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当我们需要编辑查看WP应用中的SQLite数据库时,常常需要将SQLite同步到Desktop上。可以使用wp8.0/8.1 sdk自带的ISETool.exe. 方法如下:

1.打开Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1 Tool, 将WP 应用Build生成的.xap文件部署到WP模拟器上,如下图:

2.打开cmd, 进入到目录

CD C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.1\Tools\IsolatedStorageExplorerTool

3. To download all files from emulator or device to folder on your PC,在命令行工具中输入:

ISETool.exe ts xd e9df6878-0aeb-497f-bcf4-65be961d5ccb

- This is the GUID of the project. This is located in   AppxManifest.xml for APPX projects and WMAppManifest.xml for XAP projects.


https://sqlitestudio.pl/ 下载SQLiteStudio工具。如下图: