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Funny how things go...

A while ago, I mentioned that I am now the User Experience manager for Exchange, over the design & usability teams. One of the things my team does is run focus groups and usability studies, and we ran a focus group with eight IT pros/exchange admins in December to explore some of the areas we're considering investing in for the next release of Exchange. 

I wasn't able to participate that day because I was on vacation, but the sessions are recorded on video and I was just catching up on some of the videos... during a discussion with the participants about what resources they use to learn more about various products, someone mentioned my blog! I just thought that was hilarious.

Thanks, dude. :-)

And while I'm at it... please sign up for the usability database. You don't have to be in redmond - we use this database for finding participants for surveys as well as remote usability studies as well. See the enrollment links on the left-hand navigation bar. Plus you get free stuff for participating. We need IT professionals, end users and developers - and it's not just for Exchange, but for all of Microsoft. Highly recommended.

And if we end up running a study with anyone who got a pointer to the database through my blog, then I'll give you one of our awesome E2K7 beta2 tshirts : -)