example Webresearch Pro, which is vital for my college work. I pinned Wikipedia to the taskbar as a starting point for my research activities. However, after opening IE 9 using this shortcut, the Webresearch toolbar is simply not available in IE! It even cannot be enabled on the Toolbars menu. I use this toolbar in almost every browser session and expect it to have at hand no matter if the site is pinned to the taskbar or not. IE 9 seems to be a huge step forward in general; however, this specific issue is a major regression that spoils my whole IE experience!  :-( Thanks for listening...

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    It's really sad how IE9beta got stuck for a long time and stuck permanently couple of times while trying to browse this site. It also displays a "page can not be displayed properly" msg AFTER displaying the page properly if the header has incorrect content length (a very common unwanted scenario when using compression). Chrome has the same problem (code.google.com/.../detail) though firefox/opera and previous IEs can handle this situation just fine.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw Thanks for pointing me to the 'reopen last browsing session' feature. I really like the performance with IE9 and some of the UI design features. A couple of small suggestions I have: -Reduce the back button size and bring back the drop-down arrow -Put File above Print in the Gear menu

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Two more: -Spell checker, please? :-) -Put the website tite in the title bar. With my reduced vision, it would help.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Hello Microsoft people i like themes on internet explorer 9 it rocks!!!  and i wish we could choose where we want TABS at like if we right click around the TABS defualt area it will ask us if we want TABS on top or on below the URL bar.. please give us this option and i hope on my other computer internet explorer 8 32-bit and 64-bit will update with windows updates on windows 7   please!!!!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Guys for 2 decades, the Favorites pane was at the left without requiring to pin it. Suddenly I find it is moved to the right and I can't move it. Why MUST I accept such changes made for sake of change and which may not be liked and forced upon everyone? A simple ability to freely move all browser elements when unlocked and then lock them will make users EXTREMELY HAPPY. They can put things where they want. That is what IE6 and earlier versions offered and what later versions LIMIT.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @CvP: Thus far, we have no evidence that incorrect content-length is a common problem. We've only found two sites that currently have issues here (Paypal, when printing shipping labels, and the Japanese version of the Amazon Affiliates site). Please let us know which sites you're having problems with so that we can outreach to them. Obviously, sending proper content-length is important for security, performance, and functionality reasons. @Roland, @PeterSt: As I said before, please do file a bug on this; you might be surprised at how many votes it gets. As I've blogged before, I'm very fond of Ralph Hare's Mouse Gestures add-on, which is a BHO that isn't loaded in Pinned Sites mode. @Mitze Ugu: I'm not sure exactly why an attacker would be willing to "leave full-screen scenarios aside"? The overall point is that any UX can be spoofed, and if scareware has taught us anything, it's that the best defenses are coupling signature-based and reputation-based protections along with user-education. Without all three of these protections, an attacker has an overwhelming advantage. @Gaurav: I'm not sure what you're asking about. IE9's "Find on page" bar is on the top of the page, just like IE8's, and neither offers a "whole word" option. @Kevin Daly, @Anonymous: Please consider filing a bug on the lack of Feed/Search discovery and collecting votes. @Eduard Valencia: If you boot the Internet Control panel from the System Control Panel, and tick the "Use software rendering" option at the top of the Advanced tab, does that help? @Guilherme Oliveira: Please be more specific about the problem you're having with the BASE element? I test this frequently and have not observed problems here. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw [MSFT]  when the stable version of internet explorer 9 comes out will internet explorer 8 on windows 7 upgrade itself with windows updates?

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    My keyboard stopped working after installing IE9.  It works fine in the Bios and when I select the OS to boot with.  Just not in Windows.  Very strange.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Quick tip: You can click and drag down on the back and forward buttons to get the lists to appear more quickly than just the click and  hold.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I have downloaded IE9 Beta on my virtual Windows Vista (I am running Vista inside Parallels 5 on a Mac), but it is now stuck at "Downloading required updates". It hasn't budged for fifteen minutes. The widow has no controls, so I cannot break off and start over later. I wanted to have a look at the new wonder and check a few sites. No such thing. As far as I am concerned, IE9 Beta is a big "Fail".

