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Przykłady serializacji XML

Serializacja XML może mieć więcej niż jedną postać — od prostej do złożonej. Na przykład można serializować klasę, która po prostu składa się z pól publicznych i właściwości, jak pokazano w temacie Wprowadzenie serializacji XML. Poniższe przykłady kodu dotyczą różnych zaawansowanych scenariuszy, w tym sposobu używania serializacji XML do generowania strumienia XML zgodnego z określonym dokumentem schematu XML (XSD).

Serializacji zestawu danych

Oprócz serializacji wystąpienia klasy publicznej można również serializować wystąpienie DataSetklasy , jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie kodu:

Private Sub SerializeDataSet(filename As String)
    Dim ser As XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(GetType(DataSet))
    ' Creates a DataSet; adds a table, column, and ten rows.
    Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet("myDataSet")
    Dim t As DataTable = new DataTable("table1")
    Dim c As DataColumn = new DataColumn("thing")
    Dim r As DataRow
    Dim i As Integer
    for i = 0 to 10
        r = t.NewRow()
        r(0) = "Thing " &  i
    Dim writer As TextWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)
    ser.Serialize(writer, ds)
End Sub
private void SerializeDataSet(string filename)
    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataSet));

    // Creates a DataSet; adds a table, column, and ten rows.
    DataSet ds = new DataSet("myDataSet");
    DataTable t = new DataTable("table1");
    DataColumn c = new DataColumn("thing");
    DataRow r;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        r = t.NewRow();
        r[0] = "Thing " + i;

    TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
    ser.Serialize(writer, ds);

Serializacji elementu XmlElement i XmlNode

Można również serializować wystąpienia XmlElement klasy lub XmlNode , jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie kodu:

private Sub SerializeElement(filename As String)
    Dim ser As XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(GetType(XmlElement))
    Dim myElement As XmlElement = _
    new XmlDocument().CreateElement("MyElement", "ns")
    myElement.InnerText = "Hello World"
    Dim writer As TextWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)
    ser.Serialize(writer, myElement)
End Sub

Private Sub SerializeNode(filename As String)
    Dim ser As XmlSerializer = _
    new XmlSerializer(GetType(XmlNode))
    Dim myNode As XmlNode = new XmlDocument(). _
    CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "MyNode", "ns")
    myNode.InnerText = "Hello Node"
    Dim writer As TextWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)
    ser.Serialize(writer, myNode)
End Sub
private void SerializeElement(string filename)
    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlElement));
    XmlElement myElement = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("MyElement", "ns");
    myElement.InnerText = "Hello World";
    TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
    ser.Serialize(writer, myElement);

private void SerializeNode(string filename)
    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlNode));
    XmlNode myNode = new XmlDocument().
    CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "MyNode", "ns");
    myNode.InnerText = "Hello Node";
    TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
    ser.Serialize(writer, myNode);

Serializowanie klasy zawierającej pole zwracające obiekt złożony

Jeśli właściwość lub pole zwraca obiekt złożony (taki jak tablica lub wystąpienie klasy), XmlSerializer konwertuje go na element zagnieżdżony w głównym dokumencie XML. Na przykład pierwsza klasa w poniższym przykładzie kodu zwraca wystąpienie drugiej klasy:

Public Class PurchaseOrder
    Public MyAddress As Address
End Class

Public Class Address
    Public FirstName As String
End Class
public class PurchaseOrder
    public Address MyAddress;

public record Address
    public string FirstName;

Serializowane dane wyjściowe XML mogą wyglądać następująco:


Serializowanie tablicy obiektów

Można również serializować pole zwracające tablicę obiektów, jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie kodu:

Public Class PurchaseOrder
    public ItemsOrders () As Item
End Class

Public Class Item
    Public ItemID As String
    Public ItemPrice As decimal
End Class
public class PurchaseOrder
    public Item [] ItemsOrders;

public class Item
    public string ItemID;
    public decimal ItemPrice;

Jeśli uporządkowane są dwa elementy, zserializowane wystąpienie klasy może wyglądać podobnie do następującego kodu:

<PurchaseOrder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

Serializowanie klasy, która implementuje interfejs ICollection

Możesz utworzyć własne klasy kolekcji, implementując ICollection interfejs i używając klasy XmlSerializer do serializacji wystąpień tych klas.


