Get Drive
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a Drive resource.
A Drive is the top-level container for a file system, such as OneDrive or SharePoint document libraries.
One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.
Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) |
Delegated (work or school account) | Files.Read, Files.ReadWrite, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All |
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) | Files.Read, Files.ReadWrite, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All |
Application | Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All |
Get current user's OneDrive
The signed in user's drive (when using delegated authentication) can be accessed from the me
If a user's OneDrive is not provisioned but the user has a license to use OneDrive, this request will automatically provision the user's drive, when using delegated authentication.
HTTP request
GET /me/drive
When using the direct OneDrive service endpoint, leave out the /me
GET /drive
Get a user's OneDrive
To access a user's OneDrive or OneDrive for Business, your app must request the drive relationship on the User resource.
If a user's OneDrive is not provisioned but the user has a license to use OneDrive, this request will automatically provision the user's drive, when using delegated authentication.
HTTP request
GET /users/{idOrUserPrincipalName}/drive
Path parameters
Parameter name | Value | Description |
idOrUserPrincipalName | string | Required. The identifier for the user object who owns the OneDrive. |
Get the document library associated with a group
To access a Group's default document library, your app requests the drive relationship on the Group.
HTTP request
GET /groups/{groupId}/drive
Path parameters
Parameter name | Value | Description |
groupId | string | Required. The identifier for the group which owns the document library. |
Get the document library for a site
To access a Site's default document library, your app requests the drive relationship on the Site.
HTTP request
GET /sites/{siteId}/drive
Path parameters
Parameter name | Value | Description |
siteId | string | Required. The identifier for the site that contains the document library. |
Get a drive by ID
If you have the unique identifier for a drive, you can access it directly from the top-level drives collection.
HTTP request
GET /drives/{drive-id}
Path parameters
Parameter name | Value | Description |
driveId | string | Required. The identifier for the drive requested. |
Optional query parameters
These method support the $select query parameter to shape the response.
HTTP response
Each of these methods returns a Drive resource for the matching drive in the response body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"id": "b!t18F8ybsHUq1z3LTz8xvZqP8zaSWjkFNhsME-Fepo75dTf9vQKfeRblBZjoSQrd7",
"driveType": "business",
"owner": {
"user": {
"id": "efee1b77-fb3b-4f65-99d6-274c11914d12",
"displayName": "Ryan Gregg"
"quota": {
"deleted": 256938,
"fileCount": 2,
"remaining": 1099447353539,
"state": "normal",
"total": 1099511627776
Error response codes
If the drive does not exist and cannot be provisioned automatically (when using delegated authentication) an HTTP 404
response will be returned.