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Balloon.Text Property


Returns or sets the text displayed after the heading but before the labels or check boxes in the Office Assistant balloon.

 property System::String ^ Text { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string Text { get; set; }
member this.Text : string with get, set
Public Property Text As String

Property Value


Some of the content in this topic may not be applicable to some languages.

You can specify that a particular graphic be displayed by using the following syntax: {type location sizing_factor}, where type is bmp (bitmap) or wmf (Windows metafile); location is the resource ID or the path and file name; and sizing_factor denotes the width of the .wmf file (sizing_factor is omitted for .bmp files).

The Balloon object also supports underlined text and text that has one of the 16 system palette colors applied to it. To display underlined text, use the syntax {ul} or {ul 1}; use {ul 0} to turn underlining off. To change the color of text, precede the text string with the character sequence {cf number}, where number is one of the system color numbers listed in the following table.

0 Black
1 Dark red
2 Dark green
3 Dark yellow
4 Dark blue
5 Dark magenta
6 Dark cyan
7 Light gray
248 Medium gray
249 Red
250 Green
251 Yellow
252 Blue
253 Magenta
254 Cyan
255 White

If you specify a number other than one of the preceding system color numbers, the text in the Office Assistant balloon is black.

Applies to