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The Quick and Cheap Steps to Perform a Lab Installation of Configuration Manager 2007 RTM


The below instructions assume that you have two machines (virtual or physical). One of the machines will act as the domain controller and SCCM client. HW requirements for the domain controller should meet or exceed the following criteria:

  • P-III @ 1Ghz or better
  • 256 MB RAM or better
  • Adequate free disk space (SMS client will take around 10-25MB when installed and collecting inventory information. You also may want additional free space if you plan to test out security patch or software deployment to this server)

The other machines will act as the SCCM site server. HW requirements for this server should meet or exceed the following criteria:

  • P-III @ 2 Ghz or better (HT/Dual Core/multi-proc even better!)
  • 2GB RAM or better
  • 30GB of contiguous free disk space (especially if you will be doing OS captures and deployments)

It is assumed that both machines are on a standard routed IP network with no filters or firewalls separating the two machines. The network itself can be ‘real’ or ‘virtual’ as long as the servers themselves recognize it. Internet access for at least the machine that is to be the SCCM site server is highly recommended as the Software Update component is much easier to deploy with Internet access.

Before getting started with the below instructions, both of these machines should be running Windows Server 2003 w/SP2 either Standard or Enterprise with the latest patches installed.

Finally, all steps below assume that you utilize the default Administrator account within the domain that has complete administrative access to the entire forest.

Pre-Install Tasks:

  • Run DCPROMO on the domain controller server to create an AD Forest if you have not alrrady done so. You can name the domain anything you like but we will refer to the domain name as ‘SCCMDOM.LOCAL’ and the domain controller as ‘SCCMDC’.
  • Join the other Windows Server to the newly created Domain. This server will be your SCCM Primary Site Server. We will refer to this server in this document as ‘SCCMServer’.
  • Join the SCCMServer to the domain's Domain Admins group.  (This is not the most secure implmentation and not mandatory but will make things easier from a permissions standpoint.  For information on security best practices on how to set up SCCM, go here:  https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680768.aspx)
  • Create a user account named 'zSCCMSoftInstall' in the SCCMDOM.LOCAL domain with default privileges and group memberships.
  • On SCCMServer, add the following Windows components by going to Control Panel => Add/Remove Programs => Add/Remove Windows Components:
    • Add ASP.NET under the Application Server Component – this will automatically add some dependent components which are also needed
    • Add ‘Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Server Extensions’ under the Application Server => Internet Information Services (IIS) sub-component
    • Click OK and Next to Install the components that have been added – note that you may need to tell the wizard where to find your W03 i386 bits.
  • On SCCMServer, set the WebDAV extensions to ‘Allow’:
    • Open the IIS Manager MMC
    • In the Web Services Extension folder, highlight WebDav and click the Allow button
    • Close the IIS Manager MMC

Download all of the installation code from Microsoft.com

Installation Tasks:

  • Install SQL 2005 Evaluation Edition on SCCMServer (~10 – 20 minutes)
    • ·Run Setup.exe from the Servers folder on the SQL 2005 Evaluation DVD that you downloaded
    • Check to Accept the EULA and click Next
    • Click Install to install the .NET Framework, SQL Client, and Support Files
    • Click Next when complete
    • Click Next Again
    • Confirm that the Configuration Checks have all Passed and click Next
    • Enter Name and Company Information and click Next
    • On the Components screen check only ‘SQL Server Database Services’
    • Optional: Add Management Tools:  (Although not technically needed, I recommend loading the SQL Management Tools in order to troubleshoot if problems arise)
      • Click The Advanced button
      • Under the Client Components feature Select Install for the Management Tools component and click Next
    • Leave the default of ‘Default Instance’ and click Next
    • On the Service Account page, select ‘Use the built-in System account’ and choose ‘Local system in the dialog and click Next
    • Choose Windows Authentication Mode and click Next
    • Accept the default SQL collation and click Next
    • Optionally select to send error reports or feature usage to MSFT (this is NOT required) and click Next
    • Review your choices and click Install
    • SQL 2005 will now install. Click Next then Finish when prompted
  • Apply SQL 2005 SP2. (Simply step through the wizard, accepting all of the defaults)
  • Run Windows Updates to apply any remaining Windows or SQL security updates


