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WdWordDialogTab Enum


Specifies the active tab when the specified dialog box is displayed.

public enum class WdWordDialogTab
public enum WdWordDialogTab
type WdWordDialogTab = 
Public Enum WdWordDialogTab


wdDialogEmailOptionsTabQuoting 1900002

General tab of the E-mail Options dialog box.

wdDialogEmailOptionsTabSignature 1900000

E-mail Signature tab of the E-mail Options dialog box.

wdDialogEmailOptionsTabStationary 1900001

Personal Stationary tab of the E-mail Options dialog box.

wdDialogFilePageSetupTabCharsLines 150004

Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box, with Apply To drop-down list active.

wdDialogFilePageSetupTabLayout 150003

Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

wdDialogFilePageSetupTabMargins 150000

Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

wdDialogFilePageSetupTabPaper 150001

Paper tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabBorders 700000

Borders tab of the Borders dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabPageBorder 700001

Page Border tab of the Borders dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBordersAndShadingTabShading 700002

Shading tab of the Borders dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabBulleted 1500000

Bulleted tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabNumbered 1500001

Numbered tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumberingTabOutlineNumbered 1500002

Outline Numbered tab of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabColorsAndLines 1200000

Colors and Lines tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabHR 1200007

Colors and Lines tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabPicture 1200004

Picture tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabPosition 1200002

Position tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabSize 1200001

Size tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabTextbox 1200005

Textbox tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabWeb 1200006

Web tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatDrawingObjectTabWrapping 1200003

Wrapping tab of the Format Drawing Object dialog box.

wdDialogFormatFontTabAnimation 600002

Animation tab of the Font dialog box.

wdDialogFormatFontTabCharacterSpacing 600001

Character Spacing tab of the Font dialog box.

wdDialogFormatFontTabFont 600000

Font tab of the Font dialog box.

wdDialogFormatParagraphTabIndentsAndSpacing 1000000

Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box.

wdDialogFormatParagraphTabTeisai 1000002

Line and Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box, with choices appropriate for Asian text.

wdDialogFormatParagraphTabTextFlow 1000001

Line and Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph dialog box.

wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabIndex 400000

Index tab of the Index and Tables dialog box.

wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfAuthorities 400003

Table of Authorities tab of the Index and Tables dialog box.

wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfContents 400001

Table of Contents tab of the Index and Tables dialog box.

wdDialogInsertIndexAndTablesTabTableOfFigures 400002

Table of Figures tab of the Index and Tables dialog box.

wdDialogInsertSymbolTabSpecialCharacters 200001

Special Characters tab of the Symbol dialog box.

wdDialogInsertSymbolTabSymbols 200000

Symbols tab of the Symbol dialog box.

wdDialogLetterWizardTabLetterFormat 1600000

Letter Format tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box.

wdDialogLetterWizardTabOtherElements 1600002

Other Elements tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box.

wdDialogLetterWizardTabRecipientInfo 1600001

Recipient Info tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box.

wdDialogLetterWizardTabSenderInfo 1600003

Sender Info tab of the Letter Wizard dialog box.

wdDialogNoteOptionsTabAllEndnotes 300001

All Endnotes tab of the Note Options dialog box.

wdDialogNoteOptionsTabAllFootnotes 300000

All Footnotes tab of the Note Options dialog box.

wdDialogOrganizerTabAutoText 500001

AutoText tab of the Organizer dialog box.

wdDialogOrganizerTabCommandBars 500002

Command Bars tab of the Organizer dialog box.

wdDialogOrganizerTabMacros 500003

Macros tab of the Organizer dialog box.

wdDialogOrganizerTabStyles 500000

Styles tab of the Organizer dialog box.

wdDialogStyleManagementTabEdit 2200000

Edit tab of the Style Management dialog box.

wdDialogStyleManagementTabRecommend 2200001

Recommend tab of the Style Management dialog box.

wdDialogStyleManagementTabRestrict 2200002

Restrict tab of the Style Management dialog box.

wdDialogTablePropertiesTabCell 1800003

Cell tab of the Table Properties dialog box.

wdDialogTablePropertiesTabColumn 1800002

Column tab of the Table Properties dialog box.

wdDialogTablePropertiesTabRow 1800001

Row tab of the Table Properties dialog box.

wdDialogTablePropertiesTabTable 1800000

Table tab of the Table Properties dialog box.

wdDialogTemplates 2100000

Templates tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.

wdDialogTemplatesLinkedCSS 2100003

Linked CSS tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.

wdDialogTemplatesXMLExpansionPacks 2100002

XML Expansion Packs tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.

wdDialogTemplatesXMLSchema 2100001

XML Schema tab of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabFirstLetter 1400000

First Letter tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabHangulAndAlphabet 1400002

Hangul and Alphabet tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. Available only in multi-language versions.

wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabIac 1400003

Other Corrections tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptionsTabInitialCaps 1400001

Initial Caps tab of the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoCorrect 1700000

AutoCorrect tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoFormat 1700003

AutoFormat tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoFormatAsYouType 1700001

Format As You Type tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabAutoText 1700002

AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

wdDialogToolsAutoManagerTabSmartTags 1700004

Smart Tags tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabelsTabEnvelopes 800000

Envelopes tab of the Envelopes and Labels dialog box.

wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabelsTabLabels 800001

Labels tab of the Envelopes and Labels dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabAcetate 1266

Not supported.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabBidi 1029

Complex Scripts tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabCompatibility 525

Compatibility tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabEdit 224

Edit tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabFileLocations 225

File Locations tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabFuzzy 790

Not supported.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabGeneral 203

General tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabHangulHanjaConversion 786

Hangul Hanja Conversion tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabPrint 208

Print tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabProofread 211

Spelling and Grammar tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabSave 209

Save tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabSecurity 1361

Security tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabTrackChanges 386

Track Changes tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabTypography 739

Asian Typography tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabUserInfo 213

User Information tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogToolsOptionsTabView 204

View tab of the Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsBrowsers 2000000

Browsers tab of the Web Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsEncoding 2000003

Encoding tab of the Web Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsFiles 2000001

Files tab of the Web Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsFonts 2000004

Fonts tab of the Web Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsGeneral 2000000

General tab of the Web Options dialog box.

wdDialogWebOptionsPictures 2000002

Pictures tab of the Web Options dialog box.


Used with the DefaultTab property of the Dialog object.

Applies to