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Visual Studio 2010 New Editor screenshot

I’m very happy with how the Visual Studio editor improved since Beta1:


This is all WPF and includes the WPF 4.0 text rendering changes (DWrite integration). Note the new Zoom combobox in the bottom-left (which is the visual counterpart of Ctrl+ScrollWheel). Also the cross to close the tab is now located ON the tab, and not on the rightmost edge of the document. It takes about a day to get used to, but after you get used to it, it’s really awesome.

I believe that the editor team has done a phenomenal job making the editor better for all of us. Note that although the screenshot was made from a remote desktop to a virtual machine, it still looks much better than in Beta1. And believe me, it is way faster and more reliable now.

I’m very excited for Beta2 and can’t wait to get the bits out for you to play with!