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Great job IE team, everything is just flawless. Nonetheless, it's just me or is CTRL+ENTER shortcut not working? In IE8, it added "www" and ".com" between the term you write in the address bar and goes to the web page; now only puts in the ".com" without "www". That makes some websites to not load or redirect to a useless free domain page. Otherwise, great work. Greetings from Colombia!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Looks like i cannot pin it when i (typically) set my taskbar VERTICALLY on the sides of desktop screen. wow.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Nevermind. It was a normal behavior, because it just selects a bad writen old link in the adress bar. Deleting exploring history fixes it. P.S.: I'm looking forward for a good spell checker, that will be neat!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @icelava In that case try to drag the adress bar favicon, not the tab. It will pin normally.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @Gaurav: A clarification-- the "Match whole word" and "Match case" options are not top-level options in the native IE "Find" bar-- they're in the "Options" dropdown menu at the far right of the bar, which appears on the top. If you have a "Find" bar that's showing at the bottom, that suggests it's likely that you have a 3rd party add-on installed (e.g. IE7Pro?) which takes over the CTRL+F hotkey.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    This is good and all but you need to make it so that when you open up a link from the pinned links, that they open up in an existing IE windows as opposed to opening up in an entirely new window.  This is horrible.  We are no longer using IE6, we all use tabs or if not all the majority do. Please at least put this as an option as opposed to keeping it like this until IE10.  I would really appreciate it!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw also the IntelliPoint accelerated scrolling still exists!  Is there any way you can put me in touch with a contact from the IntelliPoint team to see if I can get this resolved?  IE7 was perfect!  Since IE8, major problems with IntelliPoint and accelerated scrolling!  Please!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Because the statusbar was lost, I do not understand whether the download of the homepage completes or stops or is either. Internet Explorer cannot be ended until download is completed when the download of the homepage is executed.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010

  1. favicon's is still problem - look http://www.komputronik.pl or http://www.pcworld.pl
  2. toolbars not moves (roboform toolbar occupies the full width). This is very irritating.
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    As with the usual dumbing down like Vista's Defragmenter for example, the download manager has also been dumbed down. One of IE's all time best features is gone -  the ability to show the transfer rate!!!!! % progress is the only indicator now? Unacceptable and ridiculous. There should be at least also a Aero progress bar and completed MB amount shown too (not just %). In the download manager, pressing the Delete key for a complete download should remove it from the list just like the "Delete" button. Cancel should only cancel the file, not delete it from the list so users can redownload it if it's a broken/half completed download. There is a Clear list button at the bottom which will clear the download anyways. Completed MB, progress bar and transfer rate is a MUST. Please IE team add this. Every version of IE has had these.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Also I forgot to mention. IE played a nice ding sound when a download completed. That no longer plays! When "Play system sounds" is checked in Internet Options, the ding sound should play.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Sorry about another comment post but IE9 should play sound for all these like previous versions did: Start navigation, complete navigation, popup blocked, information bar, feed discovered, search provider discovered, download completed (all downloads or each download). Don't forget a sound event. Also, in the Sound Control Panel, these should be in a separate IE group/heading, not mixed with Windows Explorer.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    ie9 is very powerful and beautiful,when firefox 4.0 is releasing,ie9 beta is up. I'm a web developer(php),and of course I must install: and I found ie9's speed is much fast than ie8, and is about 10 times or up... I love it!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Hey IE team, I have compiled a list of old and ugly UI elements which always get ignored and ship with modern IE versions:

  •  AutoComplete animation in "Would you like to turn on AutoComplete" dialog.
  •  Middle click scroll cursor is ugly.
  •  Print Dialog: Options tab bitmap is antique. Replace it with a modern bitmap. Don't remove it.
  •  Print Dialog: Make printer area in Print Dialog large enough to hold at least Tiles View. It currently has a scroll bar if there are several printers. Argh!!
  •  Auto Disconnect Dialog which appears on dial-up connections when an IE window is closed has ugly icon
  •  Internet Options Connections Tab: Dialup and VPN settings section has ugly 16-color modem icon
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I am not getting the site icon (favicon) displayed in the address bar or beside the forward/back buttons, and the forward back buttons remain the default blue as a result. I can duplicate it on multiple machines mixed x86 and x64 win7. Also, the "back list" is the same foolishness that Chrome uses where you have to guess non standard behaviour to find the list.  Bring the drop down button back please?  It isn't very big, but it IS self explanitory.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Also, the whole favorites on the right part of the screen is very akward.   First when you pin the favorites open, it jumps all the way to the other side of the screen.   Secondly, when you hover over a favorites link the arrow for opening points to the right AWAY from the browser window entirely.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Hey IE team, all you have to do when redesigning features is make sure old features get preserved to the tiniest bits. Take for example, the download manager which offers the major improvement of resuming but does away with minor useful features like progess in tooltip on hover of taskbar button. If you design IE non-destructively instead of making radical UI changes with trade old features for new ones, users are going to hate IE. If you carefully add new features while preserving existing ones, it's win-win for everyone.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw, it seems the IE feedback page on Connect is not accepting votes. Could you please check this so we can vote on bugs/suggestions? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Overal it's not bad, but several thing are missing (in priority order):

