Configure the infrastructure scripts for your Finance + Operations (on-premises) deployment

This article explains how to configure the infrastructure scripts that are provided to deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance + Operations (on-premises). It describes what information is present in the different configuration files and what information must be supplied. A practical example is provided, in which Contoso Corporation must fill in the information for its production environment.

Configuration files available in the infrastructure scripts

The infrastructure scripts use the following configuration files to drive the setup. The subsections that follow describe the contents of each file.

  • infrastructure\ConfigTemplate.xml
  • infrastructure\D365FO-OP\NodeTopologyDefinition.xml
  • infrastructure\D365FO-OP\DatabaseTopologyDefinition.xml
  • infrastructure\D365FO-OP\FileShareTopologyDefinition.xml


The ConfigTemplate.xml configuration file describes the following details. You must fill in this file to use the infrastructure scripts. For more information, see the Filling in the ConfigTemplate.xml file section of this article.

  • The service accounts that are required for the application to work
  • The certificates that are required to help secure communications
  • The database configuration
  • The Azure Service Fabric cluster configuration
  • The file shares that are required for the application to work
  • The SQL Server cluster information


When you configure the Service Fabric cluster, make sure that there are three fault domains for the Primary node type (OrchestratorType). Also make sure that no more than one type of node is deployed on a single machine.


The NodeTopologyDefinition.xml configuration file describes the following details for each Service Fabric node type:

  • The mapping between each node type and the application, domain and service accounts, and certificates
  • Whether User Account Control (UAC) is enabled
  • The prerequisites for Windows features and system software
  • Whether strong name validation should be enabled
  • The list of firewall ports that should be opened
  • The permissions that an account requires for a machine
  • Whether the .NET Framework should be configured to use the operating system's default Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
  • Whether insecure TLS and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols should be disabled
  • Whether insecure TLS ciphers should be disabled


You don't have to modify this file.


The DatabaseTopologyDefinition.xml configuration file describes the following details for each database:

  • The database settings
  • The mappings between users and roles


You don't have to modify this file.


The FileShareTopologyDefinition.xml configuration file describes the following details for each file share:

  • The file share settings
  • The sharing permissions for the file share
  • The New Technology File System (NTFS) permissions for the file share
  • Other folder-level permissions


You don't have to modify this file.

Filling in the ConfigTemplate.xml file

This section describes, in detail, each configuration section in the ConfigTemplate.xml file.


Although the field is named "DomainName," you must specify the network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name of your domain, so that Active Directory objects such as lab\svc-LocalAgent$ can be correctly built.


The ADServiceAccounts section supports two types of Active Directory service accounts: group managed service accounts (gMSAs) and domain users. However, for all newer base deployments, only gMSAs are used.

<ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-LocalAgent$" refName="gmsaLocalAgent" disabled="false">
<ADServiceAccount type="DomainUser" name="AXServiceUser" refName="axserviceuser" disabled="true" />

For ADServiceAccount elements, you should update only the name attribute and the DNSHostName field, and only for gMSAs. If you aren't deploying Management Reporter, you can set the disabled attribute to false for the accounts. This setting ensures that configurations that are related to those accounts aren't generated.

<ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-LA-sb$" refName="gmsaLocalAgent" disabled="false">
<ADServiceAccount type="DomainUser" name="AXServiceUser-sb" refName="axserviceuser" disabled="true" />

If your deployment is still on an old base deployment version (before Application version 10.0.20), you must continue to use an account of the DomainUser type. In this case, set the disabled attribute to false to ensure that the domain user account is enabled.

<ADServiceAccount type="DomainUser" name="AXServiceUser" refName="axserviceuser" disabled="false" />


Certificates can be generated through Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), or they can be self-signed. To specify how you want to generate the certificate, set the generateSelfSignedCert and generateADCSCert attributes as appropriate. We strongly recommend that you use AD CS certificates instead of self-signed certificates. If you're using the scripts to generate the certificate, don't specify a Thumbprint value for it. The scripts automatically set the value.

