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Back from Vacation

I have just got back from my vacation - which was wonderful. Having a complete break – especially in an area that had no cell phone coverage – is a great way to re-charge energy.  This week brought the usual re-entry pains that are the cost you pay for this!


While I was away, Jack Greenfield had a couple of interviews with press journalists that generated some nice exposure in eWeek on Software Factories that you can read here:


Next Dev Wave: Software Factories

By Darryl K. Taft

August 9, 2004


 and also here:


Microsoft Touts 'Assembly-Line' Software Building

By Darryl K. Taft

August 9, 2004 



Our boss, Rick LaPlante, had an in-depth interview with Darryl Taft of eWeek that resulted in an article on Visual Studio Team System. There were several questions related to our modeling strategy that Rick dealt with. This was interestingly billed as a face-off with Grady Booch of IBM! This article is available here.


Also, while I was away, our Software Factory area on MSDN and on TheServerSide.com went live, so please take a look at the articles we’ve placed there and give us your feedback. TheServerSide.com has published a talk I did several months ago on our modeling approach that you can see here.