Gdy klasa implementuje ICollection interfejs, tylko kolekcja zawarta przez klasę jest serializowana. Wszystkie właściwości publiczne lub pola dodane do klasy nie będą serializowane. Aby można było serializować, klasa musi zawierać metodę Add i właściwość Item (indeksator języka C#).

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class Test
    Shared Sub Main()
        Dim t As Test= new Test()
    End Sub

    Private Sub SerializeCollection(filename As String)
        Dim Emps As Employees  = new Employees()
        ' Note that only the collection is serialized -- not the
        ' CollectionName or any other public property of the class.
        Emps.CollectionName = "Employees"
        Dim John100 As Employee = new Employee("John", "100xxx")
        Dim x As XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(GetType(Employees))
        Dim writer As TextWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)
        x.Serialize(writer, Emps)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Employees
    Implements ICollection
    Public CollectionName As String
    Private empArray As ArrayList = new ArrayList()

    Public ReadOnly Default Overloads _
    Property Item(index As Integer) As Employee
        return CType (empArray(index), Employee)
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub CopyTo(a As Array, index As Integer) _
    Implements ICollection.CopyTo
        empArray.CopyTo(a, index)
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Count () As integer Implements _
            Count = empArray.Count
        End Get

    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property SyncRoot ()As Object _
    Implements ICollection.SyncRoot
        return me
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property IsSynchronized () As Boolean _
    Implements ICollection.IsSynchronized
        return false
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator _
    Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator

        return empArray.GetEnumerator()
    End Function

    Public Function Add(newEmployee As Employee) As Integer
        return empArray.Count
    End Function
End Class

Public Class Employee
    Public EmpName As String
    Public EmpID As String

    Public Sub New ()
    End Sub

    Public Sub New (newName As String , newID As String )
        EmpName = newName
        EmpID = newID
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class Test
    static void Main()
        Test t = new Test();

    private void SerializeCollection(string filename)
        Employees Emps = new Employees();
        // Note that only the collection is serialized -- not the
        // CollectionName or any other public property of the class.
        Emps.CollectionName = "Employees";
        Employee John100 = new Employee("John", "100xxx");
        XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Employees));
        TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
        x.Serialize(writer, Emps);

public class Employees : ICollection
    public string CollectionName;
    private ArrayList empArray = new ArrayList();

    public Employee this[int index] => (Employee) empArray[index];

    public void CopyTo(Array a, int index)
        empArray.CopyTo(a, index);
    public int Count => empArray.Count;
    public object SyncRoot => this;
    public bool IsSynchronized => false;
    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() => empArray.GetEnumerator();

    public void Add(Employee newEmployee)

public class Employee
    public string EmpName;
    public string EmpID;
    public Employee() {}
    public Employee(string empName, string empID)
        EmpName = empName;
        EmpID = empID;

Przykład zamówienia zakupu

Możesz wyciąć i wkleić poniższy przykładowy kod do pliku tekstowego i zmienić jego nazwę za pomocą rozszerzenia nazwy pliku .cs lub .vb. Kompilowanie PLiku za pomocą kompilatora C# lub Visual Basic. Następnie uruchom go przy użyciu nazwy PLiku wykonywalnego.

W tym przykładzie użyto prostego scenariusza, aby zademonstrować sposób tworzenia i serializacji wystąpienia obiektu w strumieniu Serialize plików przy użyciu metody . Strumień XML jest zapisywany w pliku. Ten sam plik jest następnie odczytywany i odtwarzany w kopii oryginalnego obiektu przy użyciu Deserialize metody .

W tym przykładzie klasa o nazwie PurchaseOrder jest serializowana, a następnie deserializowana. Klasa sekundę o nazwie Address jest również uwzględniony, ponieważ publiczne pole o nazwie ShipTo musi być ustawiona wartość Address. Podobnie OrderedItem klasy jest uwzględniony, ponieważ tablica OrderedItem obiektów musi być ustawiona wartość OrderedItems pola. Na koniec klasę o nazwie Test zawiera kod, który serializuje i deserializuje klasy.