<Certificate type="OnpremLocalAgent" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">

If you generated a certificate somewhere else, and the certificate is already provisioned on your machines, you can set the exportable attribute to false. In this case, the Export-Certificates.ps1 script won't try to export the certificate. However, you should still define the thumbprint, so that the correct access control list (ACL) can be generated and applied.

<Certificate type="" exportable="false" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>

When the ProtectTo field for a certificate is set, common practice is to specify the user who's performing the deployment. However, we don't recommend this approach. If the specified user leaves your company, you lose access to those exported certificates. Instead, set the ProtectTo field to an Active Directory group that the IT administrators for your Dynamics 365 deployment belong to. You can specify multiple groups, multiple users, or a combination of groups and users.

<Certificate type="" exportable="false" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <ProtectTo>LAB\D365Admins;LAB\Domain Admins;LAB\Adminuser</ProtectTo>

The certificate of the ServiceFabric type is your combined certificate that protects your cluster and is presented by other services that are hosted in the cluster. The Name field is mapped to the friendly name of a certificate. The FileName field is used to give the certificate a file name when it's exported. The DNSName field is mapped to the subject alternative names (SANs) of a certificate. The Subject field is mapped to the subject name (also known as the common name) of the certificate. Never update the Provider, KeyUsage, EnhancedKeyUsage, and CertificateType fields, because they're hard-coded as required to correctly generate the certificate. If you update those fields, there's no guarantee that the certificate works, or that the scripts themselves support the specified values.

<Certificate type="ServiceFabric" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <EnhancedKeyUsage>Server Authentication;Client Authentication</EnhancedKeyUsage>

The certificate of the SQLCluster type is automatically generated by the scripts that generate the certificates. The scripts use the information from the SQLCluster section later in the configuration file to automatically calculate the values. In this scenario, set the ProtectTo field to the appropriate users or groups.

<Certificate type="SQLCluster" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false" manualProperties="false">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>

If the logic that automatically calculates the configuration for the SQLCluster certificate doesn't correctly reflect your setup, you can override the automated calculation and manually specify it yourself. Set the manualProperties attribute to true, and fill in the certificate information. For this certificate, ensure that the certificate's SAN contains the name of each SQL Server and the Always On availability group listener (if you have one).

<Certificate type="SQLCluster" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false" manualProperties="true">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>

The certificate of the RSAT type is special. Because of requirements from the Performance software development kit (SDK) that the Regression suite automation tool (RSAT) is built on, this certificate must be self-signed. For the SQLCluster certificate, you should update only the ProtectTo field. By default, this certificate is disabled. Therefore, if you want it to be generated, be sure to set the disabled attribute to false.

<Certificate type="RSAT" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="true" disabled="false">
    <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>


When you update the user name of a user of the SqlUser type, you should update only the userName attribute.

    <User refName="axdbadmin" type="SqlUser" userName="d365adminuser" generateUser="true" />

By default, the scripts generate only the axdbadmin user. If you want the other users to be generated so that you can use other features, set the generateUser attribute to true. The scripts can then determine that they should generate and enter details for the user.

    <User refName="axdwadmin" type="SqlUser" userName="axdwadmin" generateUser="true" />


When you update a database entry, you can update the name of the database by updating the dbName attribute.

<Database refName="axdw" dbName="DataWarehouse"></Database>

Currently, only a single database needs to be restored from a backup when the environment is created. Set the BackupFile field to the full path where the backup file is located. The path must be accessible by the user that your SQL Server database engine is running under. We don't recommend that you modify the DbTuning section. However, if you do modify it, make sure that the values that you specify are the minimum values, and that you don't go lower. Otherwise, the deployment will fail.

<Database refName="axDB" dbName="AXDB">
        <DBFileGrowthMB value="200" />
        <LogFileGrowthMB value="500" />
        <LogFileSizeGB value="5" />

Some databases have the collation element defined. If you want to change the collation of a database, you can update the Collation field. However, only a limited collation set is supported. For more information on supported collations, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance + Operations (on-premises) supported software. If a database doesn't have a collation defined, this means only the default collation is supported or the database uses the collation of the backup file provided.

