
Information specific to the Disconnecting type of state change.


struct PFLobbyDisconnectingStateChange : PFLobbyStateChange {  
    PFLobbyHandle lobby;  
    PFLobbyDisconnectingReason reason;  


lobby   PFLobbyHandle
must not be null

The lobby that has started disconnecting.

reason   PFLobbyDisconnectingReason

The reason the lobby started disconnecting.


This state change signals that the lobby is in the process of disconnecting because there are no local members actively connected or attempting to reconnect to the lobby. At the point when this state change is provided by PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges(), some operations which require a connected lobby object will begin to fail such as PFLobbyAddMember.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members