  • Install SCCM 2007 Beta 2 (~15-25 minutes)
    • Run extadsch.exe from SCCM 2007 Beta 2 source to extend the AD schema:
      • Check c:\extadsch.log to verify schema extension success.
    • Install WSUS 3.0:
      • Place WSUS DB on the SQL 2005 instance that you installed above
      • Other default values are fine…
      • Don’t configure – we will do this later in ConfigMgr…
    • Run the SCCM splash.hta from the SCCM source and select the Pre-requsite checker
      • Ensure that all required hotfixes and configuration changes are corrected as noted from the results of the Pre-Req Check. 
    • Install ConfigMgr 2007 Beta 2:
      • Custom Install
      • Select Primary Site
      • Select Mixed Mode Security
      • Accept the default selection of site roles, etc.
      • Select a directory for SCCM Setup to use to download any needed updates during the setup routine


  • Configure SCCM 2007:
    • Open the SCCM Console and do the following:
      • Enable AD publishing:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode
        • Right-click SiteCode and select Properties
        • Select the Advanced tab and check both 'Publish this site to AD' options and click OK
      • Configure at least one site boundary:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Boundaries
        • Right-click Boundaries and select 'New Boundary'
        • Specify an IP Subnet, AD Site, IP Address Range, etc. that makes sense for your lab environment and click OK
      • Configure the zSCCMSoftInstall account you created above:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Client Agents=>Computer Client Agent
        • Right-click Computer Client Agent and configure the zSCCMSoftInstall account as the Network Access Account and click OK.
      • Configure the Site System Roles:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Site Settings=>Site Systems=>SCCMServer
        • Right-click ConfigMgr distripution point
        • Check the 'Allow client to transfer content using BITS...' check box and click OK
        • Right-Click SCCMServer and select New Roles
          • Add these roles to the Server:
            • State Migration Point
            • Reporting Point
            • Software Update Point
              • Choose Defaults for now (Sync with MU, Default Update categories and products, etc.)
              • Be sure to remove all languages but English!!!
          • Click Close/Finish in order for the new roles to install
      • Configure Client Agents:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Site Settings=>Client Agents
        • Most default settings are fine – may want to configure:
          • Set Remote Tools for XP or later to ‘Full Control’ and change Notification to NOT “play a sound repeatedly”
          • Set and manage Remote Assistance settings and set to Full Control
      • Configure Discovery Methods:
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Site Settings=>Discovery Methods
          • Set System Discovery at minimum for the AD Forest
          • Check the box to initate a discovery 'as soon as possible'
          • Click OK
      • Discover and Push the SCCM Client to all lab site systems
        • Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>Site Management=>SiteCode=>Computer Management=>Collections
        • Right-Click the All Systems Collection and select 'Update Collection Membership'.
        • Click OK at the 'Update Subcollections' Prompt
        • Hit F5 to refresh the 'All Systems' View until the hour-glass disappears from teh All Systems icon
        • Confirm/Verify that the All Systems container includes all of the systems within your lab.
        • Right-Click the All Systems collection and select Install Client
        • Click Next and then check the 'Include domain controllers' and uncheck the 'Inlcude only clients in this site's boundaries' then click Next
        • Click Finish

- You are done! You should now have one SCCM Primary Site Server and one SCCM client ready to rock and roll. A few caveats:

- If you chose to set up the Software Update role as decribed above, it could take 20 minutes or so to download/synch the catalog with the SCCM DB. You will not see any software update reports until this has been accomplished. To check on the status, navigate to Navigate to SCCM=>Site Database=>System Status=>Site Status=>SiteCode=>Component Status and check the SMS_WSUS_Control_Manager status logs.