<Database refName="axdw" dbName="AXDW">


The file shares have default share names. If you must update the name of the share, you can update the name attribute. This approach is important if the same file server hosts the shares for multiple environments.

<FileShare refName="agent" name="D365Agent" disabled="false">

By default, file shares are created in the C:\Shares directory. However, you can override that location by specifying the full path of the folder where you want the shares to be created. If you're using the scripts to create the file shares, don't set the LocalPath field. Set the LocalPath field to the full path of the file share folder only if the share was created without using the scripts.

<FileShare refName="agent" name="agent" disabled="false">

If you don't want one of the scripts to create and configure the file share for you, you can set the disabled attribute to true to ignore the file share.

<FileShare refName="agent" name="agent" disabled="true">


The ClusterName field is used only locally, to define the name of the Service Fabric cluster. You can customize it as you want.


The Service Fabric cluster requires that multiple NodeType elements be defined. The following example shows a node type definition. Don't modify the name, namePrefix, or purpose attributes, because they're preconfigured for each node type. You should modify the disabled and primary attributes only in specific situations.

If you aren't using a specified node type, you can set the disabled attribute to true. For example, if you want to have separate batch-only or interactive-only nodes, disable the AOSNodeType node type by setting disabled to true, and enable the BatchOnlyAOSNodeType or InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType node type by setting disabled to false.

<NodeType name="AOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="false">
        <VM name="aos1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
<NodeType name="BatchOnlyAOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="true">
        <VM name="batchaos1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="batchaos2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="batchaos3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
<NodeType name="InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="true">
        <VM name="interactiveaos1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="interactiveaos2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />

If you want to change which node type contains the Service Fabric system services, you can set the primary attribute to true. Keep in mind that, by default, the OrchestratorType node type is set as the primary node type. If you change a different node type to primary, make sure that you also update the primary attribute for the OrchestratorType node type. You should change the primary node type only if a different node type has more nodes assigned to it and can help you raise the reliability tier of your cluster.

<NodeType name="AOSNodeType" primary="true" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="false">
        <VM name="aos1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos4" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
        <VM name="aos5" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
<NodeType name="OrchestratorType" primary="false" namePrefix="Orch" purpose="Orchestrator" disabled="false">
        <VM name="orch1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" />
        <VM name="orch2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" />
        <VM name="orch3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" />

Each node type has a list of machines that belong to it. A machine is defined in the following way:

  • Its name attribute is set to the name of the machine in the domain.

  • Its ipAddress attribute is set to the static IP address of the machine.

  • It has a fault domain that's specified by the faultDomain attribute.

    A fault domain is a set of hardware components that share a single point of failure. For example, a hardware host can be considered a fault domain. However, it can also be a set of hardware hosts that are connected to a single switch or router. In this case, the switch or router is the single point of failure, and anything that's connected to that switch or router is a single fault domain. In standalone Service Fabric clusters, fault domains don't play a large role, because you control the underlying infrastructure. However, they're an important concept in the cloud. It's helpful to define a fault domain in Service Fabric, so that you know how your virtual machines (VMs) are distributed or spread out.

  • It has an upgrade domain that's specified by the updateDomain attribute.

    Upgrade domains play a role when there's a change in the cluster (for example, a cluster configuration change or a cluster code upgrade). In this case, the change is applied to one upgrade domain at a time. Therefore, you shouldn't set all your Application Object Server (AOS) nodes so that they're in the same upgrade domain. Otherwise, they all go down at the same time if there's a change in your cluster.

  • It might have the hasSSIS attribute, which indicates whether SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is installed on the node. The hasSSIS field is used for version 10.0.32 and later base deployments to help pinpoint where the Data Management Framework (DMF) service is put if a dedicated node type isn't used.

<VM name="reportbi1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />

The ServiceFabricSettings section allows for customization of several Service Fabric settings. Only those settings that are explicitly required for deployments are defined. For information about what each setting does, see Customize Service Fabric cluster settings.

