Bing Maps

Bing Maps
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Standard | All Power Automate regions except the following: - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet |
Power Apps | Standard | All Power Apps regions except the following: - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet |
Contact | |
Name | Microsoft |
URL | Microsoft LogicApps Support Microsoft Power Automate Support Microsoft Power Apps Support |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Microsoft |
Website | |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | API Key | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 1200 | 60 seconds |
Get location by address |
Get the location information associated with an address. If no location is found, an empty result will be returned. |
Get location by point |
Get the location information associated with latitude and longitude coordinates. |
Get route |
Calculate a route using waypoints. |
Get route [DEPRECATED] |
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get route instead.
Get route [DEPRECATED] |
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get route instead.
Get static map |
Get static map. |
Get static map [DEPRECATED] |
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get static map instead.
Get the location information associated with an address. If no location is found, an empty result will be returned.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Address line
addressLine | string |
A string specifying the street line of an address (not including city, country region, etc). |
Locality (City)
locality | string |
A string that contains the locality, such as a US city. |
Admin district (State)
adminDistrict | string |
A string that contains a subdivision, such as the abbreviation of a US state. |
Postal code
postalCode | string |
A string that contains the postal code, such as a US ZIP Code. |
Country region
countryRegion | string |
A string specifying the ISO country code. |
- Body
- GetLocation_Response
Get the location information associated with latitude and longitude coordinates.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Point Latitude
latitude | True | double |
The latitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: 47.64054 |
Point Longitude
longitude | True | double |
The longitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: -122.12934 |
Include Entity Types
includeEntityTypes | string |
The entity types that you want to return in the response. |
Include Neighborhood
includeNeighborhood | boolean |
A value determining whether or not to include the neighborhood in the response when it is available. 0 or 1 |
Include Country Code
include | boolean |
A value determining whether or not to include the two-letter ISO country code. ciso2 |
- Body
- GetLocation_Response
Calculate a route using waypoints.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Waypoint 1
wp.0 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
Waypoint 2
wp.1 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
Avoid highways
avoid_highways | boolean |
Avoids the use of highways in the route. |
Avoid tolls
avoid_tolls | boolean |
Avoids the use of toll roads in the route. |
Avoid ferries
avoid_ferry | boolean |
Avoids the use of ferries in the route. |
Minimize the use of highways
avoid_minimizeHighways | boolean |
Minimizes (tries to avoid) the use of highways in the route. |
Minimize the use of toll roads
avoid_minimizeTolls | boolean |
Minimizes (tries to avoid) the use of toll roads in the route. |
Avoid crossing country borders
avoid_borderCrossing | boolean |
Avoids crossing country borders in the route. |
optimize | string |
Specifies what parameters to use to optimize the route. |
Distance unit
distanceUnit | string |
The units to use for distance in the response. Default: Kilometer |
Travel mode
travelMode | True | string |
The mode of travel for the route. Default: Driving |
Transit Date-Time
dateTime | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Identifies the desired transit time, such as arrival time or departure time. |
Transit Date-Time Type
timeType | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Specifies how to interpret the transit date-time value. |
- Body
- GetRoute_Response
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get route instead.
Calculate a route using waypoints.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Waypoint 1
wp.0 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
Waypoint 2
wp.1 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
avoid | string |
A comma-separated list of values from the following list (highways, tolls, minimizeHighways, minimizeTolls). |
optimize | string |
Specifies what parameters to use to optimize the route. |
Distance unit
distanceUnit | string |
The units to use for distance in the response. Default: Kilometer |
Travel mode
travelMode | string |
The mode of travel for the route. Default: Driving |
Transit Date-Time
dateTime | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Identifies the desired transit time, such as arrival time or departure time. |
Transit Date-Time Type
timeType | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Specifies how to interpret the transit date-time value. |
- Body
- GetRoute_Response
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get route instead.
