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Time Zone and DateTime Display Controls

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Values for DateTime fields in tables are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Forms and other objects offer visual controls designed for displaying and editing the DateTime fields in local time, including adjustments for Daylight Savings Time (DST).

DateTime Controls and Their Time Zone Properties

The following table lists controls that display or edit DateTime values, along with the time zone related properties that can be set for the control.

In the table, each control is identified by its path in the Application Object Tree (AOT), and then by its name in X++ code.

Each property is listed by its member named used in X++ code, followed in parentheses by its label in the client Property window.



  • AOT – Forms > FormName > Designs > Design > New Control > UtcDateTimeEdit

    • X++ – Form .UtcDateTimeEdit

  • displayOption (DisplayOption)

  • timeZone (Not available the in AOT)

  • timeZoneIndicator (TimeZoneIndicator)

  • timezonePreference (TimezonePreference)

  • AOT – Reports > ReportName > Designs > DesignName > AutoDesignSpecs > Body: Name > New Control > UtcDateTime

    • X++ – Report .ReportDateTimeControl

  • timezonePreference (TimezonePreference)

  • AOT – Web > Web Forms > WebFormName > Designs > Design > New Control > WebDateTime

    • X++ – WebForm .FormWebDateTime

  • displayOption (DisplayOption)

  • timezonePreference (TimezonePreference)

  • AOT – Web > Web Reports > WebReportName > Designs > DesignName > AutoDesignSpecs > Body: Name > New Control > UtcDateTime

    • X++ – Report .ReportDateTimeControl

  • timezonePreference (TimezonePreference)

For information about these properties, see Form Control Properties.

See also

Time Zone Overview and Terminology

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