Metoda CreatePO tworzy PurchaseOrderobiekty , Addressi OrderedItem klasy i ustawia wartości pól publicznych. Metoda tworzy również wystąpienie XmlSerializer klasy używanej do serializacji i deserializacji klasy PurchaseOrder.


Kod przekazuje typ klasy, która zostanie serializowana do konstruktora. Kod tworzy również element FileStream używany do zapisywania strumienia XML w dokumencie XML.

Metoda jest nieco prostsza ReadPo . Po prostu tworzy obiekty do deserializacji i odczytuje się ich wartości. Podobnie jak w przypadku CreatePo metody, należy najpierw skonstruować klasę XmlSerializer, przekazując typ klasy do deserializacji do konstruktora. Ponadto FileStream jest wymagany do odczytu dokumentu XML. Do deserializacji obiekty, należy wywołać Deserialize metody z FileStream jako argumentu. Zdeserializowany obiekt musi być rzutowany zmienną obiektu typu PurchaseOrder. Kod następnie odczytuje wartości zdeserializowany PurchaseOrder.


Możesz odczytać utworzony plik PO.xml , aby wyświetlić rzeczywiste dane wyjściowe XML.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

' The XmlRoot attribute allows you to set an alternate name
' (PurchaseOrder) for the XML element and its namespace. By
' default, the XmlSerializer uses the class name. The attribute
' also allows you to set the XML namespace for the element. Lastly,
' the attribute sets the IsNullable property, which specifies whether
' the xsi:null attribute appears if the class instance is set to
' a null reference.
<XmlRoot("PurchaseOrder", _
 Namespace := "http://www.cpandl.com", IsNullable := False)> _
Public Class PurchaseOrder
    Public ShipTo As Address
    Public OrderDate As String
    ' The XmlArrayAttribute changes the XML element name
    ' from the default of "OrderedItems" to "Items".
    <XmlArray("Items")> _
    Public OrderedItems() As OrderedItem
    Public SubTotal As Decimal
    Public ShipCost As Decimal
    Public TotalCost As Decimal
End Class

Public Class Address
    ' The XmlAttribute attribute instructs the XmlSerializer to serialize the
    ' Name field as an XML attribute instead of an XML element (XML element is
    ' the default behavior).
    <XmlAttribute()> _
    Public Name As String
    Public Line1 As String

    ' Setting the IsNullable property to false instructs the
    ' XmlSerializer that the XML attribute will not appear if
    ' the City field is set to a null reference.
    <XmlElement(IsNullable := False)> _
    Public City As String
    Public State As String
    Public Zip As String
End Class

Public Class OrderedItem
    Public ItemName As String
    Public Description As String
    Public UnitPrice As Decimal
    Public Quantity As Integer
    Public LineTotal As Decimal

    ' Calculate is a custom method that calculates the price per item
    ' and stores the value in a field.
    Public Sub Calculate()
    LineTotal = UnitPrice * Quantity
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Test
        Public Shared Sub Main()
    ' Read and write purchase orders.
    Dim t As New Test()
    End Sub

    Private Sub CreatePO(filename As String)
        ' Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
        ' specifies the type of object to serialize.
        Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(PurchaseOrder))
        Dim writer As New StreamWriter(filename)
        Dim po As New PurchaseOrder()

        ' Creates an address to ship and bill to.
        Dim billAddress As New Address()
        billAddress.Name = "Teresa Atkinson"
        billAddress.Line1 = "1 Main St."
        billAddress.City = "AnyTown"
        billAddress.State = "WA"
        billAddress.Zip = "00000"
        ' Set ShipTo and BillTo to the same addressee.
        po.ShipTo = billAddress
        po.OrderDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()

        ' Creates an OrderedItem.
        Dim i1 As New OrderedItem()
        i1.ItemName = "Widget S"
        i1.Description = "Small widget"
        i1.UnitPrice = CDec(5.23)
        i1.Quantity = 3

        ' Inserts the item into the array.
        Dim items(0) As OrderedItem
        items(0) = i1
        po.OrderedItems = items
        ' Calculates the total cost.
        Dim subTotal As New Decimal()
        Dim oi As OrderedItem
        For Each oi In  items
            subTotal += oi.LineTotal
        Next oi
        po.SubTotal = subTotal
        po.ShipCost = CDec(12.51)
        po.TotalCost = po.SubTotal + po.ShipCost
        ' Serializes the purchase order, and close the TextWriter.
        serializer.Serialize(writer, po)
    End Sub

