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System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType, wyliczenie

Ten artykuł zawiera dodatkowe uwagi dotyczące dokumentacji referencyjnej dla tego interfejsu API.

Wyliczenie PerformanceCounterType określa typy liczników wydajności mapujące bezpośrednio na typy natywne.

Niektóre typy liczników reprezentują nieprzetworzone dane, a inne reprezentują wartości obliczeniowe, które są oparte na co najmniej jednej próbce licznika. Następujące kategorie klasyfikują dostępne typy liczników.

  • Średnia: Mierzy wartość w czasie i wyświetla średnią z dwóch ostatnich pomiarów. Licznik podstawowy, który śledzi liczbę zaangażowanych próbek, jest skojarzony z każdym licznikiem średniej.
  • Różnica: odejmuje ostatni pomiar z poprzedniego, a jeśli różnica jest dodatnia, wyświetla ją; jeśli ujemna, wyświetla zero.
  • Natychmiastowe: wyświetla najnowszą miarę.
  • Procent: wyświetla wartości obliczeniowe jako wartość procentową.
  • Częstotliwość: Próbkuje rosnącą liczbę zdarzeń w czasie i dzieli zmianę wartości liczbowych przez zmianę czasu w celu wyświetlenia współczynnika aktywności.

Podczas próbkowania danych licznika wydajności użycie typu licznika reprezentującego średnią może sprawić, że nieprzetworzone wartości danych będą istotne dla danego użycia. Na przykład licznik NumberOfItems64 danych pierwotnych może uwidocznić dane, które są dość losowe z próbki do próbki. Formuła dla średniego obliczenia wartości zwracanych przez licznik to (X 0 +X 1 +...+X n)/n, gdzie każdy X jest nieprzetworzonym przykładem licznika.

Liczniki szybkości są podobne do średnich liczników, ale bardziej przydatne w sytuacjach, w których wskaźnik wzrasta w miarę użycia zasobu. Formuła, która szybko oblicza średnią to (X n -X 0)/(T n -T 0)) / częstotliwość, gdzie każdy X jest próbką licznika, a każdy T i jest czasem, w którym pobrano odpowiednią próbkę. Wynikiem jest średnie użycie na sekundę.

Liczniki wielogodzinne zbierają dane z więcej niż jednego wystąpienia składnika, takiego jak procesor lub dysk.

Odwrotne liczniki mierzą czas, przez który składnik nie jest aktywny i pochodzą z tego pomiaru czas aktywny.


O ile nie określono inaczej, podstawa czasowa to sekundy.

Podczas instrumentowania aplikacji (tworzenia i pisania niestandardowych liczników wydajności) możesz pracować z typami liczników wydajności, które opierają się na towarzyszącym liczniku podstawowym używanym w obliczeniach. Licznik podstawowy musi być natychmiast po skojarzonym liczniku w kolekcji używanej CounterCreationDataCollection przez aplikację. W poniższej tabeli wymieniono typy liczników podstawowych z odpowiadającymi im typami liczników wydajności.

Typ licznika podstawowego Typy liczników wydajności
AverageBase AverageTimer32

RawBase RawFraction
CounterMultiBase CounterMultiTimer



SampleBase SampleFraction

Poniżej przedstawiono formuły używane przez niektóre liczniki reprezentujące wartości obliczeniowe:

  • AverageCount64: (N1 - N0)/(B1 - B0), gdzie N 1 i N 0 są odczytami liczników wydajności, a B1 i B0 są odpowiednimi AverageBase wartościami. W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje liczbę elementów przetworzonych w interwale próbki, a mianownik reprezentuje liczbę operacji zakończonych w interwale próbek.

  • AverageTimer32: ((N1 - N0)/F)/(B1 - B0), gdzie N1 i N0 to odczyty liczników wydajności, B1 i B0 są odpowiednimi AverageBase wartościami, a F jest liczbą kleszczy na sekundę. Wartość F jest uwzględniana w równaniu, aby wynik był wyświetlany w sekundach. W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje liczbę znaczników zliczanych w ostatnim interwale próbki, F reprezentuje częstotliwość znaczników, a mianownik reprezentuje liczbę operacji zakończonych w ostatnim interwale próbki.

  • CounterDelta32: N1 - N0, gdzie N1 i N0 to odczyty licznika wydajności.

  • CounterDelta64: N1 - N0, gdzie N1 i N0 to odczyty licznika wydajności.

  • CounterMultiTimer: ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100 / B, gdzie N1 i N0 są odczytami liczników wydajności, D1 i D0 są odpowiednimi odczytami czasu w znacznikach czasomierza wydajności systemu, a zmienna B określa liczbę bazową dla monitorowanych składników (przy użyciu licznika podstawowego typu CounterMultiBase). W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje części interwału próbki, w którym monitorowane składniki były aktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • CounterMultiTimer100Ns: ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100 / B, gdzie N1 i N0 są odczytami liczników wydajności, D1 i D0 są odpowiednimi odczytami czasu w 100-nanosekundach, a zmienna B określa liczbę bazową dla monitorowanych składników (przy użyciu licznika bazowego typu CounterMultiBase). W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje części interwału próbki, w którym monitorowane składniki były aktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse: (B - ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100, gdzie mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki, licznik reprezentuje czas w interwale, gdy monitorowane składniki były nieaktywne, a B reprezentuje liczbę monitorowanych składników przy użyciu licznika podstawowego typu CounterMultiBase.