    <Setting name="Setup" disabled="false">
           <Parameter name="FabricDataRoot">C:\ProgramData\SF</Parameter>
            <Parameter name="FabricLogRoot">C:\ProgramData\SF\Log</Parameter>
    <Setting name="PlacementAndLoadBalancing" disabled="false">
            <Parameter name="NodeTaggingEnabled">true</Parameter>

If you want to customize your cluster, you can create more settings in the template, so that they're automatically filled in when the cluster configuration is created or updated. For example, if you want to enable server restarts from Service Fabric, you can use the EnableRestartManagement parameter.

<Setting name="FabricHost" disabled="false">
        <Parameter name="EnableRestartManagement">true</Parameter>


The ListenerName field is required only if you have a SQL Server cluster. If you have a single SQL Server VM, because you're deploying a sandbox environment, be sure to leave the ListenerName field blank.


The SQLVMList element should contain the name of every SQL Server machine that belongs to your cluster.

    <SQLVM name="LBDSQLA01" />
    <SQLVM name="LBDSQLA02" />

If you only have one SQL Server machine, list only that machine.

    <SQLVM name="LBDSQLA01" />


This section contains information about your Microsoft Entra–registered applications. You don't have to manually fill in any of this information, because the scripts automatically fill it in. If you choose to manually register your application without using the scripts, you should fill in the TenantId, ClientId, DisplayName, and ServicePrincipalOid fields.

The TenantId field is the Microsoft Entra tenant ID. The ClientId field is the application ID. The DisplayName field is the display name of the application. The ServicePrincipalOid field is the object ID of the service principal that is associated with the application.

<EntraApplication refName="LCSCommunication">

Example ConfigTemplate.xml file for Contoso Corporation

Contoso Corporation fills in the ConfigTemplate.xml file based on the following information:

  • The Active Directory domain is, and the NetBIOS name is Contoso.

  • Contoso is deploying its production environment.

  • The Service Fabric Domain Name System (DNS) endpoint is

  • The AOS DNS endpoint is

  • The SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) machines are joined to a Windows Server failover cluster. The cluster is named LBDEN01SFBI.

  • The SQL Always On availability group is LBDEN01SQLA.

  • The Dynamics 365 Administrators group in the domain is named contoso\D365Admins.

  • The following machines are used.

    Machine purpose Service Fabric node type Machine name IP address
    Domain controller LBDEN01DC1
    Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) LBDEN01ADFS1
    File server LBDEN01FS01
    SQL Server 1 LBDEN01SQLA01
    SQL Server 2 LBDEN01SQLA02
    SQL Always On availability group listener LBDEN01SQLA
    AOS 1 BatchOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS1
    AOS 2 BatchOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS2
    AOS 3 BatchOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS3
    AOS 4 InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS4
    AOS 5 InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS5
    AOS 6 InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType LBDEN01SFAOS6
    Orchestrator 1 OrchestratorType LBDEN01SFORCH1
    Orchestrator 2 OrchestratorType LBDEN01SFORCH2
    Orchestrator 3 OrchestratorType LBDEN01SFORCH3
    Management Reporter node 1 MRType LBDEN01SFMR1
    Management Reporter node 2 MRType LBDEN01SFMR2
    SSRS node 1 ReportServerType LBDEN01SFBI1
    SSRS node 2 ReportServerType LBDEN01SFBI2
    SSRS Windows Server failover cluster name LBDEN01SFBI
    SSIS node 1 SSISNodeType LBDEN01SFSSIS1
    SSIS node 2 SSISNodeType LBDEN01SFSSIS2

ADServiceAccounts section

For the DomainName field, the NetBIOS name of the domain is Contoso.

Contoso Corporation wants to use differentiated gMSAs per environment. Because they're preparing the configuration for their production environment, they added the suffix "-Prod" to all the accounts. For each ADServiceAccount element of the gMSA type, they updated the name attribute and the DNSHostName field.

Contoso is deploying a base package of 10.0.40. The axserviceuser account remains disabled, because it won't be used.

