2.2.10 System Flags
The following table defines the valid system flags used on directory objects. The flags are presented in big-endian byte order.
1 |
2 |
3 |
D |
A |
A |
A |
D |
D |
D |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
R |
B |
O |
C |
P |
N |
X: Unused. Must be zero and ignored.
NR (FLAG_ATTR_NOT_REPLICATED or FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC, 0x00000001): When used on an attributeSchema object, it specifies that this attribute is not replicated. If it is used on a crossRef object, it specifies that the NC that the crossRef is for is an Active Directory NC.
PS (FLAG_ATTR_REQ_PARTIAL_SET_MEMBER or FLAG_CR_NTDS_DOMAIN, 0x00000002): When used on an attributeSchema object, it specifies that the attribute is a member of a partial attribute set (PAS). If used on a crossRef object, it specifies that the NC is a domain NC.
CS (FLAG_ATTR_IS_CONSTRUCTED or FLAG_CR_NTDS_NOT_GC_REPLICATED, 0x00000004): When used on an attributeSchema object, this flag specifies that the attribute is a constructed attribute. If used on a crossRef object, it specifies that the NC is not to be replicated to GCs.
OP (FLAG_ATTR_IS_OPERATIONAL, 0x00000008): Only used on an attributeSchema object. It specifies that the attribute (2) is an operational attribute.
BS (FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT, 0x00000010): Only used on attributeSchema and classSchema object. It specifies that this attribute or class is part of the base schema. Modifications to base schema objects are specially restricted.
RD (FLAG_ATTR_IS_RDN, 0x00000020): Only used on an attributeSchema object. It specifies that this attribute can be used as an RDN attribute.
DE (FLAG_DISALLOW_MOVE_ON_DELETE, 0x02000000): Specifies that the object does not move to the Deleted Objects container when the object is deleted.
DM (FLAG_DOMAIN_DISALLOW_MOVE, 0x04000000): Specifies that if the object is in a domain NC, the object cannot be moved.
DR (FLAG_DOMAIN_DISALLOW_RENAME, 0x08000000): Specifies that if the object is in a domain NC, the object cannot be renamed.
AL (FLAG_CONFIG_ALLOW_LIMITED_MOVE, 0x10000000): Specifies that if the object is in the config NC, the object can be moved, with restrictions.
AM (FLAG_CONFIG_ALLOW_MOVE, 0x20000000): Specifies that if the object is in the config NC, the object can be moved.
AR (FLAG_CONFIG_ALLOW_RENAME, 0x40000000): Specifies that if the object is in the config NC, the object can be renamed.
DD (FLAG_DISALLOW_DELETE, 0x80000000): Specifies that the object cannot be deleted.