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jaredpar's WebLog

Code, rants and ramblings of a programmer.

Vim Emulator Editor For Beta2 Released

This is essentially the same release as the original but updated for some changes that occurred in...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/16/2009

Type safety issue when assigning CComPtr instances

Recently while making a bug fix to our selection tracking code I discovered an unexpected behavior...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/04/2009

Speaking at Dev Connections in Las Vegas Next Week

Next week I will be speaking at Dev Connections in Las Vegas.  I will be running the following...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/03/2009

Using F# Discriminated Unions in C# (Beta2)

While updating my VsVim editor extensions for Beta2 [1] I got hit by a change in the way F# exposed...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/27/2009

Vim Emulator Editor Extension Released

I just released version 0.5.0 of VsVim: a vim emulation editor extension for Visual Studio 2010...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 09/08/2009

Why is LINQ absent from debugger windows?

As the owner of the VB.Net portion of the overall debugging experience, I frequently hear the...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 08/26/2009

Code Smell: Psychic classes

Psychic classes have the appearance of ignoring data provided to it in an attempt to provide you...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 06/18/2009

Test-ItemProperty utility function

I was playing around in the registry the other day and found the PowerShell API lacking in a key...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 06/12/2009

Understanding the is, was and will of programming

When using an API you must take care to understand not only what it returns, but also for how long...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 04/27/2009

Questions not to hinge a C++ interview on

People love to chat about how to conduct a C++ interview on newsgroups.  Eventually these...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 04/21/2009

Immutable vs. Mutable Collection Performance

One argument I commonly hear against immutable collections is they are slow.  I’ve held the...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 04/06/2009

Is it Serializable?

I’ve recently run across several APIs that have a dependency on only dealing with objects that are...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 03/31/2009

Building a WeakReference Hashtable

Recently I ran into a situation on a personal project where I needed a hashtable like structure for...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 03/03/2009

A more usable API for a mutable thread safe collection

In my last post we discussed the problems with designing a safer API for mutable thread safe...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 02/16/2009

Why are thread safe collections so hard?

Writing a collection which is mutable, thread safe and usable is an extremely difficult process. At...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 02/11/2009

Simulating Closures in PowerShell

Previously I blogged about PowerShell’s lack of closure support within a script block.  This...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 02/02/2009

BclExtras Library

I published a .Net utility library on Code Gallery today called BclExtras.  It’s a set of...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/23/2009

PowerShell LINQ: Take-Count and Take-While

The Take pair of functions are very similar to the Skip functions.  The Take expression does...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/16/2009

If you implement IEquatable you still must override Object’s Equals and GetHashCode

CLR 2.0 introduced IEquatable<T> which is an interface that allows for type safe equality...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/15/2009

PowerShell LINQ: Skip-While

Next up in the PowerShell LINQ series is SkipWhile.  This LINQ function takes an enumerable...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/14/2009

LINQ like functions for PowerShell: Skip-Count

The PowerShell pipeline, is fairly similar to C#/VB’s LINQ.  Both filter a group of elements...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/13/2009

Dvorak keyboard … is it really faster ???

Most people discover I’m a Dvorak user because they’re in my office, attempt to drive during a...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/12/2009


I broke down a few weeks ago and joined Twitter.  If you’re not familiar with Twitter, it’s a...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/09/2009

Script Blocks and Closures (or lack there of)

Script blocks are a concise way of representing an expression or statement group in...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/08/2009

Case Sensitive vs. Case Insensitive Languages

Just had a random thought while I was looking at some code today.  It’s yet another argument in...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 01/06/2009


With all of the great built-in commands for processing pipelines the absence of a good command to...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/19/2008

NotImplementedException vs. NotSupportedException

In responding to a recent blog post, one of the readers, Jeremy Gray, noted that I was using a...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/12/2008

Extension Methods and ByRef targets

One of the seldom used, and often unknown, features of VB extension methods is that the argument of...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/11/2008

Immutable Collections and Compatibility with Existing Frameworks

When developing my immutable collections library, I spent a lot of time on usability. After all, if...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/10/2008

Mapping LINQ to F#

In my projects with F#, I often find that I know exactly what type of sequence transformation I want...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/02/2008

Sorting out Binary Files

I constantly get tripped up in my powershell scripts/commands because I run them against a binary...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 12/01/2008

Comparing Continuations in C# and F# Part 3: Double wrong

Is it better to be wrong once or to be right then think you’re wrong but find out you were right but...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/13/2008

Comparing Continuations in C# and F# Part 2

In my last post I went over the differences between using a continuation in F# and C#. As it turns...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/11/2008

Properly Incrementing an IntPtr

Just as native pointer types are moved around with pointer arithmetic in native code, it can also be...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/11/2008

Comparing Continuations in F# and C#

Lately I’ve been playing quite a bit with F#.  I have several hobby projects I’m working on...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/10/2008

Dereference a double IntPtr

A common PInvoke question is how to deal with a double pointer.  More specifically, how can one...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/05/2008

PInvoke and COM objects

I've occasionally found the need to mix COM interop and PInvoke.  For certain scenarios it's...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/04/2008

Stop the Beeping!!!

Recently I was working on a PowerShell script which involved translating byte arrays into strings...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 11/03/2008

Presentation Follow up

Thanks to everyone who showed up at the presentation on monday.  For those interested, I've...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/29/2008

Properly handling a WinForms Timer event

The WinForms Timer class allows the user to perform a particular action at a set interval. ...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/27/2008

Redefining Success

Spent about an hour debugging a bit of code today.  I was attempting to read data from a...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/24/2008

Presenting at Net Developers Association Meeting Oct 27

I will be presenting at the Net Developers Associating meeting this upcoming Monday.  If you're...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/23/2008

When can you catch a StackOverflowException?

Answer: When you're the one who threw it.  Starting with the CLR version 2.0, the policy for...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/22/2008

Program Files, I just want the 32 bit version

As part of my transition into using 64 bit windows I keep running into a problem with some...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/21/2008

Custom Exceptions: When should you create them?

I think the best answer is: rarely.   It's really hard to go straight to a justification...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/20/2008

Community Interview

Recently I did a community interview with Microsoft MVP Alessandro Del Sole.  The Italian...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/17/2008

Powershell and 64 bit windows helper functions

Recently at work I started using Windows 2008 64 bit edition.  Mainly for hyper-v but...

Author: JaredPar MSFT Date: 10/16/2008

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