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How to insert binary data (like images/documents) into a SQL Server database with SQL Server Management Studio?

If you quickly want to insert some binary data (like images, word documents, pdfs) into a database writing a front-end application for this talk might be a bit of an overkill… Fortunately, this is a pretty straight-forward talk in SQL Server Management Studio :-)

The following example updates the Categories table of the good ol’ Northwind database to store the images, updates two categories with images and adds another category and an image.

 /* Add anadditional column to the Categories table to store the image */

ALTER TABLE dbo.Categories ADD       CategoryPicture VARBINARY(MAX) NULL GO

/* update thetable to insert some images */

UPDATE Categories SET CategoryPicture =       (SELECT * FROMOPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\Temp\Beverages.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS CategoryImage) WHERE CategoryID = 1

UPDATE Categories SET CategoryPicture =       (SELECT * FROMOPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\Temp\Condiments.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS CategoryImage) WHERE CategoryID = 2


/* Insert a new category with an image */

INSERT INTO Categories(CategoryName, CategoryPicture) Values ('Another Category', (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\Temp\AnotherCategory.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS CategoryImage))