  • CounterMultiTimerInverse: (B- ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100, gdzie mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki, licznik reprezentuje czas w interwale, gdy monitorowane składniki były nieaktywne, a B reprezentuje liczbę monitorowanych składników przy użyciu licznika podstawowego typu CounterMultiBase.

  • CounterTimer: (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0), gdzie N1 i N0 są odczytami liczników wydajności, a D1 i D0 są odpowiednimi odczytami czasu. W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje części interwału próbki, w którym monitorowane składniki były aktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • CounterTimerInverse: (1- ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100, gdzie licznik reprezentuje czas w interwale, kiedy monitorowane składniki były nieaktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • CountPerTimeInterval32: (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0), gdzie licznik reprezentuje liczbę elementów w kolejce, a mianownik reprezentuje czas, który upłynął w ostatnim interwale próbki.

  • CountPerTimeInterval64: (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0), gdzie licznik reprezentuje liczbę elementów w kolejce, a mianownik reprezentuje czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • ElapsedTime: (D0 - N0) / F, gdzie D0 reprezentuje bieżący czas, N0 reprezentuje czas rozpoczęcia obiektu, a F reprezentuje liczbę jednostek czasu, które upłynęły w ciągu jednej sekundy. Wartość F jest uwzględniana w równaniu, aby wynik był wyświetlany w sekundach.

  • NumberOfItems32:Brak. Nie wyświetla średniej, ale pokazuje nieprzetworzone dane podczas ich zbierania.

  • NumberOfItems64:Brak. Nie wyświetla średniej, ale pokazuje nieprzetworzone dane podczas ich zbierania.

  • NumberOfItemsHEX32:Brak. Nie wyświetla średniej, ale pokazuje nieprzetworzone dane podczas ich zbierania.

  • NumberOfItemsHEX64:Brak. Nie wyświetla średniej, ale pokazuje nieprzetworzone dane w miarę ich zbierania

  • RateOfCountsPerSecond32: (N1 - N0) / ((D1 - D0) / F), gdzie N1 i N0 są odczytami licznika wydajności, D1 i D0 są odpowiednimi odczytami czasu, a F reprezentuje liczbę kleszczy na sekundę. W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje liczbę operacji wykonywanych w ostatnim interwale próbki, mianownik reprezentuje liczbę kleszczy upłynął w ostatnim interwale próbki, a F jest częstotliwością kleszczy. Wartość F jest uwzględniana w równaniu, aby wynik był wyświetlany w sekundach.

  • RateOfCountsPerSecond64: (N1 - N0) / ((D1 - D0) / F), gdzie N1 i N0 są odczytami licznika wydajności, D1 i D0 są odpowiednimi odczytami czasu, a F reprezentuje liczbę kleszczy na sekundę. W związku z tym licznik reprezentuje liczbę operacji wykonywanych w ostatnim interwale próbki, mianownik reprezentuje liczbę kleszczy upłynął w ostatnim interwale próbki, a F jest częstotliwością kleszczy. Wartość F jest uwzględniana w równaniu, aby wynik był wyświetlany w sekundach.

  • RawFraction: (N0 / D0) x 100, gdzie D0 reprezentuje mierzony atrybut (przy użyciu licznika podstawowego typu RawBase) i N0 reprezentuje jeden składnik tego atrybutu.

  • SampleCounter: (N1 - N0) / ((D1 - D0) / F), gdzie licznik (N) reprezentuje liczbę wykonanych operacji, mianownik (D) reprezentuje czas upłynął w jednostkach czasomierza wydajności systemu, a F reprezentuje liczbę kleszczy, które upłynęły w ciągu jednej sekundy. Język F jest uwzględniany w równaniu, dzięki czemu wynik może być wyświetlany w sekundach.

  • SampleFraction: ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100, gdzie licznik reprezentuje liczbę pomyślnych operacji w ostatnim interwale próbki, a mianownik reprezentuje zmianę liczby wszystkich operacji (mierzonych typu) zakończonych w interwale próby przy użyciu liczników typu SampleBase.

  • Timer100Ns: (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0) x 100, gdzie licznik reprezentuje części interwału próbki, w którym monitorowane składniki były aktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.

  • Timer100NsInverse: (1- ((N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0)) x 100, gdzie licznik reprezentuje czas w interwale, kiedy monitorowane składniki były nieaktywne, a mianownik reprezentuje całkowity czas, który upłynął w interwale próbki.


W poniższych przykładach pokazano kilka typów liczników w wyliczeniem PerformanceCounterType .


