Uninstall or delete a solution

This topic applies to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). For the Power Apps version of this topic, see: Uninstall or delete a solution.

You delete managed and unmanaged solutions in the same way, but the resulting actions are very different. Deleting a managed solution will uninstall the managed solution.

Delete a solution

Depending on the type of solution that you want to delete, you'll see one of the following Confirm Deletion messages:

Managed solution
"You are deleting a managed solution. The solution and all its components will be deleted. This action cannot be undone. This solution might take several minutes to uninstall. You cannot cancel the uninstallation after it starts. Do you want to continue?"

Unmanaged solution
"You are deleting an unmanaged solution. The solution will be deleted but components that are contained in this solution will not be deleted. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?"

To delete a solution programmatically use the IOrganizationService.Delete method. More information: Delete a Solution

Uninstall a managed solution

Deleting a managed solution will uninstall the solution. All the solution components defined in it are deleted.


When you uninstall a managed solution, the following data is lost: data stored in custom entities that are part of the solution and data stored in custom attributes on system entities that are part of the solution.

Delete an unmanaged solution

An unmanaged solution is a group of solution components. Deleting the solution deletes a single solution record in the database. Solution components are not affected by the solution being deleted, they remain in the system.

Access the solutions list with a URL

If you need to navigate directly to the solutions list you can use the following URL:

<organization root url>/tools/Solution/home_solution.aspx?etn=solution  

See also

Package and Distribute Extensions with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Solutions
Delete a Solution
Introduction to Solutions
Planning for Solution Development
Solution Components and Dependency Tracking
Create a Managed Solution
Export an unmanaged solution
Import an unmanaged solution
Create a Managed Solution
Create Solutions that Support Multiple Languages
Install a Managed Solution