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I'm a Winner! :)

I'm actually a fairly low key person, but when I get into a competitive situation, I want to win! If I don't win, I still enjoy the heck out of it though.

So yesterday we flew two MP sailplane races and two MP Red Bull races. I am very happy to say I won both sailplane races with course records on both attempts (although there was too much lift) and won 1 of the 2 Red Bull races. It just feels good :)

On Red Bull races we ran it was so cool seeing three of us diving for the first gate. On the first race Brandon and I were neck and neck for at least 4 laps. I could hear his engine in my headphones the whole way and occasionally get glimpses of his plane when he would eek out ahead for a second or two.

With the Red Bull courses it's all about knowing the course, flying smoothly and with precision, picking the best line, and knowing when to slow down or add more power. However with the sailplane race it's about managing energy. managing the aircraft configuration and trim, and knowing when to stay in a thermal and when to take a risk and leave a thermal. Of course knowing how to efficiently thermal is key as well. It's very disconcerting when you decide to stay in a thermal and someone else decides to leave it and flys up ahead on the course.

I really like how different the two types of racing are and how they require different skills to succeed.