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App
    private static PerformanceCounter avgCounter64Sample;
    private static PerformanceCounter avgCounter64SampleBase;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("AverageCounter64SampleCategory"))
            CounterCreationDataCollection counterDataCollection = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData averageCount64 = new CounterCreationData();
            averageCount64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageCount64;
            averageCount64.CounterName = "AverageCounter64Sample";

            // Add the base counter.
            CounterCreationData averageCount64Base = new CounterCreationData();
            averageCount64Base.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase;
            averageCount64Base.CounterName = "AverageCounter64SampleBase";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the AverageCounter64 performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, counterDataCollection);

            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - AverageCounter64SampleCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counters.

        avgCounter64Sample = new PerformanceCounter("AverageCounter64SampleCategory",

        avgCounter64SampleBase = new PerformanceCounter("AverageCounter64SampleCategory",

        avgCounter64Sample.RawValue = 0;
        avgCounter64SampleBase.RawValue = 0;
    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);



            if ((j % 10) == 9)


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    //    Description - This counter type shows how many items are processed, on average,
    //        during an operation. Counters of this type display a ratio of the items
    //        processed (such as bytes sent) to the number of operations completed. The
    //        ratio is calculated by comparing the number of items processed during the
    //        last interval to the number of operations completed during the last interval.
    // Generic type - Average
    //      Formula - (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0), where the numerator (N) represents the number
    //        of items processed during the last sample interval and the denominator (D)
    //        represents the number of operations completed during the last two sample
    //        intervals.
    //    Average (Nx - N0) / (Dx - D0)
    //    Example PhysicalDisk\ Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single numerator = (Single)s1.RawValue - (Single)s0.RawValue;
        Single denomenator = (Single)s1.BaseValue - (Single)s0.BaseValue;
        Single counterValue = numerator / denomenator;
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App1

    Private Shared avgCounter64Sample As PerformanceCounter
    Private Shared avgCounter64SampleBase As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()
        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the App1lication that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean
        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("AverageCounter64SampleCategory") Then

            Dim counterDataCollection As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim averageCount64 As New CounterCreationData()
            averageCount64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageCount64
            averageCount64.CounterName = "AverageCounter64Sample"

            ' Add the base counter.
            Dim averageCount64Base As New CounterCreationData()
            averageCount64Base.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase
            averageCount64Base.CounterName = "AverageCounter64SampleBase"

            ' Create the category.
               "Demonstrates usage of the AverageCounter64 performance counter type.",
                      PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, counterDataCollection)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - AverageCounter64SampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counters.

        avgCounter64Sample = New PerformanceCounter("AverageCounter64SampleCategory", "AverageCounter64Sample", False)

        avgCounter64SampleBase = New PerformanceCounter("AverageCounter64SampleCategory", "AverageCounter64SampleBase", False)

        avgCounter64Sample.RawValue = 0
        avgCounter64SampleBase.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99

            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write(j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString())



            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    '	Description - This counter type shows how many items are processed, on average,
    '		during an operation. Counters of this type display a ratio of the items 
    '		processed (such as bytes sent) to the number of operations completed. The  
    '		ratio is calculated by comparing the number of items processed during the 
    '		last interval to the number of operations completed during the last interval. 
    ' Generic type - Average
    '  	Formula - (N1 - N0) / (D1 - D0), where the numerator (N) represents the number 
    '		of items processed during the last sample interval and the denominator (D) 
    '		represents the number of operations completed during the last two sample 
    '		intervals. 
    '	Average (Nx - N0) / (Dx - D0)  
    '	Example PhysicalDisk\ Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer 
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim numerator As [Single] = CType(s1.RawValue, [Single]) - CType(s0.RawValue, [Single])
        Dim denomenator As [Single] = CType(s1.BaseValue, [Single]) - CType(s0.BaseValue, [Single])
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = numerator / denomenator
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString()))
    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App2
    private static PerformanceCounter PC;
    private static PerformanceCounter BPC;

    private const String categoryName = "AverageTimer32SampleCategory";
    private const String counterName = "AverageTimer32Sample";
    private const String baseCounterName = "AverageTimer32SampleBase";

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(categoryName))

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData averageTimer32 = new CounterCreationData();
            averageTimer32.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageTimer32;
            averageTimer32.CounterName = counterName;

            // Add the base counter.
            CounterCreationData averageTimer32Base = new CounterCreationData();
            averageTimer32Base.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase;
            averageTimer32Base.CounterName = baseCounterName;

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the AverageTimer32 performance counter type",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);

            Console.WriteLine("Category created - " + categoryName);

            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - " + categoryName);
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counters.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName,

        BPC = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName,

        PC.RawValue = 0;
        BPC.RawValue = 0;

    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();



            Console.WriteLine("Next value = " + PC.NextValue().ToString());

