Copilot for Security plugin error codes

Learn about the error codes that you might encounter when creating plugins.

Error Code Exception Details
2001 InvalidSkillsetParamsException - Invalid user scope. The scope chosen for the skill set isn't valid or isn't available for the current user.

- Invalid format. Currently accepted formats are yaml and JSON.

- Missing skill set URL. When the user selects OpenAI Json manifest, it's mandatory to provide value for the manifest's URL.
2002 SkillsetProcessingException - Missing or whitespace parameters. Check required fields such as Descriptor name, description etc.

- No SkillGroup is specified. The skill set requires atleast one skillGroup to be present in the plugin.

- Skill set must be provided if there's no SkillSetUrl. The only paths to provide plugin manifest are via a manifest file or a URL that points to it. This error shows up when none of the skill sets are provided.

- No content present at <given manifest endpoint url>. Check the given endpoint contains some content because it seems to be empty.

- Errors in fetching the contents of the skill set endpoint URL. Unless the Task to get contents was canceled, check the endpoint manually and in case it's reachable, contact support.

- No SkillsetDescriptor Name was found in the plugin file. The field is required, so ensure it's available in the file. The file could either be in json or yaml format.

- Skill icon issues could arise due to various issues such as valid URL not provided for a particular skill set. The format of the icon might not be valid. Make sure the size of the icon is within the acceptable size limits. Even when the icon URL is valid, it could be possible that the contents are null. In this case, you see an unsuccessful status code while fetching the icon. Verify that the icon is reachable. In any of these cases, the error message should have a recommendation about the sizing, format etc.

- Invalid OpenApiSpecUrl specified for API format - API plugin format mandatorily requires the user to have an OpenApiSpecUrl, which points to the swagger for the target API. Do make sure that this endpoint is publicly reachable.

- Name must be specified on <Skill> in a <SkillGroup> - Each SkillGroup requires at least one skill. Each Skill requires name as one of the parameters. Verify that the name is available in your manifest file with the correct format. It's expected under each skill element. Also take a note of the fact that SkillGroups and Skills are both lists and they require one or more elements.

- OpenAI manifest issues - Make sure the manifest is reachable using the provided URL. It should follow the open manifest format Getting started - OpenAI API. One can leverage Create and run a OpenAI plugin with Semantic Kernel to architect their openAI style manifests. In case there's an issue with formatting, content, description, and reachability, look out for the exact issue and check if the issue persists when outside Security copilot. If not, reach out to support.

- Invalid GPT model - Please use the available model/s from our list of available ones here.
2003 RestrictedCharacterException - The parameter in check has one of the restricted characters that are now allowed. Make sure it doesn't contain any of these characters -- /, , ?, #, @
2004 SkillsetConflictException - <Name> already exists in current scope. The plugin already exists in the target scope and hence can't be accepted. Check the current set of plugins in the target scope - user, tenant, or global and retry with a unique instance of the plugin.
2006 APIskillLoadException - <Name> Found non primitive data types(object) in one or more parameters. Currently we only support simple request body schema. And the depth of body schema is limited to 1. Please update the API specs to have primitive data types in the request body schemas and try again.

** Some error code categories are delibrately skipped which are note relevant for plugin upload cases.