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Inserting Operational Data

I received a few requests to talk about operational data insertion in SCOM 2007. I was a bit hesitant to take this on now, mostly because I haven't really covered a lot of the core concepts required to truly understand the data insertion process, but I decided that people can ask clarifying questions if they have any while getting this out there was an important step in helping customers and partners move from 2005 to 2007.

There are two objects that are used for inserting operational data; CustomMonitoringEvent and CustomMonitoringPerformanceData. Inserting these objects is supported both via the SDK directly as well as the MCF web-service.

This data can be inserted against any discovered object (unlike MOM 2005 where only programmatically inserted computers were supported for event/performance data insertion in the SDK) via the InsertCustomMonitoringEvent(s) and InsertCustomMonitoringPerformanceData methods on the PartialMonitoringObject class as well as the InsertMonitoringEvents and InsertMonitoringPerformanceData methods on the MCF endpoint.

The below sample illustrates finding all computers in the management group and inserting a single performance data value against each:

using System;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;


namespace Jakub_WorkSamples


    partial class Program


        static void InsertCustomMonitoringPerformanceData()


            // Connect to the sdk service on the local machine

            ManagementGroup localManagementGroup = new ManagementGroup("localhost");


            // Get the MonitoringClass representing a Computer

            MonitoringClass computerClass =



            // Use the class to retrieve partial monitoring objects

            ReadOnlyCollection<PartialMonitoringObject> computerObjects =



            // Loop through each computer

            foreach (PartialMonitoringObject computer in computerObjects)


                // Create a CustomMonitoringPerformanceData object

                CustomMonitoringPerformanceData perfData =

                    new CustomMonitoringPerformanceData("CPU", "CPU Threshold", 21.3);

                perfData.InstanceName = computer.Name;


                // Insert the data






The pattern for events is very similar, there are just more properties available on CustomMonitoringEvent.

In order to actually use these objects and methods, it's important to understand what happens when any of the insert calls complete. First, these objects get converted to their runtime counterpart as xml; for events this is the System.Event.LinkedData* as defined in the System.Library* management pack and for performance data this is System.Performance.LinkedData* as defined in the System.Performance.Library* management pack. These items are then inserted into the PendingSdkDataSource table in the database. Once this happens, the call succeeds and returns, even though the data has not yet been processed.

In order to actually pick up and utilize the inserted data, I also wrote several DataSourceModuleTypes (this is a management pack level concept that describes data sources (providers in MOM 2005) that are available for use in rules and monitors) that read from the PendingSdkDataSource table in the db and process the newly inserted objects. "Normal" performance data and event rules use the system defined DataSourceModuleTypes that read the system performance counters and the event log, respectively. The data inserted via the SDK will not be processed if using these data sources. All the data sources that facilitate SDK insertion are on a fixed polling interval of 30 seconds, and wake up that often to process any new data in the database. There are two DataSourceModuleTypes available for both events and performance data, all defined in the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library*:

Microsoft.SystemCenter.SdkEventProvider - This data source will output a System.Event.LinkedData object for every CustomMonitoringEvent inserted via the SDK, regardless of the object it was inserted against.

Microsoft.SystemCenter.TargetEntitySdkEventProvider - This data source will only output a System.Event.LinkedData object for CustomMonitoringEvents inserted via the SDK that were inserted against the target of the workflow that is using the DataSourceModuleType. For instance, if you create a new rule and target it to the System.Computer type and use this DataSourceModuleType as the data source of the rule, the only events that will come out of the data source will be events that were inserted against objects of the System.Computer class.

Microsoft.SystemCenter.SdkPerformanceDataProvider - The same as the SdkEventProvider, only for System.Performance.LinkedData and CustomMonitoringPerformanceData.

Microsoft.SystemCenter.TargetEntitySdkPerformanceDataProvider - The same as the TargetEntitySdkEventProvider, only for System.Performance.LinkedData and CustomMonitoringPerformanceData.

So, in order to actually drive state of discovered objects, or perform other actions based on the data inserted via the SDK, you will need to write rules or monitors that use the aforementioned DataSourceModuleTypes. We do ship and install by default in the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal* management pack two rules that automatically collect all the data inserted via the SDK; Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectSdkEventData* and Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectSdkPerformanceData*. These rules are both targeted at the RootManagementServer* class and will only be instantiated, as such, on the Principal Management Server.

One very important thing to note: if you write rules or monitors that use the sdk data sources, they must be executed on a server that has database access AND the account the rule or monitor is running under must have the required database permissions. In general a rule or monitor is executed on the machine that discovered the object of a particular class; i.e. if you discover an instance of SQL Server on computer A and computer A has an agent on it, all rules and monitors targeted to SQL Server will be run on that particular SQL Server objects behalf on the agent on computer A. That's a bit of a mouthful, but I hope it makes sense.

* These names are subject to change prior to RTM.