Calculate a route using waypoints.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Waypoint 1
wp.0 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
Waypoint 2
wp.1 | True | string |
Specified as a point, landmark, or address. (47.610,-122.107 or Seattle, WA) |
Avoid highways
avoid_highways | boolean |
Avoids the use of highways in the route. |
Avoid tolls
avoid_tolls | boolean |
Avoids the use of toll roads in the route. |
Avoid ferries
avoid_ferry | boolean |
Avoids the use of ferries in the route. |
Minimize the use of highways
avoid_minimizeHighways | boolean |
Minimizes (tries to avoid) the use of highways in the route. |
Minimize the use of toll roads
avoid_minimizeTolls | boolean |
Minimizes (tries to avoid) the use of toll roads in the route. |
Avoid crossing country borders
avoid_borderCrossing | boolean |
Avoids crossing country borders in the route. |
optimize | string |
Specifies what parameters to use to optimize the route. |
Distance unit
distanceUnit | string |
The units to use for distance in the response. Default: Kilometer |
Travel mode
travelMode | string |
The mode of travel for the route. Default: Driving |
Transit Date-Time
dateTime | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Identifies the desired transit time, such as arrival time or departure time. |
Transit Date-Time Type
timeType | string |
Required when the travel mode is transit. Specifies how to interpret the transit date-time value. |
- Body
- GetRoute_Response
Get static map.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Point latitude
latitude | True | double |
The latitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: 47.64054 |
Point longitude
longitude | True | double |
The longitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: -122.12934 |
Imagery set
imagerySet | True | string |
The type of imagery. |
Zoom level
zoomLevel | True | string |
The level of zoom to display between 0 and 21. Default 10 |
Image format
format | string |
The image format to use for the static map. |
Map size
mapSize | string |
The width and height in pixels of the static map output. Example: 1000,600. |
Pushpin latitude
pushpinLatitude | double |
Specify pushpin latitude (more information |
Pushpin longitude
pushpinLongitude | double |
Specify pushpin longitude (more information |
Pushpin icon style
pushpinIconStyle | integer |
Specify pushpin icon style (more information |
Pushpin label
pushpinLabel | string |
Specify a label of up to three (3) characters (more information |
- response
- GetMap_Response
This action has been deprecated. Please use Get static map instead.
Get static map.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Point latitude
latitude | True | string |
The latitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: 47.64054 |
Point longitude
longitude | True | string |
The longitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: -122.12934 |
Imagery set
imagerySet | True | string |
The type of imagery. |
Zoom level
zoomLevel | True | string |
The level of zoom to display between 0 and 21. Default 10 |
Image format
format | string |
The image format to use for the static map. |
Map size
mapSize | string |
The width and height in pixels of the static map output. Example: 1000,600. |
pushpin | string |
Point value (latitude and longitude) with options to add a label of up to three (3) characters and to specify an icon style. Example: 47.610,-122.107;5;P10 (more information |
- response
- GetMap_Response
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Distance Unit
distanceUnit | string |
The unit used for distance. |
Duration Unit
durationUnit | string |
The unit used for time of travel. |
routeLegs.actualEnd.coordinates.latitude | float |
The latitude point that was used as the actual ending location for the route leg. |
routeLegs.actualEnd.coordinates.longitude | float |
The longitude point that was used as the actual ending location for the route leg. |
routeLegs.actualEnd.coordinates.combined | string |
Comma separated latitude and longitude values. |
routeLegs.actualEnd.type | string | |
routeLegs.actualStart.coordinates.latitude | float |
The latitude that was used as the actual starting location for the route leg. |
routeLegs.actualStart.coordinates.longitude | float |
The longitude that was used as the actual starting location for the route leg. |
routeLegs.actualStart.coordinates.combined | string |
Comma separated latitude and longitude values. |
routeLegs.actualStart.type | string | |
routeLegs.description | string |
A short description of the route. |
Country Region
routeLegs.endLocation.address.countryRegion | string |
Country or region name of an address. |
Formatted Address
routeLegs.endLocation.address.formattedAddress | string |
A string specifying the complete address. |
routeLegs.endLocation.confidence | string |
The confidence of the match. |
Entity Type
routeLegs.endLocation.entityType | string |
A type of location. Examples include PopulatedPlace and Monument. |
| | string | |
routeLegs.routeRegion | string |
routeRegion |
Country Region
routeLegs.startLocation.address.countryRegion | string |
Country or region name of an address. |
Formatted Address
routeLegs.startLocation.address.formattedAddress | string |
A string specifying the complete address. |
routeLegs.startLocation.confidence | string |
The confidence of the match. |
Entity Type
routeLegs.startLocation.entityType | string |
A type of location. Examples include PopulatedPlace and Monument. |
| | string |
name |
Traffic Congestion
trafficCongestion | string | |
Traffic Data Used
trafficDataUsed | string | |
Travel Distance
travelDistance | float |
The physical distance covered by the entire route. |
Travel Duration
travelDuration | integer |
The time that it takes, in seconds, to travel a corresponding travel distance. |
Travel Duration Traffic
travelDurationTraffic | integer |
The time that it takes, in seconds, to travel a corresponding TravelDistance with current traffic conditions. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
address.addressLine | string |
The official street line of an address. |
Country Region
address.countryRegion | string |
Country or region name of an address. |
Country Region ISO 2
address.countryRegionIso2 | string |
The two-letter ISO country code. |
Formatted Address
address.formattedAddress | string |
A string specifying the complete address. |
Postal Code
address.postalCode | string |
The post code, postal code, or ZIP Code of an address. |
confidence | string |
The confidence of the match. |
Entity Type
entityType | string |
A type of location. Examples include PopulatedPlace and Monument. |
name | string | |
point.coordinates.latitude | float |
The latitude point that was used for the location. |
point.coordinates.longitude | float |
The longitude point that was used for the location. |
point.coordinates.combined | string |
Comma separated latitude and longitude values. |
point.type | string |
type |
- Map Image
- binary