    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-LA-Prod$" refName="gmsaLocalAgent" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-FRAS-Prod$" refName="gmsaFRAS" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-FRPS-Prod$" refName="gmsaFRPS" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-FRCO-Prod$" refName="gmsaFRCO" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-AXSF-Prod$" refName="gmsaAXSF" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-Rep-Prod$" refName="gmsaSSRS" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="gMSA" name="svc-DIXF-Prod$" refName="gmsaDIXF" disabled="false">
    <ADServiceAccount type="DomainUser" name="AXServiceUser" refName="axserviceuser" disabled="true" />

Certificates section

Contoso Corporation acquired a certificate for its ServiceFabric certificate from a public certificate authority. Because they don't need the scripts to generate the certificate, they set the generateADCSCert attribute to false. They also fill in the thumbprint of the certificate, so that it can be exported later.

Contoso has an AD CS server and decided to use it to generate all the other certificates.

Contoso doesn't want to lose access to the certificate private keys if the current IT administrator leaves. Therefore, they haven't set the ProtectTo field to an individual user. Instead, they specified an Active Directory group that all their IT administrators belong to. This approach is a best practice.

As it did for the gMSAs, Contoso added the -prod suffix to all its other certificates (except the SQLCluster, OnpremLocalAgent, and RSAT certificates), so that they're easier to distinguish.

According to the setup guide, the infrastructure scripts automatically generate the information for the SQLCluster certificate, provided the SQLCluster configuration is specified further down in the configuration template. Therefore, Contoso left everything blank except the ProtectTo field.

Because this isn't its first environment, Contoso already registered the OnpremLocalAgent certificate against its Microsoft Entra tenant and doesn't have to generate a new one. Instead, they specify the thumbprint of the existing certificate and set the generateADCSCert attribute to false.

Even though Contoso wants to use RSAT, RSAT should only be used with sandbox environments. Because they're specifying the configuration for their production environment, they left the disabled attribute of the RSAT certificate set to true.

    <Certificate type="ServiceFabric" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
        <EnhancedKeyUsage>Server Authentication;Client Authentication</EnhancedKeyUsage>
    <Certificate type="ServiceFabricClient" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
        <EnhancedKeyUsage>Server Authentication;Client Authentication</EnhancedKeyUsage>
    <Certificate type="ServiceFabricEncryption" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0</Provider>
        <EnhancedKeyUsage>Document Encryption</EnhancedKeyUsage>
    <Certificate type="SessionAuthentication" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
  <Certificate type="DataEncryption" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="DataSigning" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="FinancialReporting" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="ReportingService" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="Orchestrator" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="false" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="SSRSHTTPS" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="SQLCluster" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="true" disabled="false" manualProperties="false">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
    <Certificate type="RSAT" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="true" disabled="true">
        <Provider>Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider</Provider>

DbServer section

Contoso Corporation dedicates the SQL Server cluster that it created to the exclusive use of its production instance of Finance + Operations (on-premises). Therefore, they've decided to leave the default values for the userName attribute.

Contoso wants to use the Entity Store feature. Therefore, they set the generateUser attribute to true for the axdwadmin and axdwruntimeuser accounts.

        <User refName="axdbadmin" type="SqlUser" userName="axdbadmin" generateUser="true" />
        <User refName="axdwadmin" type="SqlUser" userName="axdwadmin" generateUser="true" />
        <User refName="axdwruntimeuser" type="SqlUser" userName="axdwruntimeuser" generateUser="true" />

Databases section

Contoso Corporation leaves the default values for its database names (dbName attribute). They haven't downloaded the empty or demo databases from Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services. In addition, they haven't yet filled in the BackupFile field but will be sure to fill it in later. Furthermore, they'll use the default collation so they won't modify the Collation element.

    <Database refName="axDB" dbName="AXDB">
        <DBFileGrowthMB value="200" />
        <LogFileGrowthMB value="500" />
        <LogFileSizeGB value="5" />
    <Database refName="financialReporting" dbName="FinancialReporting">
      <!-- Override the default collation. This should only be done to databases that predefine the collation element. Not all collations are supported, please check the documentation. -->
    <Database refName="orchestratorData" dbName="OrchestratorData"></Database>
    <Database refName="axdw" dbName="AXDW">

FileShares section

Contoso Corporation has a file server that has a single node. However, they're sure to set up a high availability solution soon, before they go live. For now, they created a specific volume to host the sfDiagnostics share and a separate volume to host the remaining shares. For each file share, they filled in only the BasePath field, because all the remaining fields are filled in by the infrastructure scripts.