    Protected Sub ReadPO(filename As String)
        ' Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
        ' specifies the type of object to be deserialized.
        Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(PurchaseOrder))
        ' If the XML document has been altered with unknown
        ' nodes or attributes, handles them with the
        ' UnknownNode and UnknownAttribute events.
        AddHandler serializer.UnknownNode, AddressOf serializer_UnknownNode
        AddHandler serializer.UnknownAttribute, AddressOf _

        ' A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
        Dim fs As New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)
        ' Declare an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
        Dim po As PurchaseOrder
        ' Uses the Deserialize method to restore the object's state
        ' with data from the XML document.
        po = CType(serializer.Deserialize(fs), PurchaseOrder)
        ' Reads the order date.
        Console.WriteLine(("OrderDate: " & po.OrderDate))

        ' Reads the shipping address.
        Dim shipTo As Address = po.ShipTo
        ReadAddress(shipTo, "Ship To:")
        ' Reads the list of ordered items.
        Dim items As OrderedItem() = po.OrderedItems
        Console.WriteLine("Items to be shipped:")
        Dim oi As OrderedItem
        For Each oi In items
            Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab & oi.ItemName & _
            ControlChars.Tab & _
                oi.Description & ControlChars.Tab & oi.UnitPrice & _
                ControlChars.Tab & _
                oi.Quantity & ControlChars.Tab & oi.LineTotal))
        Next oi
        ' Reads the subtotal, shipping cost, and total cost.
        Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Cr & New String _
        (ControlChars.Tab, 5) & _
        " Subtotal" & ControlChars.Tab & po.SubTotal & ControlChars.Cr & _
        New String(ControlChars.Tab, 5) & " Shipping" & ControlChars.Tab & _
        po.ShipCost & ControlChars.Cr &  New String(ControlChars.Tab, 5) & _
        " Total" & New String(ControlChars.Tab, 2) & po.TotalCost))
    End Sub

    Protected Sub ReadAddress(a As Address, label As String)
        ' Reads the fields of the Address.
        Console.Write((ControlChars.Tab & a.Name & ControlChars.Cr & _
        ControlChars.Tab & a.Line1 & ControlChars.Cr & ControlChars.Tab & _
        a.City & ControlChars.Tab & a.State & ControlChars.Cr & _
        ControlChars.Tab & a.Zip & ControlChars.Cr))
    End Sub

    Protected Sub serializer_UnknownNode(sender As Object, e As _
        Console.WriteLine(("Unknown Node:" & e.Name & _
        ControlChars.Tab & e.Text))
    End Sub

    Protected Sub serializer_UnknownAttribute(sender As Object, _
    e As XmlAttributeEventArgs)
        Dim attr As System.Xml.XmlAttribute = e.Attr
        Console.WriteLine(("Unknown attribute " & attr.Name & "='" & _
        attr.Value & "'"))
    End Sub 'serializer_UnknownAttribute
End Class 'Test
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

// The XmlRoot attribute allows you to set an alternate name
// (PurchaseOrder) for the XML element and its namespace. By
// default, the XmlSerializer uses the class name. The attribute
// also allows you to set the XML namespace for the element. Lastly,
// the attribute sets the IsNullable property, which specifies whether
// the xsi:null attribute appears if the class instance is set to
// a null reference.
[XmlRoot("PurchaseOrder", Namespace="http://www.cpandl.com",
IsNullable = false)]
public class PurchaseOrder
    public Address ShipTo;
    public string OrderDate;
    // The XmlArray attribute changes the XML element name
    // from the default of "OrderedItems" to "Items".
    public OrderedItem[] OrderedItems;
    public decimal SubTotal;
    public decimal ShipCost;
    public decimal TotalCost;

public class Address
    // The XmlAttribute attribute instructs the XmlSerializer to serialize the
    // Name field as an XML attribute instead of an XML element (XML element is
    // the default behavior).
    public string Name;
    public string Line1;

