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QueueInfo Class


Properties of the Queue info for event subscription.

public class QueueInfo : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<Azure.ResourceManager.EventGrid.Models.QueueInfo>, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<Azure.ResourceManager.EventGrid.Models.QueueInfo>
type QueueInfo = class
    interface IJsonModel<QueueInfo>
    interface IPersistableModel<QueueInfo>
Public Class QueueInfo
Implements IJsonModel(Of QueueInfo), IPersistableModel(Of QueueInfo)



Initializes a new instance of QueueInfo.



The dead letter destination of the event subscription. Any event that cannot be delivered to its' destination is sent to the dead letter destination. Uses the managed identity setup on the parent resource (namely, topic) to acquire the authentication tokens being used during delivery / dead-lettering.


Time span duration in ISO 8601 format that determines how long messages are available to the subscription from the time the message was published. This duration value is expressed using the following format: 'P(n)Y(n)M(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S', where: - (n) is replaced by the value of each time element that follows the (n). - P is the duration (or Period) designator and is always placed at the beginning of the duration. - Y is the year designator, and it follows the value for the number of years. - M is the month designator, and it follows the value for the number of months. - W is the week designator, and it follows the value for the number of weeks. - D is the day designator, and it follows the value for the number of days. - T is the time designator, and it precedes the time components. - H is the hour designator, and it follows the value for the number of hours. - M is the minute designator, and it follows the value for the number of minutes. - S is the second designator, and it follows the value for the number of seconds. This duration value cannot be set greater than the topic’s EventRetentionInDays. It is is an optional field where its minimum value is 1 minute, and its maximum is determined by topic’s EventRetentionInDays value. The followings are examples of valid values: - 'P0DT23H12M' or 'PT23H12M': for duration of 23 hours and 12 minutes. - 'P1D' or 'P1DT0H0M0S': for duration of 1 day.


The maximum delivery count of the events.


Maximum period in seconds in which once the message is in received (by the client) state and waiting to be accepted, released or rejected. If this time elapsed after a message has been received by the client and not transitioned into accepted (not processed), released or rejected, the message is available for redelivery. This is an optional field, where default is 60 seconds, minimum is 60 seconds and maximum is 300 seconds.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IJsonModel<QueueInfo>.Create(Utf8JsonReader, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Reads one JSON value (including objects or arrays) from the provided reader and converts it to a model.

IJsonModel<QueueInfo>.Write(Utf8JsonWriter, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Writes the model to the provided Utf8JsonWriter.

IPersistableModel<QueueInfo>.Create(BinaryData, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Converts the provided BinaryData into a model.


Gets the data interchange format (JSON, Xml, etc) that the model uses when communicating with the service.


Writes the model into a BinaryData.

Applies to