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HijriCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(Int32, Int32) Metoda


Zwraca liczbę miesięcy w określonym roku i erze.

 override int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era);
public override int GetMonthsInYear (int year, int era);
override this.GetMonthsInYear : int * int -> int
Public Overrides Function GetMonthsInYear (year As Integer, era As Integer) As Integer



Liczba całkowita reprezentująca rok.


Liczba całkowita reprezentująca erę.


Liczba miesięcy w określonym roku i erze.


era znajduje się poza zakresem obsługiwanym przez ten kalendarz.


year znajduje się poza zakresem obsługiwanym przez ten kalendarz.


Poniższy przykład kodu wywołuje metodę GetMonthsInYear przez pięć lat w każdej epoce.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a HijriCalendar.
   HijriCalendar^ myCal = gcnew HijriCalendar;
   // Displays the header.
   Console::Write( "YEAR\t" );
   for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
      Console::Write( "\t {0}", y );
   // Displays the value of the CurrentEra property.
   Console::Write( "CurrentEra:" );
   for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
      Console::Write( "\t {0}", myCal->GetMonthsInYear( y, HijriCalendar::CurrentEra ) );
   // Displays the values in the Eras property.
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCal->Eras->Length; i++ )
      Console::Write( "Era {0}:\t", myCal->Eras[ i ] );
      for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
         Console::Write( "\t {0}", myCal->GetMonthsInYear( y, myCal->Eras[ i ] ) );


This code produces the following output. The results might vary depending on
the settings in Regional and Language Options (or Regional Options or Regional Settings).

YEAR            1421    1422    1423    1424    1425
CurrentEra:     12      12      12      12      12
Era 1:          12      12      12      12      12

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesHijriCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a HijriCalendar.
      HijriCalendar myCal = new HijriCalendar();

      // Displays the header.
      Console.Write( "YEAR\t" );
      for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
         Console.Write( "\t{0}", y );

      // Displays the value of the CurrentEra property.
      Console.Write( "CurrentEra:" );
      for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
         Console.Write( "\t{0}", myCal.GetMonthsInYear( y, HijriCalendar.CurrentEra ) );

      // Displays the values in the Eras property.
      for ( int i = 0; i < myCal.Eras.Length; i++ )  {
         Console.Write( "Era {0}:\t", myCal.Eras[i] );
         for ( int y = 1421; y <= 1425; y++ )
            Console.Write( "\t{0}", myCal.GetMonthsInYear( y, myCal.Eras[i] ) );

This code produces the following output. The results might vary depending on
the settings in Regional and Language Options (or Regional Options or Regional Settings).

YEAR            1421    1422    1423    1424    1425
CurrentEra:     12      12      12      12      12
Era 1:          12      12      12      12      12

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesHijriCalendar   
   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a HijriCalendar.
      Dim myCal As New HijriCalendar()

      ' Displays the header.
      Console.Write("YEAR" + ControlChars.Tab)
      Dim y As Integer
      For y = 1421 To 1425
         Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", y)
      Next y

      ' Displays the value of the CurrentEra property.
      For y = 1421 To 1425
         Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myCal.GetMonthsInYear(y, HijriCalendar.CurrentEra))
      Next y

      ' Displays the values in the Eras property.
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myCal.Eras.Length - 1
         Console.Write("Era {0}:" + ControlChars.Tab, myCal.Eras(i))
         For y = 1421 To 1425
            Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myCal.GetMonthsInYear(y, myCal.Eras(i)))
         Next y
      Next i

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output. The results might vary depending on
'the settings in Regional and Language Options (or Regional Options or Regional Settings).
'YEAR            1421    1422    1423    1424    1425
'CurrentEra:     12      12      12      12      12
'Era 1:          12      12      12      12      12


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