keyValuePair resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Key-value pair for action parameters. The configuration of this resource is shared by the following objects:


Property Type Description
name String Name for this key-value pair. For more information about possible names for each resource type that uses this configuration, see keyValuePair names and values.
value String Value for this key-value pair. For more information about possible values for each resource type that uses this configuration, see keyValuePair names and values.

keyValuePair names and values

Supported by synchronizationJob

Property Possible values
AllowDefaultEntitlement The service will provision users that only have the msiam_access entitlement grant.
AzureIngestionAttributeOptimization A Boolean value for enabling an optimization for incremental sync when the number of users managed is in the hundreds of thousands.
LookaheadQueryEnabled For inbound scenarios, investigates the source directory for deletes that will be carried out. This is related to the early termination scenario in Workday.
LookaheadQueryIntervalValue The interval for the lookback investigation relating to LookaheadQueryEnabled.
QuarantineTooManyDeletes A Boolean value that defines whether to quarantine a RunProfile if more than a certain number of deletes occur within a period.
QuarantineTooManyDeletesThreshold The number of deletes for the quarantine to trigger QuarantineTooManyDeletes.

Supported by Lifecycle Workflows tasks

For more information about the supported configuration for tasks in Lifecycle Workflows, see Configure the arguments for built-in Lifecycle Workflow tasks.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "name": "String",
  "value": "String"