  1. Address bar on the same row as tabls? Common! Look at Chrome.
  2. Management of bookmarks hasn't changed at all. When we'll have bookmarks sync using Cloud?
  3. Paste and Go - please, add this. Easy to implement and so usefull
  4. Most visited sites list is not as friendly and feature complete as Chrome or Opera has
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @robert If you use two or more toolbar add-ons you can move them to the same row. Right click on the space to the right of your tabs and make sure "Lock the toolbars" is unchecked.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    There should be an option to allow the tabs to appear underneath the address bar.  Its quite unusable if you have a lot of tabs open.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I love the pin to taskbar feature. But when I pin Facebook to the task bar the tasks don't show up as they should, i.e, News, Events, Messages etc. Twitter works fine though.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @Beauty of the IE -- "Print Dialog: Make printer area in Print Dialog large enough to hold at least Tiles View. It currently has a scroll bar if there are several printers. Argh!!" This is the common Windows print dialog, so there isn't really anything the IE team can do here, besides passing the feedback on to Windows, or writing their own print dialog (which for consistency I'd hope they don't do!)

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Is microsoft considering changing the user agent, to make it more unique for internet explorer? (ie, removing the outdated mozilla bits?)

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @  Herman Ng [MSFT] I know but I would like to put the roboform bar next to toolbar favorites. I use only one bar and a few favorites. Unfortunately I can not.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @fanboy: or maybe keep the Mozilla bits in non-strict modes only. This way, everyone should be happy (old sites can sniff the Mozilla part, while modern sites do without).

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I really like the new speed and focus on simplicity. I would like a way to move the tabs into the title bar as right now that is completely unused space and would fit more tabs more easily.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Three questions on the taskbar jump lists feature:

  • Is there any authoritative documentation on the supported meta tags
  • Will IE9 catch dynamic updates to the meta tags, ie. can I change the meta tags using JavaScript DOM manipulation after the page is loaded and will the jump list or icon reflect the change.
  • The examples show that items are added to the Tasks section of the jump list. Is it possible to add items to the Frequent list of the jump list using meta tags?
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Just a quick note to say that the link to www.beautyoftheweb.com in your final paragraph is broken.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Pin & jumplist is really cool but favicon never update. (maybe until clear cache or bookmarked it or whatever.. it just broken my User Experience. Hope IE give a button to refresh all of them)

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    IE9 Rocks! Continue the good work, IE team!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    some comments picasaweb.google.com/.../YNHtjQylUa4WUvx7G7EvaQ

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Can someone from Microsoft comment on why text render differently? What was the reason behind this change, can the user control it, what is the technical implementation. It seems like many people (inlcuding me) do not like it but everyone is just guessing what the reason is. I tried turning off hardware acceleration and the text still look strange so it seems like it is not connected to the hardware acceleration. Switching to compatibility mode makes the text render in the old way again.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    What had this little button done to incur the IE team's wrath?: img269.imageshack.us/.../ietabdropdown.png I used so often when I had lots of tabs open. Like on Patch Tuesday when there were dozens of security updates to download. I want an answer please from the IE team.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    What is wrong with font rendering? Majority of web sites have blurry fonts, but some sites are OK, like this blog... Look here i55.tinypic.com/2cgy105.jpg

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I would love to provide feedback on the new IE9; unfortunatelly, it seems that there is a compatiblity problem with the Wave 4 Live Essentials Beta Live Sign-in assistant and IE9. Whenever I clic on the feedback button I get an error message saying that Live Sign-In assistant was not installed. If trying to install the version available in the net it tells me it can't do it because I already have a newer version. Anyway, since I can't provide it through the "feedback" button I'll do it here:

