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OlRuleConditionType Enum


Specifies the type of rule condition or exception condition of a rule.

public enum class OlRuleConditionType
public enum OlRuleConditionType
Public Enum OlRuleConditionType


olConditionAccount 3

Account is the account specified in Account.

olConditionAnyCategory 29

Message is assigned to any category.

olConditionBody 13

Body contains words specified in Text.

olConditionBodyOrSubject 14

Body or subject contains words specified by TextRuleCondition.Text.

olConditionCategory 18

Category is the category specified in Categories.

olConditionCc 9

Message has my name in the Cc box.

olConditionDateRange 22

Message was received between x and y, where x and y are Date values.

olConditionFlaggedForAction 8

Message is flagged for the specified action.

olConditionFormName 23

Message uses the form specified in FormName.

olConditionFrom 1

Sender is in the recipient list specified in Recipients.

olConditionFromAnyRssFeed 31

Message is generated from any RSS subscription.

olConditionFromRssFeed 30

Message is generated from a specific RSS subscription.

olConditionHasAttachment 20

Message has one or more attachments.

olConditionImportance 6

Message is marked with the specified level of importance.

olConditionLocalMachineOnly 27

Rule can run only on the local machine.

olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate 26

Message is a meeting invitation or update.

olConditionMessageHeader 15

Message header contains words specified in TextRuleCondition.Text.

olConditionNotTo 11

Message does not have my name in the To box.

olConditionOnlyToMe 4

Message is sent only to me.

olConditionOOF 19

Message is an out-of-office message.

olConditionOtherMachine 28

Rule can run only on a specific machine that is not the current machine.

olConditionProperty 24

Document property is exactly, contains, or does not contain specified properties.

olConditionRecipientAddress 16

Recipient address contains words specified in TextRuleCondition.Text.

olConditionSenderAddress 17

Sender address contains words specified in TextRuleCondition.Text.

olConditionSenderInAddressBook 25

Sender is in the address list specified in AddressRuleCondition.Address.

olConditionSensitivity 7

Message is marked with the specified level of sensitivity.

olConditionSentTo 12

Sent to recipients (To, Cc) are in the recipient list specified in ToOrFromRuleCondition.Recipients.

olConditionSizeRange 21

Message size is between x and y in units of KB, where x and y are Integer values.

olConditionSubject 2

Subject contains words specified in TextRuleCondition.Text.

olConditionTo 5

My name is in the To box.

olConditionToOrCc 10

Message has my name in the To or Cc box.

olConditionUnknown 0

Unrecognized condition.


The list of rule condition types in this enumeration includes all the rule conditions and exception conditions that the Rules and Alerts Wizard supports. Note that while you can programmatically enumerate all the rule conditions and exception conditions for a rule, you can programmatically create a rule with only the most commonly used conditions. For more information, see Specifying Rule Conditions

For example, the rule condition types olConditionDateRange and olConditionSizeRange are supported only for enumeration and enabling or disabling in an existing rule. You cannot programmatically create a rule with such conditions. You cannot programmatically get or set the values of x and y that represent the range.

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