    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    //  Description - This counter type measures the time it takes, on
    //     average, to complete a process or operation. Counters of this
    //     type display a ratio of the total elapsed time of the sample
    //     interval to the number of processes or operations completed
    //     during that time. This counter type measures time in ticks
    //     of the system clock. The F variable represents the number of
    //     ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the equation
    //     so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    //  Generic type - Average
    //  Formula - ((N1 - N0) / F) / (D1 - D0), where the numerator (N)
    //     represents the number of ticks counted during the last
    //     sample interval, F represents the frequency of the ticks,
    //     and the denominator (D) represents the number of operations
    //     completed during the last sample interval.
    //  Average - ((Nx - N0) / F) / (Dx - D0)
    //  Example - PhysicalDisk\ Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Int64 n1 = s1.RawValue;
        Int64 n0 = s0.RawValue;
        ulong f = (ulong)s1.SystemFrequency;
        Int64 d1 = s1.BaseValue;
        Int64 d0 = s0.BaseValue;

        double numerator = (double)(n1 - n0);
        double denominator = (double)(d1 - d0);
        Single counterValue = (Single)((numerator / f) / denominator);
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App

    Private Const categoryName As String = "AverageTimer32SampleCategory"
    Private Const counterName As String = "AverageTimer32Sample"
    Private Const baseCounterName As String = "AverageTimer32SampleBase"

    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter
    Private Shared BPC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()

    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean

        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(categoryName) Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim averageTimer32 As New CounterCreationData()
            averageTimer32.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageTimer32
            averageTimer32.CounterName = counterName

            ' Add the base counter.
            Dim averageTimer32Base As New CounterCreationData()
            averageTimer32Base.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase
            averageTimer32Base.CounterName = baseCounterName

            ' Create the category.
            PerformanceCounterCategory.Create( _
               categoryName, _
               "Demonstrates usage of the AverageTimer32 performance counter type", _
                 PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Console.WriteLine("Category created - " + categoryName)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine(("Category exists - " + _
            Return False
        End If
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counters.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter(categoryName, _
              counterName, False)

        BPC = New PerformanceCounter(categoryName, _
              baseCounterName, False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
        BPC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To 9

            PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimeStamp()


            Console.WriteLine(("Next value = " + PC.NextValue().ToString()))
        Next i
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim sample1 As CounterSample
        Dim sample2 As CounterSample
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            sample1 = CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample)
            sample2 = CType(samplesList(i + 1), CounterSample)

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine((".NET computed counter value = " _
               + CounterSample.Calculate(sample1, sample2).ToString()))

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine(("My computed counter value = " _
               + MyComputeCounterValue(sample1, sample2).ToString()))

        Next i
    End Sub

    '  Description - This counter type measures the time it takes, on 
    '     average, to complete a process or operation. Counters of this
    '     type display a ratio of the total elapsed time of the sample 
    '     interval to the number of processes or operations completed
    '     during that time. This counter type measures time in ticks 
    '     of the system clock. The F variable represents the number of
    '     ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the equation
    '     so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    '  Generic type - Average
    '  Formula - ((N1 - N0) / F) / (D1 - D0), where the numerator (N)
    '     represents the number of ticks counted during the last 
    '     sample interval, F represents the frequency of the ticks, 
    '     and the denominator (D) represents the number of operations
    '     completed during the last sample interval.
    '  Average - ((Nx - N0) / F) / (Dx - D0)
    '  Example - PhysicalDisk\ Avg. Disk sec/Transfer 
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue( _
    ByVal s0 As CounterSample, _
    ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As Single
        Dim n1 As Int64 = s1.RawValue
        Dim n0 As Int64 = s0.RawValue
        Dim f As Decimal = CType(s1.SystemFrequency, Decimal)
        Dim d1 As Int64 = s1.BaseValue
        Dim d0 As Int64 = s0.BaseValue

        Dim numerator As Double = System.Convert.ToDouble(n1 - n0)
        Dim denominator As Double = System.Convert.ToDouble(d1 - d0)
        Dim counterValue As Single = CType(numerator, Single)
        counterValue = counterValue / CType(f, Single)
        counterValue = counterValue / CType(denominator, Single)

        Return counterValue
    End Function

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Cr _
              + ControlChars.Lf)
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " _
              + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + _
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + _
    End Sub

End Class

Czas upłyniania

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App
    public static void Main()

    public static void CollectSamples()
        const String categoryName = "ElapsedTimeSampleCategory";
        const String counterName = "ElapsedTimeSample";

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if ( !PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(categoryName) )

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData ETimeData = new CounterCreationData();
            ETimeData.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.ElapsedTime;
            ETimeData.CounterName = counterName;
            // Create the category.
                    "Demonstrates ElapsedTime performance counter usage.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);
            // Return, rerun the application to make use of the new counters.
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - {0}", categoryName);

        // Create the performance counter.
        PerformanceCounter PC = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName,
        // Initialize the counter.
        PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

        DateTime Start = DateTime.Now;

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            // Output the values.
            if ((j % 10) == 9)
                Console.WriteLine("NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Actual elapsed time = " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(Start).ToString());

            // Reset the counter on every 20th iteration.
            if (j % 20 == 0)
                PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                Start = DateTime.Now;

        Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time = " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(Start).ToString());

    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App2

    Public Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples()