  • Would be great if one of the "tasks" options on the task-bar icon of IE9 one could choose "Restore past session" straight away. So far I love it, keep it up !
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @John G. Totally agree about the favorites button/sidebar positioning.  The favorites sidebar is IE's most compelling feature.  Itf it wasn't for that, I'd have permanently moved to Chrome.  It's really annoying that it's now stuck on the right hand side, with no ability to move it :-( The other thing that's missing that I used all the time is the "open in new tab" arrow in the favorites when opening multiple items.  Yes, you can wheel click the favorites links, but I can't do this on my laptop becuase I don't have a wheel, so it's now a total pain in the neck.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Well done Microsoft! But this version does not support Websockets or Webworkers. Anybody correct me if I am wrong. Please Microsoft support Webworkers and Websockets.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Hi folks. First, great job on IE9! :-) I am writing because Native Web Apps need to be implemented properly as a Site Specific Browsing experience. Chrome does this with Application Mode, that disables all browser controls, so only the titlebar shows. Mozilla does it with the Prism project. Site Specific Browsing is a crucial feature towards making IE9 succeed in the Native Web App competition space. This feature could be implemented simply by providing a meta-tag (as Apple has done with Mobile Safari). We would really love to see this feature in IE9. It is the primary feature needed to fade the difference between desktop and web apps as IE9 intends to do. Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Weird bug: any executable file I download using IE9 then click the [Run] button once complete in the Download Manager it tells me "This program couldn't be downloaded" in the Location column and presents the options [Retry] and [Cancel] instead of running it as IE8 would used to.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @EricLaw: You mentioned several times that we should enter bugs and suggestions on Connect such that everybody has a chance to vote on the feedback. Unfortunately, as RicarDog already pointed out, the IE feedback page on Connect does not accept votes (although AFAIK it did at some time in the past). Could you please check this and explain what we're doing wrong? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @  6205: "Consistancy is important. Lear that word. CONSISTANCY" I suggest they learn the word "consistency" instead, but that's just me. :p

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The minimalist design is all nice and cool. But there's no way to tell if a site has RSS unless I re-enable the command bar.  Perhaps move the orange icon into the URL bar? And there's no way to tell that I got new RSS updates unless I re-enable my Favorites bar. Perhaps some kind of notification.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Great job, contratulations! From the point of Microsoft marketing however, I'd recommend to mention the product name "Microsoft Internet Explorer" somewhere... When I have an IE window open,  I cannot see if I'm surfin' with IE or some oder product.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Is there any way to install IE9 alongside IE8 like in the platform previews? I need to test sites in both, but SuperPreview is woefully inadequate (no navigation == useless, no native IE7 test) and having to use VMs for it is ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    6205: um, there's no need at all for the UI to be consistent with previous versions.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @6205: what? IE9 does NOT have to be "consistent" with a previous version! That doesn't make sense. Like, did you notice that Aero controls are not consistent with the ones of the Luna or classic themes? rolls eyes I guess you don't quite get what consistency is about (let alone spelling it properly).

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    Is it possible to have ie9's engine running under ie8's gui? Like Google Chrome Frame? New gui doesn't ever remember search terms (even opera does it - when I search for something it's remembered as google's address, not search term...)... and there's no space for tabs, I use many of them.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @6205: I see your point, but to be consistent with the OS, it doesn't need to mimic anything from IE8. As for the border around the URL bar, I really think it's fine right now, and doesn't need to be changed. There are certainly much more important issues. Besides, historically, Microsoft has had much worse consistency issues between its products (like, between Windows, IE, Office apps, Outlook...), with menu bars, scroll bars and so on looking and behaving differently. Like, the fact IE scroll bars give no visual hint as you hover them, this always bothered me a bit (dunno if that's been fixed). That doesn't mean it's fine, of course, but the color of a 1px border is really a small, tiny detail. And besides, as web browsers are such important applications, I can understand they'd try to do a few things differently from other apps when it makes sense (like to optimize real screen estate, or to look lighter).

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I'm actually really liking the IE9 Beta. Fast, clean and great support for html5 and nearly there with the CSS3. However........... What about support for CSS3 Transitions/Animations? It's a greate feature to have:- allowing simple animations without the need for a js library. For example, check out the http://bikingsuperstore.com I'm currently working on. Would be great if these subtle animations worked in IE9 without the need for js. It works fine in Chrome, Opera, FF4, Safari etc.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    We're having an argument here at work...Your chart says that 9% of all IE users don't click on a link. What do they do? Just stare at the MSN page and walk away? Can you define what a User means to you guys? Is it someone who surfs 10 minutes a day? 1 hour a day for 5 weeks? They can't believe that 9% of people dont use a link....

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    I would like easier mouse access to the "Search on this page" feature which is now very inaccessible. Either in rightclick menu or trough search button in adress bar. Right click menu could also be more context sensitive and display less clutter (no greyed out options)?

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    W7 only! Keep building that Chrome market share why don't you.