    // Setting the IsNullable property to false instructs the
    // XmlSerializer that the XML attribute will not appear if
    // the City field is set to a null reference.
    [XmlElement(IsNullable = false)]
    public string City;
    public string State;
    public string Zip;

public class OrderedItem
    public string ItemName;
    public string Description;
    public decimal UnitPrice;
    public int Quantity;
    public decimal LineTotal;

    // Calculate is a custom method that calculates the price per item
    // and stores the value in a field.
    public void Calculate()
        LineTotal = UnitPrice * Quantity;

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        // Read and write purchase orders.
        Test t = new Test();

    private void CreatePO(string filename)
        // Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
        // specifies the type of object to serialize.
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
        TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
        PurchaseOrder po =new PurchaseOrder();

        // Creates an address to ship and bill to.
        Address billAddress = new Address();
        billAddress.Name = "Teresa Atkinson";
        billAddress.Line1 = "1 Main St.";
        billAddress.City = "AnyTown";
        billAddress.State = "WA";
        billAddress.Zip = "00000";
        // Sets ShipTo and BillTo to the same addressee.
        po.ShipTo = billAddress;
        po.OrderDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();

        // Creates an OrderedItem.
        OrderedItem i1 = new OrderedItem();
        i1.ItemName = "Widget S";
        i1.Description = "Small widget";
        i1.UnitPrice = (decimal) 5.23;
        i1.Quantity = 3;

        // Inserts the item into the array.
        OrderedItem [] items = {i1};
        po.OrderedItems = items;
        // Calculate the total cost.
        decimal subTotal = new decimal();
        foreach(OrderedItem oi in items)
            subTotal += oi.LineTotal;
        po.SubTotal = subTotal;
        po.ShipCost = (decimal) 12.51;
        po.TotalCost = po.SubTotal + po.ShipCost;
        // Serializes the purchase order, and closes the TextWriter.
        serializer.Serialize(writer, po);

    protected void ReadPO(string filename)
        // Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
        // specifies the type of object to be deserialized.
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
        // If the XML document has been altered with unknown
        // nodes or attributes, handles them with the
        // UnknownNode and UnknownAttribute events.
        serializer.UnknownNode+= new
        serializer.UnknownAttribute+= new

        // A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
        // Declares an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
        PurchaseOrder po;
        // Uses the Deserialize method to restore the object's state
        // with data from the XML document. */
        po = (PurchaseOrder) serializer.Deserialize(fs);
        // Reads the order date.
        Console.WriteLine ("OrderDate: " + po.OrderDate);

        // Reads the shipping address.
        Address shipTo = po.ShipTo;
        ReadAddress(shipTo, "Ship To:");
        // Reads the list of ordered items.
        OrderedItem [] items = po.OrderedItems;
        Console.WriteLine("Items to be shipped:");
        foreach(OrderedItem oi in items)
            oi.ItemName + "\t" +
            oi.Description + "\t" +
            oi.UnitPrice + "\t" +
            oi.Quantity + "\t" +
        // Reads the subtotal, shipping cost, and total cost.
        "\n\t\t\t\t\t Subtotal\t" + po.SubTotal +
        "\n\t\t\t\t\t Shipping\t" + po.ShipCost +
        "\n\t\t\t\t\t Total\t\t" + po.TotalCost

    protected void ReadAddress(Address a, string label)
        // Reads the fields of the Address.
        a.Name +"\n\t" +
        a.Line1 +"\n\t" +
        a.City +"\t" +
        a.State +"\n\t" +
        a.Zip +"\n");

    protected void serializer_UnknownNode
    (object sender, XmlNodeEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Unknown Node:" +   e.Name + "\t" + e.Text);

    protected void serializer_UnknownAttribute
    (object sender, XmlAttributeEventArgs e)
        System.Xml.XmlAttribute attr = e.Attr;
        Console.WriteLine("Unknown attribute " +
        attr.Name + "='" + attr.Value + "'");

Dane wyjściowe XML mogą wyglądać następująco:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PurchaseOrder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.cpandl.com">
    <ShipTo Name="Teresa Atkinson">
        <Line1>1 Main St.</Line1>
    <OrderDate>Wednesday, June 27, 2001</OrderDate>
            <ItemName>Widget S</ItemName>
            <Description>Small widget</Description>

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