        Dim categoryName As String = "ElapsedTimeSampleCategory"
        Dim counterName As String = "ElapsedTimeSample"

        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(categoryName) Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim ETimeData As New CounterCreationData()
            ETimeData.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.ElapsedTime
            ETimeData.CounterName = counterName

            ' Create the category.
               "Demonstrates ElapsedTime performance counter usage.",
                   PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - {0}", categoryName)
        End If

        ' Create the counter.
        Dim PC As PerformanceCounter
        PC = New PerformanceCounter(categoryName, counterName, False)

        ' Initialize the counter.
        PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()

        Dim Start As DateTime = DateTime.Now

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99
            ' Output the values.
            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
                Console.WriteLine(("NextValue() = " _
                    + PC.NextValue().ToString()))
                Console.WriteLine(("Actual elapsed time = " _
                    + DateTime.Now.Subtract(Start).ToString()))
            End If

            ' Reset the counter every 20th iteration.
            If j Mod 20 = 0 Then
                PC.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()
                Start = DateTime.Now
            End If
        Next j

        Console.WriteLine(("Elapsed time = " +
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++")

        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Cr _
              + ControlChars.Lf)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " _
              + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " +
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " +

    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class NumberOfItems64

    private static PerformanceCounter PC;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if ( !PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("NumberOfItems32SampleCategory") )

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData NOI64 = new CounterCreationData();
            NOI64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64;
            NOI64.CounterName = "NumberOfItems32Sample";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the NumberOfItems32 performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);

            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - NumberOfItems32SampleCategory");

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counter.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter("NumberOfItems32SampleCategory",


    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random( DateTime.Now.Millisecond );

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);


            if ((j % 10) == 9)
                samplesList.Add( PC.NextSample() );


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for(int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample( (CounterSample)samplesList[i] );
            OutputSample( (CounterSample)samplesList[i+1] );

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i+1]) );

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i+1]) );

    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single counterValue = s1.RawValue;
    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class NumberOfItems64

    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()
        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean
        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("NumberOfItems32SampleCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim NOI64 As New CounterCreationData()
            NOI64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64
            NOI64.CounterName = "NumberOfItems32Sample"

            ' Create the category.
            PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("NumberOfItems32SampleCategory", _
            "Demonstrates usage of the NumberOfItems32 performance counter type.", _
                      PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - NumberOfItems32SampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counter.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter("NumberOfItems32SampleCategory", "NumberOfItems32Sample", False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99

            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write(j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString())


            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = s1.RawValue
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString())
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString())
    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class NumberOfItems64_1
    private static PerformanceCounter PC;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Perfomance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("NumberOfItems64SampleCategory"))
            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData NOI64 = new CounterCreationData();
            NOI64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64;
            NOI64.CounterName = "NumberOfItems64Sample";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the NumberOfItems64 performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);
            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - NumberOfItems64SampleCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counters.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter("NumberOfItems64SampleCategory",

        PC.RawValue = 0;

    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)
        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);


            if ((j % 10) == 9)


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single counterValue = s1.RawValue;
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class NumberOfItems64_1

    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()

        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean
        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("NumberOfItems64SampleCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim NOI64 As New CounterCreationData()
            NOI64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64
            NOI64.CounterName = "NumberOfItems64Sample"

            ' Create the category.
            "Demonstrates usage of the NumberOfItems64_1 performance counter type.",
                   PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - NumberOfItems64SampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counters.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter("NumberOfItems64SampleCategory", "NumberOfItems64Sample", False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99

            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write((j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString()))


            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = s1.RawValue
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString()))
    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;

// Provides a SampleFraction counter to measure the percentage of the user processor
// time for this process to total processor time for the process.
public class App

    private static PerformanceCounter perfCounter;
    private static PerformanceCounter basePerfCounter;
    private static Process thisProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

    public static void Main()

        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("SampleFractionCategory"))

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData sampleFraction = new CounterCreationData();
            sampleFraction.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.SampleFraction;
            sampleFraction.CounterName = "SampleFractionSample";

            // Add the base counter.
            CounterCreationData sampleFractionBase = new CounterCreationData();
            sampleFractionBase.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.SampleBase;
            sampleFractionBase.CounterName = "SampleFractionSampleBase";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the SampleFraction performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);

            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - SampleFractionCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counters.

        perfCounter = new PerformanceCounter("SampleFractionCategory",

        basePerfCounter = new PerformanceCounter("SampleFractionCategory",

        perfCounter.RawValue = thisProcess.UserProcessorTime.Ticks;
        basePerfCounter.RawValue = thisProcess.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks;
    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)



            if ((j % 10) == 9)


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    // Description - This counter type provides A percentage counter that shows the
    // average ratio of user proccessor time to total processor time  during the last
    // two sample intervals.
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single numerator = (Single)s1.RawValue - (Single)s0.RawValue;
        Single denomenator = (Single)s1.BaseValue - (Single)s0.BaseValue;
        Single counterValue = 100 * (numerator / denomenator);
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

' Provides a SampleFraction counter to measure the percentage of the user processor 
' time for this process to total processor time for the process.