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2010
    @6205: Actually the icon colour goes far back as IE3, it's probably another attempt to make the last IE6 users update. If this won't work then IE10 will probably reintroduce the image toolbar and a setting for switching into tabless mode. ;-)

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    One of my favorite features is the ability to attach/detach tabs to/from any browser. Why would this feature be removed from Pinned Sites? Others have also complained about the disabling of add-ons for Pinned Sites. I would suggest that as a design goal, Pinned Sites should only enhance a tab's functionality, and should never remove any features or functions.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Perry: I believe the chart shows the percentage of browser sessions in which a given command is used. So, for instance, in 91% of sessions, the user clicked a hyperlink, while in 9%, the user simply looked at pages without clicking on any links. @hAl: Thanks for the feedback! I'd be interested to understand how often you use the mouse to access Find on Page vs. using CTRL+F? (As searching requires the keyboard anyway.) @steve: In addition to Windows 7, the IE9 beta also runs on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Nice.. all really nice. Except that the pin of the website doesn't work if you have the taskbar in another position than bottom.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Stefano: As noted in other comments, you can always drag the FavIcon out of the address bar to the taskbar to pin a site.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    How can I embed object tag a Web page about in the ie9? <object type="text/html" data="site.html"> <p>Content</p> </object> does not work

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Brian: Are any of your HTML5 video sites publicly accessible? If so, can you share a URL? @Lila: I'm not sure I understand your question. Can you more fully explain what you're trying to do?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw I would like to embed a Web page about the object tag, that still work with IE8 and Firefox 4 but not in the IE9 in IE8 works so: <object style="width:100px;height:190px;" classid="clsid:25336920-03F9-11CF-8FD0-00AA00686F13" data="site.html"></object>  <-- does not work in the IE9 in FF works so: <object style="width:100px;height:190px;" type="text/html" data="site.html"></object>   <---does not work in the IE9 How it works in the IE9?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Great work IE team! I really liked the new UI, great speed and new features. But I didn't read anything about extension support anywhere. Are there going to be extensions like Firefox and Chrome. Because otherwise I've no reason to switch to IE9 if I don't have an easy-to-use RSS reader, web mail checker (that checks and opens all my web based mails with a single click), adblock app (very important for me), or something like xmarks (I know xmarks works with IE, but not like an extension as it is on the other browsers. It's a complete software for IE) that syncs all my favorites accross my browsers. And about tabs: this way it looks nice and slim but not useful after a few tabs. Maybe it's okey with a 22" screen but you should think of small screen laptops and netbooks also. It'll be nice if have the option to choose among "above addressbar", "side of addressbar" and "below addressbar". I don't know if there is a restriction for that but why can't you use the top of the screen. It's empty and wide. Also a button to preview the open tabs would be nice. I think you had in IE8 but I'm not sure.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @brrk: There are a lot of extensions available for IE. Just visit www.ieaddons.com. For a great free adblocker, check out http://simple-adblock.com. However, add-ons are disabled in IE9 once you open the browser using a shortcut on the taskbar, which renders add-ons almost useless in IE9. Hope they will fix this in beta 2...

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Dear IE development team, the new user experience and speed is great in IE 9 beta. Just to suggest you to implement the "Reader" button in the final release. As see in Safari, that command allow to read very very fine the articles and post. For more information about it, please follow this link: www.apple.com/.../whats-new.html Regards

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Frank meant to say that "Pinned Site Mode" browsers do not run browser add-ons. If you have a taskbar shortcut that opens IE normally (NOT in that mode) then your add-ons run just fine.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Corrected the final link to BeautyofTheWeb.com in this blog post.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Lila: Embedding a page as an OBJECT appears to work just fine in the Beta, e.g. see www.enhanceie.com/.../test.htm for example. What specifically happens when you try this. (I'm also curious: why not just use an IFRAME?) @Brian: I'll have a look.  My first guess is that while you're using an MP4 container, the encoding of the video inside it isn't h264.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    I don't see your new-tab page when i open a new one. All I get is a blank tab... any ideas?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Actually it appears that the problem is very strange. If I close IE9, then clear the cache, then open the .xml file in IE9, I cannot load the .xml file. If I modify the .xml file then I can load it in IE9. Is that a cache problem ?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    What others said: speed and UI is great, just need an option for advanced users to move tabs into separate row. Keep up the good work!

