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What have I been doing?

Not that I think that most readers would care but just in case you wonder why I'm not posting as much as I used to...

In December, I've been presenting two one-day workshops in Mexico City. The last time I had done such a thing in Spanish was years ago, for a TechEd in Acapulco. I actually think I feel more comfortable doing it in Spanish than in English. I also believe the attendees appreciated.

I had delicious quesadillas in María Isabel and other goodies in taquerías around the Polanco neighborhood. The food at the Cambalache was, as expected, delicious.

Then I worked remotely from Mexico on a proof of concept for Maarten’s customer, involving COM and Web Services. designing, and coding with [[M]C++[/CLI]|C#]: fun! The https://spec.winprog.org/typeinfo/ site was very helpful during that time!

Since I’ve been back in the states, I’ve been working on my DirectShow and co. skills as I’ll be soon taking care of an ISV who uses that technology a lot. I tried hard to find some good information/samples on Media Foundation (introduced in Vista) but I haven’t had any success. Maybe I need to start invading the developers office to get some valuable information…

I’m listening to Julieta Venegas’ Sí album: I love it. For some reasons, I would say she’s kind of the Mexican Björk. You’ll listen and decide for yourself.


BTW, it's hard to go back to WMP 10 once you've experimented the version 11 in Vista: searching is so much faster and the UI so much nicer.

Ciao ragazzi.