Public Class App3

    Private Shared perfCounter As PerformanceCounter
    Private Shared basePerfCounter As PerformanceCounter
    Private Shared thisProcess As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()

        ' If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        ' Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        ' There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        ' prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        ' Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        If SetupCategory() Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean
        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("SampleFractionCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim sampleFraction As New CounterCreationData()
            sampleFraction.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.SampleFraction
            sampleFraction.CounterName = "SampleFractionSample"

            ' Add the base counter.
            Dim sampleFractionBase As New CounterCreationData()
            sampleFractionBase.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.SampleBase
            sampleFractionBase.CounterName = "SampleFractionSampleBase"

            ' Create the category.
            PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("SampleFractionCategory", "Demonstrates usage of the SampleFraction performance counter type.", PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - SampleFractionCategory")
            Return False
        End If

    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counters.
        perfCounter = New PerformanceCounter("SampleFractionCategory", "SampleFractionSample", False)

        basePerfCounter = New PerformanceCounter("SampleFractionCategory", "SampleFractionSampleBase", False)

        perfCounter.RawValue = thisProcess.UserProcessorTime.Ticks
        basePerfCounter.RawValue = thisProcess.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks

    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99



            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
            End If
        Next j

    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1)
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)))

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)))
        Next i

    End Sub

    ' Description - This counter type provides A percentage counter that shows the 
    ' average ratio of user proccessor time to total processor time  during the last 
    ' two sample intervals.
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim numerator As [Single] = CType(s1.RawValue, [Single]) - CType(s0.RawValue, [Single])
        Dim denomenator As [Single] = CType(s1.BaseValue, [Single]) - CType(s0.BaseValue, [Single])
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = 100 * (numerator / denomenator)
        Return counterValue

    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(vbCr + vbLf + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + vbCr + vbLf)
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue)
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency)
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp)
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType)
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue)
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency)
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp)
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec)

    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App3
    private static PerformanceCounter PC;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Perfomance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()
        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory"))

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData rateOfCounts32 = new CounterCreationData();
            rateOfCounts32.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond32;
            rateOfCounts32.CounterName = "RateOfCountsPerSecond32Sample";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the RateOfCountsPerSecond32 performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);
            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counter.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter("RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory",

        PC.RawValue = 0;

    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Initialize the performance counter.

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);

            if ((j % 10) == 9)
                Console.WriteLine(";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString());


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    //	Description	 - This counter type shows the average number of operations completed
    //		during each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type
    //		measure time in ticks of the system clock. The F variable represents
    //		the number of ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the
    //		equation so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    //	Generic type - Difference
    //	Formula - (N1 - N0) / ( (D1 - D0) / F), where the numerator (N) represents the number
    //		of operations performed during the last sample interval, the denominator
    //		(D) represents the number of ticks elapsed during the last sample
    //		interval, and F is the frequency of the ticks.
    //	     Average - (Nx - N0) / ((Dx - D0) / F)
    //       Example - System\ File Read Operations/sec
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single numerator = (Single)(s1.RawValue - s0.RawValue);
        Single denomenator = (Single)(s1.TimeStamp - s0.TimeStamp) / (Single)s1.SystemFrequency;
        Single counterValue = numerator / denomenator;
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App4
    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()

        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the App4lication that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean

        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim rateOfCounts32 As New CounterCreationData()
            rateOfCounts32.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond32
            rateOfCounts32.CounterName = "RateOfCountsPerSecond32Sample"

            ' Create the category.
            PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory", _
                "Demonstrates usage of the RateOfCountsPerSecond32 performance counter type.", _
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)
            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counter.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter("RateOfCountsPerSecond32SampleCategory", "RateOfCountsPerSecond32Sample", False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Initialize the performance counter.

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99

            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write((j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString()))

            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
                Console.WriteLine((";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString()))
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    '	Description	 - This counter type shows the average number of operations completed
    '		during each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type
    '		measure time in ticks of the system clock. The F variable represents
    '		the number of ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the
    '		equation so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    '	Generic type - Difference
    '	Formula - (N1 - N0) / ( (D1 - D0) / F), where the numerator (N) represents the number
    '		of operations performed during the last sample interval, the denominator
    '		(D) represents the number of ticks elapsed during the last sample
    '		interval, and F is the frequency of the ticks.
    '	     Average - (Nx - N0) / ((Dx - D0) / F) 
    '       Example - System\ File Read Operations/sec 
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim numerator As [Single] = CType(s1.RawValue - s0.RawValue, [Single])
        Dim denomenator As [Single] = CType(s1.TimeStamp - s0.TimeStamp, [Single]) / CType(s1.SystemFrequency, [Single])
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = numerator / denomenator
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString()))
    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App4
    private static PerformanceCounter PC;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Perfomance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the category.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()

        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory"))

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData rateOfCounts64 = new CounterCreationData();
            rateOfCounts64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond64;
            rateOfCounts64.CounterName = "RateOfCountsPerSecond64Sample";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the RateOfCountsPerSecond64 performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);
            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counter.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter("RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory",

        PC.RawValue = 0;

    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Initialize the performance counter.