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The IE blog does not let me post my link, so my first post looks like non-sense. Click on my name to see the problem. If you get a "Internet Explorer cannot open this webpage" error, then this is the problem. It looks like as if IE could not find the XSL stylesheet until the .XML file is modified.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Xepol - you're describing the difference between a site in a standard IE window and a site that's been pinned to the taskbar; I wonder how many people would prefer the pinned look for all page?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw - Really? I wasn't aware that the ipod touch or Safari supported non-H.264 videos with the mp4 container, hence my confusion. I compiled those videos with ffmpeg. Some of them were originally flv files I believe ....

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Should I add that this website is working great in IE7, IE8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, so I think that a problem of IE9 beta.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Brian LePore: Appears my guess was incorrect. The Video team is investigating, thanks for the repro!

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Brian, the Video team reports that the content advertised as AVC1 is actually MPEG4 version 2 simple profile AKA M4S2

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw yes it works:)) Sorry and Thx IE9 is great work

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw [MSFT] Ok, komputronik.pl favicon link is lost but but it works on other browsers. Why? PCWorld.pl uses a gif file as a favicon. Is this a big problem? Other browsers do not have a problem with that. Why not support?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Robert: http://www.komputronik.pl/ doesn't show a favicon for me in Opera, Chrome, or Firefox either. Perhaps you have an old copy cached in those other browsers (before it went missing on their site) and that's why it renders there.   Yes, using a non-icon as a Favicon is a big problem if you want it to work properly. There are a number of reasons why IE requires an icon format for FavIcons-- the icon format allows multiple sizes, for instance, which means that it can show at 16x16 in your Address Bar, at 32x32 in the SuperBar/desktop, etc. Other formats like GIF or PNG do not support that, which means that the images must be scaled, which can result in pretty ugly artifacts.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Wow it gets even better!! msSiteModeActivate() lets the website cause its taskbar button to begin flashing! I'm sure that popup spammers won't use that feature at all... @Jorrit, to answer your question, you can find more info for developers to use these features (if you really want to) here (linked from the beautyoftheweb.com site referenced in the post): msdn.microsoft.com/.../gg131029%28VS.85%29.aspx

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Excellent transition from IE8. But i have one question. Where is the download speed? Is it disable or completely removed?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    How do I uninstall this piece of software? I cannot find it at Add/remoce software screen!!! @Microsoft: WHY is is NOT on this list!?!?!?! Do you ever learn?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    As RicarDog and Ooh have already mentioned, why was the voting option on Connect disabled?  Removing the voting and relying only on the "I can too" link doesn't make sense for suggestions.  The removal of the voting is not in the spirit of Connect, and definitely not in the best interest of your customers.  It makes the IE team seem to be the only group on Connect that isn't interested in feedback from customers and will only serve to disillusion and alienate people.  PLEASE reconsider this.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @SnarkMaiden -> I would counter how many people prefer their browser to act differently based on obscure trivial operational details? Besides, it does not explain why the favicon doesn't show up even in the address bar anymore.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw Just wanted to say that I re-encoded the videos on the three pages. The first one does not play when you click on the play button, but it does advance if you click on them. The videos on the other two pages do in fact load fine now. Seems to me the poster image disappears a bit too fast IMHO, but it at least is a step in the right direction.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Great work on the IE9 Beta!  It is a huge improvement over IE8 in terms of performance and code/standards conformance.  The Acid3 Test and CSS3 Selectors Test look great, and I look forward to seeing more improvements to the Acid3 Test score. Two bits of feedback from me: 1.)  An option to move the tabs in a separate row below the address bar (now called the One Bar). 2.)  Look into the HTML5 Test (http://www.html5test.com/).  Currently, IE 9.0.7930.16406 Beta (score: 96) scores lower than Firefox 3.6.9 (score: 139), Opera 10.62 (score: 159), and Chrome 6.0.472.59 beta (score: 217).  The support you have for HTML5 is a good start, but I'd love to see your score (and really, all browsers scores) go up so that I can have the same markup provide the same experience to the end users of the site. Don't stop here, keep up the great work!

