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FileSearch.TextOrProperty Property


Returns or sets the word or phrase to be searched for, in either the body of a file or the file's properties, during the file search.

 property System::String ^ TextOrProperty { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string TextOrProperty { get; set; }
member this.TextOrProperty : string with get, set
Public Property TextOrProperty As String

Property Value


The word or phrase can include the * (asterisk) or ? (question mark) wildcard character.

Use the question mark wildcard character to match any single character. For example, type gr?y to find all files that contain at least one instance of either "gray" or "grey."

Use the asterisk wildcard character to match any number of characters. For example, type San* to return all files that contain at least one word that begins with "San."

Applies to