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);

            if ((j % 10) == 9)
                Console.WriteLine(";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString());


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < (samplesList.Count - 1); i++)
            // Output the sample.
            OutputSample((CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]);

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +
                (CounterSample)samplesList[i + 1]));

    //	Description	 - This counter type shows the average number of operations completed
    //		during each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type
    //		measure time in ticks of the system clock. The F variable represents
    //		the number of ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the
    //		equation so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    //	Generic type - Difference
    //	Formula - (N1 - N0) / ( (D1 - D0) / F), where the numerator (N) represents the number
    //		of operations performed during the last sample interval, the denominator
    //		(D) represents the number of ticks elapsed during the last sample
    //		interval, and F is the frequency of the ticks.
    //	Average - (Nx - N0) / ((Dx - D0) / F)
    //  Example - System\ File Read Operations/sec
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample s0, CounterSample s1)
        Single numerator = (Single)(s1.RawValue - s0.RawValue);
        Single denomenator = (Single)(s1.TimeStamp - s0.TimeStamp) / (Single)s1.SystemFrequency;
        Single counterValue = numerator / denomenator;
        return (counterValue);

    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App5
    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()
        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the App5lication that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean

        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim rateOfCounts64 As New CounterCreationData()
            rateOfCounts64.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond64
            rateOfCounts64.CounterName = "RateOfCountsPerSecond64Sample"

            ' Create the category.
            PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory", _
            "Demonstrates usage of the RateOfCountsPerSecond64 performance counter type.", _
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)
            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counter.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter("RateOfCountsPerSecond64SampleCategory", "RateOfCountsPerSecond64Sample", False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Initialize the performance counter.

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99

            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write((j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString()))

            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
                Console.WriteLine((";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString()))
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (samplesList.Count - 1) - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + _
            CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + _
            MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample), CType(samplesList((i + 1)), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    '	Description	 - This counter type shows the average number of operations completed
    '		during each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type
    '		measure time in ticks of the system clock. The F variable represents
    '		the number of ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the
    '		equation so that the result can be displayed in seconds.
    '	Generic type - Difference
    '	Formula - (N1 - N0) / ( (D1 - D0) / F), where the numerator (N) represents the number
    '		of operations performed during the last sample interval, the denominator
    '		(D) represents the number of ticks elapsed during the last sample
    '		interval, and F is the frequency of the ticks.
    '	Average - (Nx - N0) / ((Dx - D0) / F) 
    '  Example - System\ File Read Operations/sec 
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal s0 As CounterSample, ByVal s1 As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim numerator As [Single] = CType(s1.RawValue - s0.RawValue, [Single])
        Dim denomenator As [Single] = CType(s1.TimeStamp - s0.TimeStamp, [Single]) / CType(s1.SystemFrequency, [Single])
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = numerator / denomenator
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "+++++++++++")
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString()))
    End Sub
End Class


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;

public class App5
    private static PerformanceCounter PC;
    private static PerformanceCounter BPC;

    public static void Main()
        ArrayList samplesList = new ArrayList();

        // If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        // Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        // There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        // prior to executing the application that uses the counters.
        // Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        if (SetupCategory())

    private static bool SetupCategory()

        if (!PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RawFractionSampleCategory"))

            CounterCreationDataCollection CCDC = new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Add the counter.
            CounterCreationData rf = new CounterCreationData();
            rf.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RawFraction;
            rf.CounterName = "RawFractionSample";

            // Add the base counter.
            CounterCreationData rfBase = new CounterCreationData();
            rfBase.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RawBase;
            rfBase.CounterName = "RawFractionSampleBase";

            // Create the category.
                "Demonstrates usage of the RawFraction performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC);

            return (true);
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RawFractionSampleCategory");
            return (false);

    private static void CreateCounters()
        // Create the counters.
        PC = new PerformanceCounter("RawFractionSampleCategory",

        BPC = new PerformanceCounter("RawFractionSampleCategory",

        PC.RawValue = 0;
        BPC.RawValue = 0;

    private static void CollectSamples(ArrayList samplesList)

        Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Initialize the performance counter.

        // Loop for the samples.
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            int value = r.Next(1, 10);
            Console.Write(j + " = " + value);

            // Increment the base every time, because the counter measures the number
            // of high hits (raw fraction value) against all the hits (base value).

            // Get the % of samples that are 9 or 10 out of all the samples taken.
            if (value >= 9)

            // Copy out the next value every ten times around the loop.
            if ((j % 10) == 9)
                Console.WriteLine(";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString());


    private static void CalculateResults(ArrayList samplesList)
        for (int i = 0; i < samplesList.Count; i++)
            // Output the sample.

            // Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " +

            // Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " +

    // Formula from MSDN -
    //      Description - This counter type shows the ratio of a subset to its set as a percentage.
    //			For example, it compares the number of bytes in use on a disk to the
    //			total number of bytes on the disk. Counters of this type display the
    //			current percentage only, not an average over time.
    // Generic type - Instantaneous, Percentage
    //	    Formula - (N0 / D0), where D represents a measured attribute and N represents one
    //			component of that attribute.
    //		Average - SUM (N / D) /x
    //		Example - Paging File\% Usage Peak
    private static Single MyComputeCounterValue(CounterSample rfSample)
        Single numerator = (Single)rfSample.RawValue;
        Single denomenator = (Single)rfSample.BaseValue;
        Single counterValue = (numerator / denomenator) * 100;
        return (counterValue);

    // Output information about the counter sample.
    private static void OutputSample(CounterSample s)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - \r\n");
        Console.WriteLine("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType);
        Console.WriteLine("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue);
        Console.WriteLine("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp);
        Console.WriteLine("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning

Public Class App6
    Private Shared PC As PerformanceCounter
    Private Shared BPC As PerformanceCounter

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim samplesList As New ArrayList()

        'If the category does not exist, create the category and exit.
        'Performance counters should not be created and immediately used.
        'There is a latency time to enable the counters, they should be created
        'prior to executing the App6lication that uses the counters.
        'Execute this sample a second time to use the counters.
        If Not (SetupCategory()) Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Shared Function SetupCategory() As Boolean

        If Not PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("RawFractionSampleCategory") Then

            Dim CCDC As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Add the counter.
            Dim rf As New CounterCreationData()
            rf.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RawFraction
            rf.CounterName = "RawFractionSample"

            ' Add the base counter.
            Dim rfBase As New CounterCreationData()
            rfBase.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.RawBase
            rfBase.CounterName = "RawFractionSampleBase"

            ' Create the category.
            "Demonstrates usage of the RawFraction performance counter type.",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, CCDC)

            Return True
            Console.WriteLine("Category exists - RawFractionSampleCategory")
            Return False
        End If
    End Function 'SetupCategory

    Private Shared Sub CreateCounters()
        ' Create the counters.
        PC = New PerformanceCounter("RawFractionSampleCategory", "RawFractionSample", False)

        BPC = New PerformanceCounter("RawFractionSampleCategory", "RawFractionSampleBase", False)

        PC.RawValue = 0
        BPC.RawValue = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CollectSamples(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)

        Dim r As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

        ' Initialize the performance counter.

        ' Loop for the samples.
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 99
            Dim value As Integer = r.Next(1, 10)
            Console.Write((j.ToString() + " = " + value.ToString()))

            ' Increment the base every time, because the counter measures the number 
            ' of high hits (raw fraction value) against all the hits (base value).

            ' Get the % of samples that are 9 or 10 out of all the samples taken.
            If value >= 9 Then
            End If
            ' Copy out the next value every ten times around the loop.
            If j Mod 10 = 9 Then
                Console.WriteLine((";       NextValue() = " + PC.NextValue().ToString()))
            End If
        Next j
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CalculateResults(ByVal samplesList As ArrayList)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To samplesList.Count - 1
            ' Output the sample.
            OutputSample(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample))

            ' Use .NET to calculate the counter value.
            Console.WriteLine(".NET computed counter value = " + CounterSampleCalculator.ComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample)).ToString())

            ' Calculate the counter value manually.
            Console.WriteLine("My computed counter value = " + MyComputeCounterValue(CType(samplesList(i), CounterSample)).ToString())
        Next i
    End Sub

    ' Formula from MSDN -
    '      Description - This counter type shows the ratio of a subset to its set as a percentage.
    '			For example, it compares the number of bytes in use on a disk to the
    '			total number of bytes on the disk. Counters of this type display the 
    '			current percentage only, not an average over time.
    ' Generic type - Instantaneous, Percentage 
    '	    Formula - (N0 / D0), where D represents a measured attribute and N represents one
    '			component of that attribute.
    '		Average - SUM (N / D) /x 
    '		Example - Paging File\% Usage Peak
    Private Shared Function MyComputeCounterValue(ByVal rfSample As CounterSample) As [Single]
        Dim numerator As [Single] = CType(rfSample.RawValue, [Single])
        Dim denomenator As [Single] = CType(rfSample.BaseValue, [Single])
        Dim counterValue As [Single] = numerator / denomenator * 100
        Return counterValue
    End Function 'MyComputeCounterValue

    ' Output information about the counter sample.
    Private Shared Sub OutputSample(ByVal s As CounterSample)
        Console.WriteLine("Sample values - " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr)
        Console.WriteLine(("   BaseValue        = " + s.BaseValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterFrequency = " + s.CounterFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterTimeStamp = " + s.CounterTimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   CounterType      = " + s.CounterType.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   RawValue         = " + s.RawValue.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   SystemFrequency  = " + s.SystemFrequency.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp        = " + s.TimeStamp.ToString()))
        Console.WriteLine(("   TimeStamp100nSec = " + s.TimeStamp100nSec.ToString()))
    End Sub
End Class