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Rogier: To uninstall IE9, click "View installed updates" in the left-hand side of the Programs and Features applet in the System Control Panel.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Possible bug (if it is "by design", please change it): the animated circle that appears on tabs when the page is loading stops/disappears/is replaced by the favicon of the web site well before the page actually appears and is done loading. This, combined with the lack of a progress bar (integrating one in the address bar as its background, as Safari, could be a great idea), does not make one realize if the page is stil loading. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Ericlaw "@hAl: Thanks for the feedback! I'd be interested to understand how often you use the mouse to access Find on Page vs. using CTRL+F? (As searching requires the keyboard anyway." I never use shortcut keys for anything. Could you tell me how many IE user currently know CTRL+F means "Search on this page"

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @James: We have an active bug on the premature disappearance of the loading donut. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Great! Oh, and sometimes when clicking on a link on a page or just entering a new url in the address bar, it does not load the page at all. The page either remains blank (most of the time) or continue display the previous content. However, if I click on the link with the wheel/middle button of the mouse to open it into a new tab, the page loads instantly in the new tab, but it still does not load in the other one.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw: In other Connect sites such as Visual Studio's (connect.microsoft.com/.../Feedback), voting is enabled and it helps us see the top voted-up bugs/suggestions, which is not available with "I can repro too". I believe the admin of the IE Connect site has to enable voting manually.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    I never understood, why people are using tabs! I rarely use them! I use separate windows, to beeing able to compare them most of the time. This is a natural way to browse, I think, it is another thing to use a special web application, where one window fits all. So, if the browser does not show a title on it's window, this is really very bad design/behavior. In Opera, you can decide! br++mabra

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    I would like to congratulate IE9 team for the great development from IE8 to IE9.  The new tabs position took a little time to get used to it, but it works. The only downside of Ie9 for me is the lack of customization, I would love to be able to put tabs on top or bottom and also to give a new position to the search feature, bookmarks favorite bar and find bar (maybe aero like would be better), But I feel that I'll some my expactatives fullfilled in the second beta.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    There seems to have a lot of problems related to IE cache. This website does sometimes work, sometimes not : http://www.krizalys.com/

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    There still seems to be a lot missing from IE9 www.findmebyip.com/litmus The thing is, if you don't get it ALL working now, then we'll be waiting another 10 years for these features to become available.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    So amidst all the great things about IE9 that I like, I found one I don't--perhaps it's a bug, but I fear it's "by-design." You cannot pull a tab from one site mode window to another window (except other same site site-mode windows). You can't even pull off a tab from a site mode window into a generic IE9 (non site-mode) window. That's rather unexpected and feels like something is "broken' when suddenly this now natural action doesn't work in some cases.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    IE9 can interpret ICC profiles from images, but obviousely does not use the monitor profile! Thàt`s very bad. Also I´m missing a possibility to have a quick overview over all the open tabs. There should be a quick way to arrange all open tabs on the screen. IE8 had this, although it should be visually more attractive. Using the task bar (Aero) is no solution, because I can only see one tab/browser content at one time.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    IE9 is fast and nice but why broke Windows 7 x64 desktop gadgets ? .

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    The changing color of the forward and back buttons sounds really cool. I can't seem to make it happen though. On any site ever. Even the ones shown in various reviews and on press shots. It's a bit of a shame really. It also bugs me that the tabs resize far to quickly after one is closed so that if I wanted to close three or four tabs next to each other I can't just keep my mouse pointer at the close button and click until the tabs are closed but have to reposition it for each tab. This works great in Chrome, poorly in Firefox. This might be the one thing that'll really bug me long term Overall IE 9 looks like the nicest version of IE ever and it's very pretty.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Five things I don't like about the IE9 interface

  1. The web addresses is not in the Window header.
  2. The back button is too big.  ((( i do not agree )))
  3. The address and tab bar should be on separate bars.
  4. There is no need for a separator bar underneath the address and tab bar.
  5. The Download window does not should your download speed. www.sevenforums.com/.../111662-five-things-i-dont-like-about-ie9-interface.html
  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @EricLaw: thanks very much for your answer and to take the time to do it, I didn't find the other comment before. I'd like also to point out that the 64bit versione of IE9 Beta1, at least mine on a Win7 Ultimate x64, is having a lot of problem with the download page and download function. Actually, to me, it looks like is not working! If I try to open the Download window from the menu or with the shortcut nothing happen. The same if I try to download one file, I receive the message that ask me about the action to do and nothing else. Doing EXACTLY the same things, on the same website, with the same computer, on the same connection (only 5 seconds after) but with the 32bit version of IE9 Beta1 and all is working fine. What's wrong with the 64bit version?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    IMHO we can all agree that big back button is bad :)

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    Anyone who starts their comment by saying "We can all agree" is almost certain to end it with something that isn't accurate.