    <FileShare refName="agent" name="agent" disabled="false">
    <FileShare refName="aos" name="aos-storage" disabled="false">
    <FileShare refName="dixf" name="dixf-share" disabled="false">
    <FileShare refName="sfDiagnostics" name="diagnostics-store" disabled="false">

ServiceFabricCluster section

To correctly identify the cluster it's connected to, Contoso Corporation updated the ClusterName field to reflect the fact that this cluster is the production cluster.

Contoso observed that it has resource-heavy batch jobs that run during normal operation hours. Because they don't want these jobs to affect their users, they chose to split batch and interactive sessions into separate nodes. Therefore, they set the disabled attribute to false for the BatchOnlyAOSNodeType and InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType node types, but they set it to true for the AOSNodeType node type.

For each machine that belongs to a node type, they filled in the name and IP address of the VM, the fault domain, and the update domain.

Contoso has a fault-tolerant setup. However, they don't have enough fault tolerance to provide three fault domains. They chose to randomly assign the fault tolerance values so that they're spread out across the minimum requirement of three fault domains.

Contoso doesn't expect that it needs to update its cluster often. However, they know that they must follow the best practices for updating domain definitions. Therefore, they made sure that each node for each node type is put in a different update domain. This approach ensures that only one node of each node type is taken down at a time if there's a cluster update or upgrade.

Contoso noticed that a new service was introduced for DMF since Application version 10.0.32. This service removes the need to have SSIS installed and licensed on all AOS nodes. They're also aware that they can disable the SSISNodeType node type, and that they can instead use the ReportServerType node type to host the DMF service by setting the hasSSIS to true on each node of the ReportServerType node type. However, because they have resource-intensive DMF operations, they don't want to disrupt report generation. Therefore, they chose to have dedicated nodes for the service.

To make it easier to find the FabricDataRoot and FabricLogRoot folders, Contoso updated the paths so that they're in the root directory.

    <ClusterName>Contoso Production</ClusterName>
    <NodeType name="AOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="true">
            <VM name="" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
    <NodeType name="BatchOnlyAOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
    <NodeType name="InteractiveOnlyAOSNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="AOS" purpose="AOS" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS4" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS5" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFAOS6" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
    <NodeType name="OrchestratorType" primary="true" namePrefix="Orch" purpose="Orchestrator" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFORCH1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud2" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFORCH2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud0" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFORCH3" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud1" />
    <NodeType name="ReportServerType" primary="false" namePrefix="Rep" purpose="BI" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFBI1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd0" updateDomain="ud0" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFBI2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
    <NodeType name="MRType" primary="false" namePrefix="MR" purpose="MR" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFMR1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud1" hasSSIS="false" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFMR2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" hasSSIS="false" />
    <NodeType name="SSISNodeType" primary="false" namePrefix="SSIS" purpose="SSIS" disabled="false">
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFSSIS1" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd2" updateDomain="ud2" />
            <VM name="LBDEN01SFSSIS2" ipAddress="" faultDomain="fd:/fd1" updateDomain="ud0" />
        <Setting name="Setup" disabled="false">
                <Parameter name="FabricDataRoot">C:\SF</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="FabricLogRoot">C:\SF\Log</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="NodeTaggingEnabled">true</Parameter>

SQLCluster section

Contoso Corporation created a SQL Always On cluster with availability groups and that consists of two VMs. They added each SQL Server VM under the SQLVMList element. Because they have availability groups, they specified the ListenerName value of their availability group. The certificate generation scripts use these values to generate the correct certificate to secure traffic with the SQL Server.

        <SQLVM name="LBDEN01SQLA01" />
        <SQLVM name="LBDEN01SQLA02" />