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ASP.NET Scenarios Map

The Microsoft ASP.NET Scenarios Map is a consolidated and shared view of the common scenarios and tasks with ASP.NET. You will find Getting Started and Architecture scenarios first, followed by other common areas. Scenarios in each group should represent common tasks developers would face when building ASP.NET applications.

Your call to action here is simply scan the ASP.NET Scenarios Map below and either share your scenarios in the comments or email your scenarios to me at FeedbackAndThoughts at live.com.  Be sure to share your scenarios in the form of “how to blah, blah, blah …” – this makes it much easier to act on and update the map.

For a quick review of what a good Scenarios Map looks like, see my related post, 5 Keys to Effective Scenario Maps.


  • Getting Started
  • Architecture and Design
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework
  • AJAX
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Caching
  • Controls
  • Dynamic Data
  • Exception Management
  • General
  • Globalization and Localization
  • JQuery
  • Logging and Instrumentation
  • Master Pages
  • MVC
  • Navigation
  • Security
  • State Management
  • Validation

ASP.NET Scenarios Map 



Getting Started

  • How to download and install necessary components and tools
  • How to create a hello world sample with WebForms
  • How to perform data access
  • How to use the page framework
  • How to use the basic server controls
  • How to use the basic data controls
  • How to use the basic navigation, validation and login server controls
  • How to manage state
  • How to create a hello world with MVC
  • How to learn how to deploy applications
  • How to create and use themes and skins
  • How to work with Master pages
  • How to use client script / JQuery
  • How to debut with Visual Web Developer
  • How to create ASP.NET pages with Visual Web Developer
  • How to work with ASP.NET projects in Visual Web Developer
  • How to create a secure ASP.NET Web site

Architecture and Design

  • How to Build Layered Web Applications with Microsoft ASP.NET
  • How to address performance
  • How to implement the common baseline architectures
  • How to recognize key patterns for common engineering decisions
  • How to design for production deployment
  • How to address security
  • How to address manageability
  • How to Build a multi-tier data-driven web application using the SqlDataSource control
  • How to build ASP.NET Web Sites Using Web Standards
  • How to Build a Poll System in ASP.NET

ADO.NET Entity Framework

  • How to create a model class with the Entity Framework
  • How to create an entity data model using the Entity Data Model Designer
  • How to use the EntityDataSource ASP.NET control
  • How to manage Entity Framework ObjectContext lifespan and scope


  • How to use the ASP.NET Ajax Extender
  • How to use the ASP.NET Ajax ScriptControl
  • How to work with partial page rendering events
  • How to Put ASP.NET AJAX Timer and UpdatePanel with RssToolKit all in action
  • How to handle JSON data with ASP.NET Ajax


  • How to authenticate using claims with the Windows Identity Foundation
  • How to use Forms Authentication
  • How to authentication using ASP.NET membership provider system
  • How to use Windows Authentication to provide single sign-on capabilities


  • How to authorize users using claims
  • How to authorize users using a role provider
  • How to implement Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • How to authorize REST service calls
  • How to authorize users against Active Directory


  • How to use the ASP.NET OutputCache.
  • How to use the ASP.NET cache API.
  • >How to cache objects in a page.
  • How to create cache dependencies.
  • How to set expirations on cache items.


  • How to use the GridView Control
  • How to Use WebParts in ASP.Net
  • How to build an ASP.NET menu
  • How to use the ASP.NET ImageMap control
  • How to use the ASP.FormView control
  • How to use the ASP.NET Ajax ScriptControl
  • How to use the EntityDataSource ASP.NET control
  • How to Display Binary Data in the Data Web Controls
  • How to use the ReportViewer control
  • How to Creating a CascadingDropDown Using AJAX
  • How to use Rich Text Editor
  • How to Create Multi-page forms with MultiView control
  • How to create a Chart
  • How to use a CheckBox in a GridView
  • How to Add a GridView Column of Radio Buttons
  • How to use a Radio Button in the TreeView control
  • How to build a Cascading Drop Down List in ASP.NET
  • How to Add a total row to a GridView
  • How to page data with the ASP.NET DataPager control

