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Outlook Hyperlinks for Public folder Items in Outlook 2010 does not work?

Sometimes we require creating hyperlinks for Items in
Mailbox. Rather than referring to item by its name, I would suggest you to use
EntryID to create hyperlinks. So the URL will look like following:

Outlook :< ENTRYID>

Now what if you creating hyperlinks for Items inside Public
Folder in Outlook 2010? Above hyperlink will throw an exception, if Public
folder is not initialized. Due to performance issues, Public folders are not
initialized when Outlook starts.

OL2000: Link to Item in Public Folder Does Not Work
(Article is applicable for Outlook 2010 also.)

So, how do I create link for items in Public folder in Outlook 2010?

You could create the hyperlink for Items inside Public folder using Entry
ID of item and you could create COM Add-in or write VBA script to initialize
the public folder when Outlook Starts. Once the Public folder is initialized,
items inside Public folder could be accessed using hyperlinks. Following two
lines of code would initialize the public folder!
Outlook.NameSpace objNs = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI"); Outlook.MAPIFolder folder =objNs.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders);*************************************************************

OL98: Using Hyperlinks to Access Outlook Folders and Items

Outlook:URL Protocol is Not Functional in Outlook 2007

Note : For Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 to make Outlook hyperlink work, we could use a workaround by registering the url in registry.
Read through the link below to understand how to register custom URL and what the security concerns are.

Registering an Application to a URL Protocol

Well that’s it for now on Outlook Hyperlinks. Happy Coding!