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Enum.CompareTo(Object) Metoda


Porównuje to wystąpienie z określonym obiektem i zwraca wskazanie ich względnych wartości.

 virtual int CompareTo(System::Object ^ target);
public int CompareTo (object target);
public int CompareTo (object? target);
abstract member CompareTo : obj -> int
override this.CompareTo : obj -> int
Public Function CompareTo (target As Object) As Integer



Obiekt do porównania lub null.



Liczba ze znakiem wskazująca względne wartości tego wystąpienia i target.

Wartość Znaczenie
Mniej niż zero Wartość tego wystąpienia jest mniejsza niż wartość .target
Zero Wartość tego wystąpienia jest równa wartości .target
Większe od zera Wartość tego wystąpienia jest większa niż wartość target, lub target to null.



target i to wystąpienie nie jest tego samego typu.

To wystąpienie nie jest typem SByte, , Int64ByteInt32UInt16Int16, UInt32, lub .UInt64

To wystąpienie ma wartość null.


W poniższym przykładzie pokazano użycie elementu CompareTo w kontekście elementu Enum.

using namespace System;

public enum class VehicleDoors
   Motorbike = 0,
   Sportscar = 2,
   Sedan = 4,
   Hatchback = 5

int main()
   VehicleDoors myVeh = VehicleDoors::Sportscar;
   VehicleDoors yourVeh = VehicleDoors::Motorbike;
   VehicleDoors otherVeh = VehicleDoors::Sedan;
   Console::WriteLine(  "Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh );
   Int32 iRes = myVeh.CompareTo( yourVeh );
   Console::WriteLine(  "{0}{1}", iRes > 0 ? (String^)"Yes" : "No", Environment::NewLine );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh );
   iRes = myVeh.CompareTo( otherVeh );
   Console::WriteLine(  "{0}", iRes > 0 ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
//       Yes
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
//       No
using System;

public class CompareToTest {
    enum VehicleDoors { Motorbike = 0, Sportscar = 2, Sedan = 4, Hatchback = 5 };

    public static void Main() {
        VehicleDoors myVeh = VehicleDoors.Sportscar;
        VehicleDoors yourVeh = VehicleDoors.Motorbike;
        VehicleDoors otherVeh = VehicleDoors.Sedan;

        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh);
        Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", myVeh.CompareTo(yourVeh) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No", Environment.NewLine );

        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh);
        Console.WriteLine( "{0}", myVeh.CompareTo(otherVeh) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
//       Yes
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
//       No
type VehicleDoors =
    | Motorbike = 0
    | Sportscar = 2
    | Sedan = 4
    | Hatchback = 5

let myVeh = VehicleDoors.Sportscar
let yourVeh = VehicleDoors.Motorbike
let otherVeh = VehicleDoors.Sedan

printfn $"Does a {myVeh} have more doors than a {yourVeh}?"
printfn $"""{if myVeh.CompareTo yourVeh > 0 then "Yes" else "No"}\n"""

printfn $"Does a {myVeh} have more doors than a {otherVeh}?"
printfn $"""{if myVeh.CompareTo otherVeh > 0 then "Yes" else "No"}"""

// The example displays the following output:
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
//       Yes
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
//       No
Public Class CompareToTest
    Enum VehicleDoors
        Motorbike = 0
        Sportscar = 2
        Sedan = 4
        Hatchback = 5
    End Enum
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim myVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Sportscar
        Dim yourVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Motorbike
        Dim otherVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Sedan
        Dim output as String

        If myVeh.CompareTo(yourVeh) > 0 Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", output, Environment.NewLine)
        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh)
        If myVeh.CompareTo(otherVeh) > 0 Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", output)
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
'       Yes
'       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
'       No


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