Set up general budget reservation workflows (Public sector)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

This topic explains how to set up one or more workflow configurations for general budget reservations. When workflow approval is set up for general budget reservations, additional controls appear at the top of the general budget reservation list and form. These include a yellow information bar, and either a Submit button or an Actions menu. For more information, see Akcje przepływu pracy.


General budget reservations are available only if the Public Sector configuration key is selected and if Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8 is installed with the following hotfix: KB3047235

When a general budget reservation is approved through workflow, it remains editable. The options in the Post group on the Action Pane are available, but the other controls and fields in the form are not. Note that if you edit an approved reservation, its workflow status is reset to Draft, and the options in the Post group are not available, but the other controls and fields are available. You must resubmit the changed reservation for approval.

The following illustration shows how to set up a general budget reservation workflow. The numbers correspond to the procedures later in this topic.


The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.



Related configuration tasks

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8, with Procurement and Sourcing and the following hotfix: KB3047235

Set up general budget reservation rules and reservation types (Public sector)

1. Optional: Set up reviewers for general budget reservations

You can set up reviewer workflow elements to route general budget reservations for review. The workflow process uses the specified owner of the project role or financial dimension to determine whom to route the expenditure to.

Alternatively, you can simply assign a specific user or user group as a reviewer when you define the workflow. However, if you have a complex organization, you can improve the efficiency of the approval process by specifying reviewer elements, and you won’t have to change the workflow reviewer assignments every time that a reviewer changes job roles.

For more information, see Akcje przepływu pracy.

2. Create a workflow for general budget reservations

General budget reservation workflows are based on reservation type. You can therefore create multiple workflows for general budget reservations.


If the general budget reservation requires a purchase requisition, note that purchase requisitions require their own workflow. The workflow for the purchase requisition must be completed before the general budget reservation can reference it. For more information about creating a purchase requisition workflow, see Omówienie przepływu pracy zapotrzebowań zakupu.

To create a workflow for general budget reservations, use the following steps.

  1. Click Budgeting > Setup > Budgeting workflows.

  2. In the Budgeting workflows list, on the Action Pane, click New.

  3. In the Create workflow form, click the General budget reservation workflow template, and then click Create workflow.

  4. In the workflow form, under Approvals in the Workflow elements list, click Approve general budget reservation, and then drag it under the Start icon.

  5. Drag the border of the Start icon to create a connecting line to the approval element.

  6. Click the approval element, and then, on the Action Pane, click Basic settings to configure the element. For more information, see Konfigurowanie procesu zatwierdzania.

3. Optional: Configure manual and automated tasks for general budget reservation workflows

Complete this step to reflect the approval or review tasks that are part of your business practice:

  • A manual review of a general budget reservation

  • An automated process to evaluate field values for general budget reservation

You can use a combination of these tasks in the same workflow. The difference between a review manual task and an approval workflow element is as follows:

  • If the manual review task is assigned to multiple users, the workflow can continue after any one of those users completes the task.

  • If you assign an approval workflow element to multiple users, you can specify whether all those users must approve the document before the workflow can continue.

When defining the steps for the review in the description section of the workflow, you assign the task to a user who is authorized to review the lines that are in the general budget reservation. For more information, see Step 5, “Assign participants to workflow elements.”

For instructions on how to configure manual tasks, see Zadanie ręcznie skonfigurować.

4. Optional: Create conditional decisions

Complete this step if your business processes require different workflow processes depending on the amount of the general budget reservation. You can also create decisions based accounting date, reservation type, reservation title, start or end date, and other criteria.

For instructions on how to create conditions, see Konfigurowanie decyzji warunkowej.

5. Assign participants to workflow elements

You can associate a workflow element with the following groups of participants.

User group


Security role participants

Assign the workflow element to a Microsoft Dynamics AX security role. You might use this option if a group of workers can approve general budget reservations and it doesn’t matter which person approves a particular document.

User group participants

Assign the workflow element to a Microsoft Dynamics AX user group. You might use this option if a group of workers can approve general budget reservations and anyone in that group can approve a particular document.

You can also have the workflow element assigned based on a hierarchy or user. For instructions on how to assign participants to a workflow, see the “Assign the task” section in Zadanie ręcznie skonfigurować. See also Przepływ pracy z wieloma użytkownikami w zadaniu.

6. Save the workflow

When you have finished adding elements, use the following steps to check it for errors and then save it.


The Errors and warnings pane, located at the bottom of the workflow editor, displays messages that are generated for the workflow. To locate the element where an error or warning occurs, double-click the error or warning message. All errors and warnings must be resolved before you can make the workflow active.

  1. When the workflow is completed and error-free, click Save and close. Click OK in the Save workflow - {0} dialog box.

  2. If you want to activate the workflow now, click OK in the Activate workflow - {0} dialog box.


    If you want to activate the workflow later, do the following at any time:

    1. Go to Budgeting > Setup > Budgeting workflows.

    2. Select the workflow you created.

    3. On the Action Pane, in the Manage group, click Versions.

    4. Select the version of the workflow that you want.

    5. On the Action strip, click Make active, and then click OK.

Submit a general budget reservation to workflow (Public sector)

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys

Public Sector

Security roles and duties

Budget manager

See also

Ustawianie przepływów pracy budżetowania

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