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Workflow Targeting and Classes

I set out this week trying to put together a post about designing and deploying rules and monitors that utilize the SDK data sources that I talked about in the last post. Unfortunately, it's not ready yet. Among other things this week, I have been trying to write and deploy a sample management pack that would demonstrate the various techniques that we recommend for inserting operational data via the SDK to SCOM, but in the process I have run into a few issues that need resolving before presenting the information. I am definitely working on it and I'll get something up and soon as we work through the issues I have run into. If you need something working immediately, please contact me directly with questions you have so I can better address your specific scenario.

In the meantime, I wanted to discuss classes in SCOM and how they relate to workflow (take this to mean a rule, monitor or task in SCOM 2007) targeting. I think this topic is a good stepping stone for understanding the techniques I'll talk about when the aforementioned post is ready.

First, what do I mean by targeting? In MOM 2005 rules were deployed based on the rule groups they were in and their association to computer groups. Rules would be deployed irrespective of whether they were needed on a particular computer. The targeting mechanism in 2007 is much different and based entirely around the class system that describes the object space. Each workflow is assigned a specific target class and the agents will receive rules when they have objects of that particular class being managed on that machine.

Ok, so what does that all mean? Let's start with a sample class hierarchy. First, we have a base class of all classes, System.Entity (this is the actual base class for all classes in SCOM 2007). This class is abstract (meaning that there cannot be an instance of just System.Entity). Next, suppose we have a class called Microsoft.SqlServer (note this is not the actual class hierarchy we will ship, this is only for illustrative purposes). This class is not abstract and defines all the key properties that identify a SQL Server. Key properties are the properties the uniquely identify an instance in an enterprise. For a SQL Server this would be a combination of the server name as well as the computer name the server is on.  Next, there is a class Microsoft.SqlServer.2005 which derives from Microsoft.SqlServer adding properties specific to SQL Server 2005, but it adds no key properties (and in fact cannot add any). This means that a SQL Server 2005 in your enterprise would be both a Microsoft.SqlServer AND and Microsoft.SqlServer.2005 and the object that represented it, from an identity perspective, would be indistinguishable (i.e. its the same SQL Server). Lastly, SQL Servers can't exist by themselves, so we add a System.Computer class to the mix that derives from System.Entity. We now have all the classes defined that we need to talk about our first workflow, discovery.

Let's assume we already have a computer discovered in our enterprise, Computer1. In order to discover a SQL Server, we need two things:

  1. We need to define a discovery rule that can discover a SQL Server.
  2. We need to deploy and run the rule

In order to make our rule deploy and run, we'll need to target it to a type that gets discovered before SQL Server, in our case System.Computer. If we target a discovery rule to the type its discovering, you'll have a classic chicken or the egg problem on your hands. When we target our discovery rule to System.Computer, the configuration service knows that there is a Computer1 in the enterprise that is running and being managed by an agent and it will deploy any workflow targeted at System.Computer, including our discovery rule, to that machine and in turn execute the rule. Once the rule executes it will submit new discovery data to our system and the SQL Server will appear; lets call the server Sql1. Our SQL Server 2005 discovery rule can be targeted to System.Computer, or we could actually target it to Microsoft.SqlServer since it will already be discovered by the aforementioned rule. This illustrates a waterfall approach to discovery, and the recommended way discovery is done in the system. There needs to be a "seed' discovered object that is leveraged for further discovery that can generated subsequent "seeds" for related objects. In SCOM 2007 we jump start the system by pre-discovering the primary management server (also a computer) and allow manual computer discovery and agent deployment that jump starts discovery on those machines.

This example also illustrates the workflow targeting and deployment mechanism in SCOM 2007. When objects are discovered in an enterprise, they are all discovered and identified as instances of particular classes. In the previous example, Computer1 is both a System.Entity and a System.Computer. Sql1 is a System.Entity, Microsoft.SqlServer and Microsoft.SqlServer.2005. We maintain this state in the configuration service and deploy workflows to agents that are managing these instances, based on the types of instances they are managing. This ensures that workflows get deployed and executed on the agents that need them, with no need to manage targeting.

Another example of targeting would be with a task. Let's say we have a task that restarts SQL Server. This task can actually run on any Microsoft.SqlServer. Maybe we have another task that disables a specific SQL 2005 feature that only makes sense to run against objects that are in fact SQL Server 2005 instances. The first task would be targeted against Microsoft.SqlServer while the second against Microsoft.SqlServer.2005. If you select a SQL Server object in the SCOM 2007 UI that is not a SQL Server 2005, but instead is SQL Server 2000, the 2005 specific task will not be available. If you try to run it anyway via the SDK or the command shell, it will fail because the instance you are trying to run against isn't the right class and doesn't understand the task. The first task however, restarting the service, will run against both the SQL 2000 and 2005 instances and be available for both in the UI.

I hope this helps make a bit more sense out of the new class system and leveraging it for targeting. Like with anything else, there are edge cases, more complicated hierarchies and other considerations when designing and targeting workflows, but from a "pure" modeling perspective, this should give you an idea as to how things work.