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2010
    @Gabriel Hautclocq: There are no known problems with the IE9 cache. The website you pointed to (www.krizalys.com/) appears to have functional problems. It returns a HTTP/406 error code indicating that I must configure my Accept-Languages to include English or French, and yet I already have English in the list. This server should be fixed. @Badger: That is indeed currently by-design. connect.microsoft.com/ie @alazif: Can you please be more specific about the problem you're having with desktop gadgets? @stefano: Thanks for the feedback. I haven't heard of any problems with the 64-bit download manager; please file a bug. connect.microsoft.com/ie

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    I know this is a new IE9 feature, but to my surprise, clicking the icon doesn't respect my default browser preference, eg Google Chrome. You MUST RESPECT MY BROWSER PREFERENCE!!!! Does this break any anti-trust laws?

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    I like the bigger Back button. I use it a lot more than the forward button. A whole lot more

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    I generally like the direction this is taking, it's certainly the first time I've ever even consdered making IE my default browser. It's still not as tight and fast as Chrome, and I dearly wish I was able to move the tab bar into the empty space at the top -- above 4 tabs things get hairy on my non-widescreen.

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    Oh, and the New Tab page should include the bookmarks from my bookmarks bar, even if I have it turned off in the interface (again, like Chrome).

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    Unable to check out using IE9 beta 1 on www.gymboree.com and www.oldnavy.com due to 'problem with security certificates' Both sites works on IE8.

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    @Jace: I'm not able to reproduce problems with either site. Can you please post exact steps to reproduce the problem, including the exact URLs you're visiting? @Website-Shortcuts: Pinned sites are a feature of Internet Explorer. When you create a Pinned-Site with Internet Explorer, you're creating a shortcut to Internet Explorer.

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    @Steven, @danielgr, @Red M@ Thank you for installing the IE9 Beta and helping us to make it better through your feedback! We have identified an issue with the Send Feedback tool for users of the IE9 Beta on 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Vista, and Server 2008 who have also installed the Windows Live Essentials Beta.  Enhancements made to the Windows Live Essential Beta prevent the Feedback tool from running – you will receive a message entitled “Please install the Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant” with a link to ”Get the Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant”.  When you try to download and install from the link, it will say you already have a more recent version installed.  This issue has been reported by users in Connect, and we will update those bugs as we investigate the issue. To provide the IE team with your feedback, go directly to the IE Feedback Program (connect.microsoft.com/ie) on Microsoft Connect.  This is the same location where all entries from the Feedback Tool are logged.  You can use it to view, edit, and comment on bugs, and to see the results of our investigation.  You need to register on Connect to use the Send Feedback tool and the IE Feedback Program. Registering is a quick and easy process described here: connect.microsoft.com/.../content.aspx.  Once registered, you can go directly to the Feedback page (connect.microsoft.com/.../feedback), search for your issue, and submit new feedback if it is not found.  The Feedback page has additional information on the process. Your feedback is very important to us and much appreciated.  Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your experiences with the IE9 Beta. Justin Saint Clair Program Manager, Internet Explorer

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    @Eric I appreciate your quick replies and interest in our issues. I'm enjoying using IE9 thus far. To answer you about steps, here are the steps for gymboree.com:

  1. Add something to your 'bag' such as: Raccoon BodysuitSize:0-3 mos Price:$10.00 Qty:1
  2. Click the orange checkout button at the top right, this will take you view your 'shopping bag'
  3. Click the orange checkout button at the bottom right, this will take you the Checkout page
  4. Notice that the Sign In, Shipping, etc buttons are disabled and IE is displaying a security certificate errors message We logged in on our other computer with IE8 and ordered without a problem. Thanks again.
  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2010
    Where's The Favorites Bar Going? (You'd better have a favorite's bar, I'm pretty sure most people use them)

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2010
    Hi @Jace! I don't have any problems with the Gymboree site with the steps you've described. What is the URL of the page that shows the error?  What is the specific error listed in the certificate error page? My guess is that the error is: "The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address." and that your address bar shows "https://gymboree.com/...". The problem in that case is that the URL is supposed to be "https://WWW.gymboree.com". The blocking of the certificate with the mismatched name is not new in IE9, and will occur in any version of IE (or any other browser). If the certificate error is different (e.g. "This certificate is not within its validity period") then you should check your computer's system date to make sure the clock is correct. @Adam: You can enable the Favorites bar using the View menu (Hit ALT+V, Click ToolBars > Favorites Bar)

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2010
    @Eric I've got a Problem Step Recorder file showing the problem. It's 1.28MB, I could email it to you, or put it on Skydrive and share it with your email address.

  • Anonymous
    September 21, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2010
    Hello! Where can I find this (Use Large Icons) option?:  media.dkszone.net/.../IE8_increase_icon_size2_100609.gif I would now like to use small icons, my browser:  croft.kuvat.fi/.../full