Dynamic Data

  • How to eliminate lengthy boiler-plate code from existing ASP.NET data-bound controls and derive column functionality directly from the database schema.
  • How to customize the UI to render a data field in existing ASP.NET data-bound controls by using a field template.
  • How to perform table row filtering using a specific foreign key using default or a custom filter template.
  • How to filter the child table rows to display based on the foreign-key values selected in a parent table.
  • How to customize the UI for an individual or multiple tables by using a page template.
  • How to customize the UI to render a data field by using a field template.
  • How to customize the validation of a data field.
  • How to customize the validation of a data field using custom attributes.
  • How to add validation of an entity type or member controls
  • How to customize the column header, caption, and so on.
  • How to use an enumeration type to enable the user to enter data field values from a drop down list.
  • How to customize the ordering of columns.
  • How to control data field string length.
  • How to display e-mail address that when clicked lunch the mail application.
  • How to display URL that when clicked navigates to the specified address.
  • How to create dynamic hyperlinks that are based on the table actions as enabled by Dynamic Data.
  • How to perform table row filtering using default filter templates.
  • How to customize entities as a whole.
  • How to render inherited tables.
  • How to render tables that contain a many to many relationship.
  • How to use a RAD approach to create a Web site to edit the products that are sold for a storefront.
  • How to add validation of a data field in existing ASP.NET data-bound controls

Exception Management

  • How to log exceptions to the Windows Event Log.
  • How to implement a global exception handler.
  • How to populate and raise events from code.
  • How to populate a log message with additional context How to information.
  • How to configure options for trace listeners.
  • How to direct different event types to different trace listeners.
  • How to configure log filters.
  • How to create a custom trace listener.
  • How to configure a default URL to direct a browser to, if an error occurs.
  • How to configure a custom error page for a given HTTP status code.
  • How to trace activities and propagate context information.
  • How to check filter status before constructing log messages.


  • How to E-Mail in ASP.NET.
  • How to upload files.
  • How to use JavaScript with ASP.NET Pages.
  • How to Process Data within an XML File.
  • How to Use Response.Filter to intercept your HTML.
  • How to Create an Event Calendar.
  • How to generate websites using ZAP tool.
  • How to Zip and Unzip files programmatically.
  • How to use NHibernate and Log4Net in ASP.NET applications.
  • How to Transferring Data Using SqlBulkCopy Class.
  • How to use SQL Cache Dependency With SQL Server 2000.
  • How to use Outbound Link Hit Tracking with ASP.NET.

Globalization and Localization

  • How to localize an ASP.NET web application using resources.
  • How to select an encoding for ASP.NET web page globalization.
  • How to set the culture for ASP.NET web page globalization.
  • AJAX script globalization and localization.


  • How to use jQuery with ASP.NET.
  • How to use jQuery to directly call ASP.NET Ajax page methods.
  • How to use chained commands in jQuery.

Logging and Instrumentation

  • How to populate and raise events from code.
  • How to populate a log message with additional context information.
  • How to trace activities and propagate context information.
  • How to create custom trace listeners.
  • How to check filter states before constructing log messages.

Master Pages

  • How to build an ASP.NET Master Page.
  • Using multiple Master Pages to organize your ASP.NET website.
  • How to dynamically attach a Master Page.


  • How to use HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to use template helpers in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to create action filters in an ASP.NET MVC application.
  • How to implement a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to create unit tests for an ASP.MVC solution.
  • How to use an asynchronous controller in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to use remove validation from a client in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to validate model data using DataAnnotations attributes.
  • How to create a custom action filter.
  • How to implement an ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine.
  • How to create a custom route.
  • How to use a route constraint.
  • How to create a custom route constraint.
  • How to use querystring parameters in a route.
  • How to access parameters in a routed page.
  • How to use an ASP.NET MVC Controller to return XML or JSON.
  • How to perform a file download in ASP.NET MVC.
  • How to use the OutputCacheAttribute to increase performance.
  • How to use and inversion of control containers and the dependency injection pattern with ASP.NET MVC.


  • How to build a treeview.
  • How to implement a RESTful interface.
  • How to implement a breadcrumbs interface.


  • How to encrypt configuration settings
  • How to validate untrusted input
  • How to authenticate users using claims
  • How to authorize users using claims
  • How to use a secret store
  • How to handle exceptions securely
  • How to prevent injection attacks
  • How to authenticate users using membership
  • How to authorize users using roles
  • How to audit effectively
  • How to validate service messages

State Management

  • How to maintain session data in a web farm
  • How to store session data in a database
  • How to establish sessions without cookies
  • How to Improve performance by compressing ViewState


  • How to debug an ASP.NET application.
  • How to Health Monitor in ASP.NET.
  • How to debug in a live environment using event logs.
  • How to debug remote services.


  • How to use the ASP.NET Validation Controls
  • How to validate client-side objects
  • How to validate server-side objects
  • How to sanitize untrusted input
  • How to validate untrusted input
  • How to filter untrusted input
  • How to use regular expressions to validate input
  • How to validate HTTP headers
  • How to validate file uploads
  • How to validate blob data

Contributors and Reviewers

  • External Contributors / Reviewers – Adam Grocholski; Brent Jacquemart; Will Clevenger
  • Microsoft Contributors / Reviewers - Tim Teebken, Wade Pickett

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