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Web Development Strategy @ Microsoft : ASP.NET / PHP / Silverlight / Java / UX

Laurence Moroney's blog!

Introducing Silverlight 2 Book now available

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight      Technorati Tags: Silverlight   My...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 07/22/2008

Silverlight 2 Beta 2: Available very soon

Technorati Tags: Silverlight del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight We're just wrapping up the final details...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 06/03/2008

Building A Casual Game in Silverlight

Technorati Tags: Silverlight del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight If you attended MIX08 you would have had...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/16/2008

Search::Redefined - Silverlight and Yahoo! Japan

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight,Search,Japan,Innovation Technorati Tags:...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/10/2008

Silverlight: Great showcase of Silverlight 1 wins, and information on updates...

Technorati Tags: Silverlight    del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight While many among you...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/08/2008

A quick note on Silverlight Evangelism...and a great blog on Business Development of Silverlight

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight Working for Microsoft is something that...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/04/2008

Silverlight Dynamic Languages in Visual Studio

Technorati Tags: Silverlight,Dynamic Silverlight,IronRuby     del.icio.us Tags:...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 03/29/2008

Determining Silverlight Installation Metrics at your site

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight Following lots of requests from folks...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 03/24/2008

DeepZoom in C# - Not just possible, but easy

DeepZoom with the MultiScaleImage control Technorati Tags: Silverlight,MIX08,Deep Zoom del.icio.us...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 03/13/2008

2 New books in one week! and a great DeepZoom in C# tutorial on the way...

For those of you who were at MIX this week, you would have received a nice free sample copy of my...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 03/10/2008

Introducing Silverlight Book: Code Update

If you're reading Introducing Silverlight and are having some trouble with the code in Chapter 8 for...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 11/13/2007

MIX08: The Next Web Now

Technorati Tags: MIX07, MIX08 del.icio.us Tags: MIX07, MIX08 The MIX08 Site is now online and...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 11/08/2007

Free Silverlight training event in Redmond

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight On November 29, Microsoft will be hosting...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 11/05/2007

MIX 08: Coming Soon...

Technorati Tags: Silverlight del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight MIX 08 is coming soon to a desert near...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/31/2007

Optimize your Silverlight install Experience

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight I'm happy to say that the UX Guidelines...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/29/2007

Introducing Silverlight 1.0 Book is now available...

Technorati Tags: Silverlight del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight My First Silverlight book: Introducing...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/27/2007

If you care about Internationalizing your Silverlight Applications...

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight You should really take a look at...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/27/2007

Zero to Hero: Using the Browser Cache in Silverlight

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight You may be using the Silverlight...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/26/2007

Zero to Hero: How to Check if Silverlight is installed.

Technorati Tags: Silverlight del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight I've been getting lots of questions on...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 10/24/2007

Chinese Moon Festival 2007 - Silverlight Card

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight Here's a really cool greeting card, built...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 09/24/2007

Japanese Pop (JPop) and Silverlight

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight, JPop Technorati Tags: Silverlight, JPop I'm currently in Tokyo for...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 09/19/2007

Zero to Hero: XAML from the ground up

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Technorati Tags: Silverlight In the last Episode, you looked into...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 08/17/2007

Zero to Hero: Getting Started with Silverlight

del.icio.us Tags: Silverlight Lots of people have been asking about how to get started with...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 08/09/2007

See the Space Shuttle like never before...

Photosynth is an amazing new technology that allows you to view photos and scenes in an interactive...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 08/08/2007

Improving performance in WPF applications

If you've been using WPF with layered windows to provide transparency [with the Windows.Transparency...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 08/08/2007

Some more great Silverlight games

Check out Bubble Factory by Vincent Vergonjeanne who in four days went from no knowledge in...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 07/05/2007

Great Silverlight Game

You just have to check out Zero Gravity, a cool and cute Silverlight puzzle game based at:...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 07/03/2007

Silverlight: Data Binding with XML

The fact that XAML is just XML empowers a lot of interesting scenarios. In my MSDN Article for an...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 07/03/2007

Silverlight and 3D

I just stumbled across this excellent work in Silverlight and 3D. Another great example of how the...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 06/14/2007

More Silverlight and Ink

Some great stuff by Julie Lerman on her Blog, who got this up and running today despite her blog...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 06/04/2007

Silverlight in WebWare 100 Awards

Silverlight has been chosen as a finalist in the CNET Webware 100 awards in the publishing category....

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 06/01/2007

Silverlight: Convert Ink to Xaml

I have to say that I absolutely love the path mini language that is part of XAML. If you haven't...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 06/01/2007

Silverlight: The OnLoad event

Lots of folks have been asking questions around their WPF/E applications and why the onLoad event...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/31/2007

Silverlight: Font Embedding

There's some great stuff been put together by Slyi on his blog around subsetting and embedding...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/24/2007

Silverlight: Convert Text to Path

The WPF APIs provide a FormattedText object that allows you to export its contents as a Geometry,...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/22/2007

Silverlight: Using Text from Unsupported Fonts

In Expression Blend you have the facility to convert text from a textblock into a XAML path. This...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/21/2007

Silverlight Book

There have been lots of questions since MIX07 about a book on Silverlight. I'm working on one for MS...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/18/2007

Silverlight TextBlock and Asian Fonts

In addition to using the Glyph to render Asian Fonts in your Silverlight Applications, you can also...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/17/2007

Silverlight article in MSDN Magazine

MSDN Magazine's June 2007 issue will be carrying my Silverlight article. You can read it online...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/09/2007

Silverlight Install Modes

Did you know that there are two install modes for Silverlight -- inplace installation (aka 'Direct')...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 05/08/2007

Silverlight.net is live

The Silverlight.net community site is now live on www.silverlight.net. If you're new to the...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/30/2007

Illuminate the Web: Silverlight is unveiled.

Microsoft have announced Microsoft Silverlight, our next generation, cross platform, cross browser...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 04/16/2007

WPF/E: Part of a bigger EcoSystem

The neat thing about WPF/E is that it is not a standalone technology. It is based on standard, open,...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 03/30/2007

A simple, dynamic, picture show with WPF/E

One nice little demo application that you can put together with WPF/E is a simple picture slide...

Author: lmoroney[at]microsoft.com Date: 02/23/2007

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